
OG Xbox Forums => Gamers Chat => Xbox Game Forums => GTA - San Andreas => Topic started by: boundless on July 03, 2005, 10:49:00 PM

Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: boundless on July 03, 2005, 10:49:00 PM
I have played the game 13 hours straight and didn't even realize it....

Sad but true....

This game is worst than crack... I can't stop playing it....
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: adfinder23 on July 03, 2005, 11:40:00 PM
Damn, too late to edit.

By the way, is it just me or when you're taking over a territory does the enemy gang get stuck behind walls way outside of the war territory. Teach these damn bots to walk around a wall. I can't leave the territory that long. I have to walk all over the place to finish them off and then I'm out of place for the next wave. They are playing with my battlefield choice. Then other times I've had it where even though I'm right there shooting at someone they're not dying. The auto-aim marker just stays green like they are full health. I have move and re-aim. I've come close to losing a couple times because of that. I don't mind losing, but not from a glitch please.
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: thealch3mist on July 04, 2005, 12:51:00 AM
I know what you mean, theyre stuck out of the war zone but you cant go get em or else it fucks it up.
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: boundless on July 04, 2005, 01:07:00 AM
I would agree with you on that.

There is a mission I am currently on called Grove 4 Life.

This mission is kicking my A$$ for real. I have not had any problems with missions until now.

I have been put out of postion every time because of sweet not moving and staying in the line of fire.

I keep getting owned with what sounds like mp5 or something. The same guns that are used by the FBI..

They rip right though my armor like a hot knife thru butter....

Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: Zdemon29958 on July 04, 2005, 05:38:00 AM
QUOTE(boundless @ Jul 4 2005, 05:48 PM)
like a hot knife thru butter....
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: wolf202 on July 04, 2005, 06:50:00 AM
I'm at 36 total about 2 is my max

Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: ILLusions0fGrander on July 04, 2005, 06:50:00 AM
i cant play it for more than a few missions at a time.. i still havent beaten it.  biggrin.gif
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: melongstrike on July 04, 2005, 04:40:00 PM
Nine hours straight... on average, before the flight school and now I don't play it.... my bro told me he would complete the mission for me then return my box so I can play again.... maybe that's not good though since I stopped playing I have been making money ... let's see If I can become as addicted as the first time played it.
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: Zdemon29958 on July 04, 2005, 05:21:00 PM
1 or 2 hours then i have a break.  smile.gif
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: DjO on July 04, 2005, 10:14:00 PM
I'm at about 35 hours total so far and I play for about 3-6 hours each time.
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: Zdemon29958 on July 04, 2005, 11:08:00 PM
QUOTE(THDVL @ Jul 5 2005, 03:05 PM)
I know alot of people around here are against using trainers or cheats, but I'll say it anyway.. in case u dont already know there's a trainer over at the maxconsole forums that gives you 100% on all schools. All you have to do is crash the plane and you will get 100%. That mission made me crazy lol!
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: krustytheclown on July 05, 2005, 08:25:00 AM
I heard a lot of complaining about the flight school, it took me less than 45 minutes to beat the entire school. It wasn't that hard. The hardest plane is the world war 2 fighter looking plane.
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: melongstrike on July 05, 2005, 08:46:00 PM
Hooray for brothers! My bro just completed the flight school for me with all golds in about 25 min. It took me a couple of weeks and over 150 tries and I was stuck at the take off and land training and only passing others with 70%

I can get my game on again. !
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: deathx88 on July 10, 2005, 11:12:00 PM
i've been playing for about 10 hours and i'm still not off the first island yet

there so much stuff to do in this game
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: Zdemon29958 on July 11, 2005, 03:37:00 AM
QUOTE(deathx88 @ Jul 11 2005, 03:53 PM)
i've been playing for about 10 hours and i'm still not off the first island yet
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: DjO on July 11, 2005, 10:34:00 AM
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: deathx88 on July 11, 2005, 11:18:00 PM
QUOTE(DjO @ Jul 11 2005, 06:45 PM)
I'm starting to lose motivation now in playing it.  I reached almost $250 million and now that I have everything that I can buy I don't have motivation to do missions since I don't need money  dry.gif
Title: How Many Hours At A Time Do You Play S.a.?
Post by: Tommy V on July 12, 2005, 10:01:00 AM
I have only played the game for a little over an hour at a time. I'm stuck on the mission where you and Sweet are shooting all those FBI's, and you get on the motorcycle. I can't remember then name of it, I only rented the game.