
OG Xbox Forums => Game Hacking => Xbox Game Forums => Rainbow Six 3 => Topic started by: MortifiedPenguin on April 09, 2006, 07:04:00 PM

Title: Help Please
Post by: MortifiedPenguin on April 09, 2006, 07:04:00 PM
This is my first thread, and post- but i assure you im no noob- i was once a admin at another well known modding site,but i gave up my admin rights there since i had to go back to school *itt techm, bach in Game design and dev* but besides that- hello world.
I am in need of an alterd UMD or hacked game save for this game. Or atleast help with how to make a game save.
I did alot of Halo 2 modding *never for LIVE- But for Mechenima and "special" Game types for Lan's-
so i can assure you this help wont be used for evil.
And please, i've seen how this site operates. If you are one of the stubborn people who bealive "Spoon feding isnt the way for a n00b" Then please, with respect, do not post here and just simply leave.
That is an immature stance in educatiom- you obviously have forgotten that you learned as well.
If it wasent for your teachers would you even no Calc? Analysis? Trig? Collage algebra? Would you know how to write? Someone helped you before, and all i ask is for your help now.
I feel people who say "SEARCH" Are lazy- they themselfs actully have no clue, so there for can not give insight into the question asked. I understand if someone is asking for something that can get you banned, or in trouble with the law- such as asking someone for the XDK, but im not asking for that.
All im asking is for either an alterd UMD that will not crash BA on boot up, or how to create a game save that will allow me to tewak with ammo, health, and possibly the strength of wepons.
Why do i need this? Agian- *NOT FOR LIVE* Which i realize most people only ask for such mod's-
i am asking for these for a mechenima i am making for a class i have right now *Video concept and creation* At itt tech of Ohmaha.
I am familer with the UMD Structure and have read the the page on how to work in the UMD by HSDEMONZ,
so that link will be of no help for me. Just please either a alterd UMD,game save, or how to create game saves will modifications will be of great help.
I look forawrd to helping you guys out further with future modding of the xbox 360 (Trust me, i have some nice resources that i assure you, no one on the scene has happy.gif)
So please any help will be greatly appreciated.
Your firendly friend,
Mortified Penguin
Title: Help Please
Post by: xbill on April 10, 2006, 12:00:00 AM

There are a lot of altered umd files out there and many have changes that you probable don't want or care about.   I would suggest extracting the files from your umd instead of working with a hacked umd file.  
Once you have extracted the files, you do not have to mess with hex editing your umd.   While hex editing works, it's easier to edit (with your favorite text editor) only the files you need to for the modifications that you want.  The gme still runs with the umd extracted.   You should rename or remove the original umd on your xbox hd once you extract the files.

I wrote a umd extractor (UMDEXTRACT) that works for most umds.   It's a Win32 app.  You can drag-n-drop a umd and/or a destination folder onto it.   It extracts umds for Splinter Cell as well.  The program exrtacts the files and folder structure contained in the umd.  Once the files and folders are extracted, copy them to the appropriate folders on your xbox.  (I assume you have a modded Xbox and have the Rainbox Six running from the hard drive.)

Here is a link to a free file host: UMDEXRTACT.rar
Title: Help Please
Post by: xbill on April 10, 2006, 12:22:00 AM
Sorry about the above link.

Try this one: UMDEXTRACT.rar