
Off Topic Forums => General Chat => Pro Sports => Topic started by: zhcky89 on December 03, 2004, 08:19:00 AM

Title: Steroids
Post by: zhcky89 on December 03, 2004, 08:19:00 AM
With the sudden outburst of player admitting to using steriods, such as B Bonds and J Giambi, i feel that these players should be suspended from baseball. Even if Bonds "didn't know that they were stroids" or so he says, he should be gone and so should his records.
Steroids have completely destroyed the MLB in my eyes...thoughts?
Title: Steroids
Post by: OnE337Kr1p on December 03, 2004, 03:42:00 PM
i dont think they should b banned but i do think barry bands should have an * by ALL of his records so people know that they were not fairly earned.And yes i do agree steriods have destryed the intergrity of the game if only bud selig would lay dowwn the law!!!!!! dry.gif
Title: Steroids
Post by: celinedrules on December 03, 2004, 04:17:00 PM
The thing is, Bonds more than likely knew. Also they couldnt suspend them that is not there policy so it wouldnt be fair. More than 50% of ball players use steroids. That is a fact.
Title: Steroids
Post by: OnE337Kr1p on December 03, 2004, 04:34:00 PM
That doesnt make it right!And i still think bud selig should have a WAY tougher steriod policy
Title: Steroids
Post by: celinedrules on December 03, 2004, 04:38:00 PM
I never said its right. However, they cant be punished i.e. suspended until they are caught after policy changes. If they change the policy now, they cant go back to all the others and suspend them.
Title: Steroids
Post by: Rylinkus on December 03, 2004, 07:10:00 PM
And frankly we have no idea who in history used what to accomplish the records that currently exist. I've always liked Giambi. I still do. I hope he still manages to play and produce. All the muscle mass in the world wouldn't give him the hand eye coordination to be a good batter. He's still got skill. Bonds as well.
Title: Steroids
Post by: zhcky89 on December 04, 2004, 07:47:00 AM
QUOTE (Rylinkus @ Dec 4 2004, 03:42 AM)
And frankly we have no idea who in history used what to accomplish the records that currently exist. I've always liked Giambi. I still do. I hope he still manages to play and produce. All the muscle mass in the world wouldn't give him the hand eye coordination to be a good batter. He's still got skill. Bonds as well.

well instead of hitting it out of the park they would just hit it into the outfield...killing all their homeruns...
Title: Steroids
Post by: Rylinkus on December 04, 2004, 08:04:00 AM
QUOTE (zhcky89 @ Dec 4 2004, 04:19 PM)
well instead of hitting it out of the park they would just hit it into the outfield...killing all their homeruns...

Look, I'm not condoning steroids. All is saying is that Giambi and Bonds could still be good hitters without. Maybe not 70 homeruns in a season. But they're testing this year and Bonds still is doing well. And was before he allegadly started using history. And as much as I don't like Barry Bonds and hopes he can't catch Ruths or Aaron's records, you can't say he's the only one on the homerun list that ever cheated. Hell, for all I know Ruth could have been on something. He did get fairly large at the end of his career.
Title: Steroids
Post by: celinedrules on December 04, 2004, 12:56:00 PM
Here's a question, How does anyone know that Ruth or Aaron didn't have some kind of "performance enhancing" drugs back then. I'm definately not saying they did but who's to say they didn't. I think that the policy should have always been, if you use steroids you should be permanently suspended. However since that is not the policy, I dont think that anything will happen to Bonds but I do think the Yankees will get rid of Giambi because he is no longer a "hot" player.
Title: Steroids
Post by: makaveli91 on December 04, 2004, 09:02:00 PM
  i dont think they should b banned but i do think barry bands should have an * by ALL of his records so people know that they were not fairly earned.

I 110% agree with this. There should be an * next to his number.   Its like with Roger Marris.. When he broke the record they placed one next to his 61...  Roger had the extra games to get the record.. Bonds had preformance enhancing drugs to get the record.  As for him being suspended he should only be suspended if he is caught with the preformance enhancing drugs in his system...  And i think that he is still should be eligable for the Hall of fame because of his past stats other than his HR record..
Title: Steroids
Post by: enderandrew on December 05, 2004, 07:17:00 PM
There are players who have said that half the league takes steroids.  The Player's Union is against strict testing.

You can't throw out Bonds if tons of other players are taking the stuff as well.  You put an asterick by his records.  Then you adopt a strict testing policy and start playing ball right now with no juice.

