
OG Xbox Forums => Xbox Game Forums => Xbox Game Review => Topic started by: Guyver-X on November 02, 2003, 05:56:00 AM

Title: Rainbow Six: 3
Post by: Guyver-X on November 02, 2003, 05:56:00 AM
genre- Action,Shooter,Tactical
Designed by- Ubisoft
Release Dare-31st October 2003


Gameplay: This game is exactly what you would get if you mixed CounterStrike and Splinter Cell. The game has alot of stealthy moments like Splinter Cell but the gameplay is exactly like CounterStrike including the weapons. You get about 30 weapons in the game which range from pistols to sniper rifles. You also get thermal/nightvision goggles which are very handy tools to use online and offline. The single player campaign is great you get different missions ranging from rescuing hostages and defusing bombs but to get the real fun of this game you have to play it on Xbox Live. On Xbox Live you could play Survival/Team Survival, Co-op, and many other game modes. You don't get any respawns like CounterStrike which is a great part of the game because it takes out spawn camping like there is in other games such as Ghost Recon. While playing single player you could use your Xbox live communicator to order your A.I around and that helps alot because in most games the A.I is worthless but in this game they actually help you by covering your blind spots or clearing a room. The controls are like Halo which is perfect for any Xbox game. What really makes this game shine is the realism in the game, every weapon has their strengths and weaknesses so you always have to be aware of the map your on or you'll die fast. This is the game every player on Live has been waiting for and its finally here!

Graphics: Pure Greatness! Every character in the game looks life like plus you get shadows for each one of those characters and its almost as good as Splinter Cell's shadows. What really amazed me about this game is when you go on Xbox Live and your talking in the game, your character mouth would actually move as if he were talking. The guns in the game look great and while you play the game you could actually tell which weapon your teammate has just by looking at it, you don't have to ask your teammate which gun he has because the guns are very detailed. The character movements aren't choppy like in other tactical shooters such as Ghost Recon. There could have been more character skins to choose from on Xbox Live besides just the 10 or however many you get but its not that big of a deal. It's always great that a game with such nice gameplay could gets nice graphics too.

Sound: The sounds in the game are great and they range from weapon to weapon. Every weapon I used so far has a special sound to them such as the sniper which has a loud one shot noise, the AK-47 which has the loud banging noise, and many others. Silenced guns sound great especially the silenced assault rifles. Footsteps also have many sounds in the game and they vary from walking on wood, metal, gravel, etc. Some of the sounds are identical to Splinter Cell's sounds such as metal banging and the music in the game. I haven't found anything wrong with the sound because the developers perfected this game and they didn't forget about the sound.

Replay Value: This game was made for Xbox Live and that's exactly why Rainbow Six 3 has tons of Replay Value. Playing on Live is very addictive and fun. The scoreboards also have a good ranking system as its not set on how much you play but on how good you are. If you see other games like MechAssault it's based on most kills but that also means the crappiest players could play alot and rack up tons of kills. You can also download new levels/weapons on Downloadable Content which will keep everyone from forgetting and getting bored of this game.

Buy/Rent I'd really recommend buying this game especially if you have Xbox Live. The single player mission is long in itself plus then you get Xbox Live, there's no way you could do all this within a rental time. This is one of the games that come out and will be remembered for a long time to come because people will still be playing it for a long time to come and that's well worth the money
Title: Rainbow Six: 3
Post by: RabidWeezle on November 06, 2003, 07:47:00 AM
Great Review of a great game. It is very close to counter strike in the way of weapons, also like counter strike, if you get shot in the head with any type of bullet you are dead, no questions asked.

If playing this on live though, A few unwritten rules apply. First off, most people objext to the .50 cal sniper rifle. It's waaay to easy to use, and most concider it cheap to use it. (Like using the AWP in CS), and most servers disable grenade launchers since by most, it is concidered a cheap weapon. The best thing to do is ask what weapons are not allowed in a game (adversarial play that is), so you know what is acceptable. This game is not like other games you might have played. If you rush into a room with 2-3 bad guys (coop or adversarial), You can count on dying. This game like the reviewer commented, uses more stealth than rambo. So if you rambo through a map, you will probly get that death/kill ratio pretty messed up.  Not many kids play this game online that I have seen. Mostly older people with alot more patience, so it's not just a run around like a madman kinda game. You will find yourself slowly peeking around corners with your thermals on taking the silent aproach on the coop missions (especially when you watch your 3 other team mates die by a few hits after rushing).

All in all, this is a great game. Until CS comes out, this will be the realism king (or you never know, it *might* survive cs's fandom, but I won't bet on it...)

BTW Guyver-X: How you like them trippy tear gas grenades,  better than drugs  :evil:
Along with the Flashbang, wow, nice effects than just the standard white screen you get in CS.
Title: Rainbow Six: 3
Post by: Silantro on November 07, 2003, 01:57:00 AM
Nothing but truth in this review,  expecially this:

I'd really recommend buying this game especially if you have Xbox Live. The single player mission is long in itself plus then you get Xbox Live, there's no way you could do all this within a rental time. This is one of the games that come out and will be remembered for a long time to come because people will still be playing it for a long time to come and that's well worth the money

Rating for review  1010

Good work!
Title: Rainbow Six: 3
Post by: slappy00 on November 12, 2003, 12:44:00 PM
I think that R6 is a good game forthe XB but it simply cannot compare to the computer version.

the computer verison has:

If anyone has seen the intro for both of the XB and computer versions you know what I mean:

The computer version has a typical "Clancy" intro that is dramatic and hell makes you want to signup for the army and kick some ass yourself.

The XB version has a buch of explosions some CTs doing Hudo-Judo BS that you see in Ah-nold movies.

My point is that if you want action: XB is the way to go, but if you want the real tactical elements of RS (pre-planning, waypoints, ROE, team outfitting, etc) you need to get the computer version, or you might miss out on what makes RS so great...

Title: Rainbow Six: 3
Post by: Nightshad3 on November 23, 2003, 08:42:00 PM
QUOTE (slappy00 @ Nov 12 2003, 10:44 PM)
I think that R6 is a good game forthe XB but it simply cannot compare to the computer version.

the computer verison has:

  • better graphics(with a decent video card)
  • much more control over your planning/execution
  • better control (IMO)

If anyone has seen the intro for both of the XB and computer versions you know what I mean:

The computer version has a typical "Clancy" intro that is dramatic and hell makes you want to signup for the army and kick some ass yourself.

The XB version has a buch of explosions some CTs doing Hudo-Judo BS that you see in Ah-nold movies.

My point is that if you want action: XB is the way to go, but if you want the real tactical elements of RS (pre-planning, waypoints, ROE, team outfitting, etc) you need to get the computer version, or you might miss out on what makes RS so great...

get a clue man

You are comparing a console against a PC?? no comparison and everyone knows this so why even bother bringing it up?

I play this game online regularly and find it to be a great game in every manner and well worth the purchase and to keep in the drive on a regular basis.

Your review was great and very fair.