And many of the fans will just throw out any records set over the past 10-15 years.
Title: Steroids
Post by: Rylinkus on December 07, 2004, 02:42:00 PM
QUOTE (makaveli91 @ Dec 5 2004, 05:34 AM)

I 110% agree with this. There should be an * next to his number.   Its like with Roger Marris.. When he broke the record they placed one next to his 61...  Roger had the extra games to get the record.. Bonds had preformance enhancing drugs to get the record.  As for him being suspended he should only be suspended if he is caught with the preformance enhancing drugs in his system...  And i think that he is still should be eligable for the Hall of fame because of his past stats other than his HR record..

People need to stop acting like an asteriks is the end all answer to the record books. Frankly the record books are a sham, since it's near impossible to compare numbers from different time periods. It's not just number of games, but all the other changes in baseball. The mound height was changed. The strike zone isn't called the same way anymore. Do you think things like that don't effect homeruns hit? Or Batting average? It's not just number of games in a season that effect records and people need to realize that. Is it really fair to compare number of wins of guys today versus the old timers who pitched more often since starting rotations were smaller? Asteriks aren't needed. A little intelligence when looking at records is. If not we should put an asteriks next to EVERY record in the books and list all the rules that may have changed and effected the record.

And for that matter we have no idea what Ruth and Aaron may have used to help them along their way. Maybe their bats were corked. Maybe they were juiced. Who knows. We  simply need to test now and catch all those we can and hand out punishments accordingly.

If the players Union wants to hold steadfast and let the league go down the shitter then the players need to step forward and push this issue, since this union is SUPPOSED to be representing them.

Lastly, Giambi will be stuck in NY unless HE makes the decision to leave and gets out of his contract. At 20 million a year no one's gonna trade for him and take on his contract for a guy who may never be a star again. And the Yankees aren't gonna pay a guy 20 mil. to ride the pine. And New York really has no outs on his contract. Most contracts have clauses giving an out if the player falls out of shape, which he probably never again will be in his MVP form. But I doubt that it would ever stick unless he showed up to Spring training far beyond anything reasonable, which he most likely will not.

As I see it the only way that the Giambi thing will wor out well is if he were willing to renegotiate his contract and take a pay cut since he most likely isn't gonna put up the numbers they're paying him for.
Title: Steroids
Post by: buttface96 on December 07, 2004, 06:52:00 PM
They need to ban all players who use steriods, I don't care who the hell they are, they cheated to they should be banned. People in the MLB that use steriods are losers in my eyes, I don't know that crap about putting an * next to there scores, people that use steriods need to be banned, no questions asked.
Title: Steroids
Post by: Hercules Q Einstein on December 07, 2004, 06:58:00 PM
QUOTE (Rylinkus @ Dec 7 2004, 11:14 PM)
And for that matter we have no idea what Ruth and Aaron may have used to help them along their way. Maybe their bats were corked. Maybe they were juiced. Who knows.


People act like these were the first people to cheat, and all others gained their record fairly. Back in the day people could have juiced and no one would even care.

This post has been edited by Hercules Q Einstein: Dec 8 2004, 03:00 AM
Title: Steroids
Post by: enderandrew on December 07, 2004, 10:57:00 PM
Hell, the league knows the players are on steriods and doesn't seem to care.  Ratings are higher when people are hitting more home runs.

I'd like to see a level playing field however.  I don't care about past records since different eras of baseball are quite different.  I just want to see fair competition in future games.
Title: Steroids
Post by: Rylinkus on December 08, 2004, 02:30:00 PM
QUOTE (enderandrew @ Dec 8 2004, 07:29 AM)

I'd like to see a level playing field however.  I don't care about past records since different eras of baseball are quite different.  I just want to see fair competition in future games.

I totally agree with this.

But as has been staed, I can promise there's been cheaters in the past. And there will be in the future one way or another. If Bonds truly didn't know he was using Steroids I'd consider him less of a cheater then a man who, knowingly,  corked his bat, even if it's only one. Yet, you don't hear anyone screaming for Sosa to be banned.
Title: Steroids
Post by: LostSuspect21 on December 08, 2004, 02:45:00 PM
Dont forget about sammy sosa also, corked bat now possiablly steroids
Title: Steroids
Post by: Rylinkus on December 08, 2004, 03:19:00 PM
QUOTE (LostSuspect21 @ Dec 8 2004, 11:48 PM)
Dont forget about sammy sosa also, corked bat now possiablly steroids

Read the post above yours  wink.gif
Title: Steroids
Post by: iNfErNaL666 on January 11, 2005, 05:28:00 AM
ya your right man cuz of steriods alot of things can get destroyed but i agree with you.