
OG Xbox Forums => Game Hacking => Xbox Game Forums => PSO - Phantasy Star Online => Topic started by: Leviathan-ran on July 02, 2006, 07:43:00 AM

Title: Private Servers?
Post by: Leviathan-ran on July 02, 2006, 07:43:00 AM
What's the progress with getting private server's for the xboxs version?
The GC has private servers now as does pc and I am pretty sure the ps2 does also.

As far as I can tell the biggest issue is bypassing xbox live, after that it should just be a matter of patching the xbe with a new server address.

so what's the deal?
Title: Private Servers?
Post by: justin138 on August 01, 2006, 06:40:00 PM
I'm also interested.  I don't think it's possible with X-Link, either, huh?

Someone told me once that as long as Live exists they won't attempt to make a private server..shame, really.
Title: Private Servers?
Post by: Blank on August 02, 2006, 09:54:00 AM
QUOTE(justin138 @ Aug 1 2006, 07:47 PM) View Post

I'm also interested.  I don't think it's possible with X-Link, either, huh?

Someone told me once that as long as Live exists they won't attempt to make a private server..shame, really.

It can't work over Xlink because PSO isn't a system link game. As for XBL, I think it's more tedious for someone to emulate everything that needs to be done for XBL, all for a private server (Speculation).
Title: Private Servers?
Post by: xjustsumloserx on August 02, 2006, 02:26:00 PM
schthack's Dreamcast/PC/BB/GC server is already Xbox ready.  All that has to be done (which is the hardest part) is bypass xbox live.  Sadly it seems those know are interested and might know hwo to do it either dont have the time or resources, or just dont care about PSO.
Title: Private Servers?
Post by: xjustsumloserx on August 02, 2006, 03:05:00 PM
»xPSxTšukãšã« also worked on this for a bit, but i dont know how successful he was.

doing a xbox server is alot more complex the first thing anyone would need to do is find a working way to redirect the connection and yea you can do that in dns settings then you have to crack the 54 bit yes 54 bit xbl encryption atleast im pretty sure its 54 cause of a few post on xs about it after the encryptions hacked theres probably only around 10 commands xbl uses for sign on and then there the hl check wich might be through xbl cause i dont think you get fowarded untill you reach the welcome screen on pso then you crack the hl check and the rest is well a mix of gc and bb probably voice chat isnt ran the way people think it runs as well it goes threw xbl not the pso server so whoever emulates xbl has control over voice chat

its sad that alot of the biger pso brains left the pso scene (mystikal,myria,clara) but at least we still got scht drabbit and kohle here still

im not sure if any of u guys around here are willing or know how to help out on this but if ya do take a look at the topic here on the schthack server board.

no links to other sites plz!!

This post has been edited by forprog: Aug 3 2006, 01:23 PM
Title: Private Servers?
Post by: oozingrectum on August 14, 2006, 02:16:00 PM
QUOTE(Leviathan-ran @ Jul 2 2006, 02:50 PM) View Post

What's the progress with getting private server's for the xboxs version?
The GC has private servers now as does pc and I am pretty sure the ps2 does also.

Don't forget the system Phantasy Star Online came out on.... The Dreamcast. One of the versions of PSO has had private servers for awhile..

You entered a code into CodeBreaker (something similar to gameshark or action replay..) and it modified the server URL that the game was trying to connect to. I don't know... I havn't touched my little white box in over a year.
Title: Private Servers?
Post by: unleashdomainx on August 19, 2006, 08:12:00 PM
i was reading someone was able to bypass xbox live by editing someting but u need a xbox live account first to do it then u dont afterwareds i think there trying to get it to work without having to have a xbox live account at all by messing with the .xbe like they did so u can play offline
Title: Private Servers?
Post by: ViTaLiTy on September 27, 2006, 09:10:00 AM
Why not just have the xbox connect to the provate server when the dash is modded?
That way, you bypass XBL, just like LinkzBox or whatever...

Sure, only people with a modded xbox may join it...but so what? everyones xbox should be modded by now...>_<
Title: Private Servers?
Post by: ShadowNinjaYagyu on September 30, 2006, 08:40:00 AM
thats what we are trying to find out
is how to make it connect to a certain address
Title: Private Servers?
Post by: xjustsumloserx on April 03, 2007, 01:45:00 PM
well this was being looked into as the private servers support every version publicly except xbox.  no one seems to have any idea of how to get this to work.

link removed:
I stated several times before we are not here to advertise your site and coming here to get people to join yours is not going to happen either.

This post has been edited by forprog: Apr 5 2007, 08:16 PM
Title: Private Servers?
Post by: lawlnoez on April 03, 2007, 01:46:00 PM
QUOTE(ShadowNinjaYagyu @ Sep 30 2006, 03:47 PM) View Post

thats what we are trying to find out
is how to make it connect to a certain address

thats easy, bypassing XBL is diffrent.
if we can bypass XBL then PsoX can connect to schtserv

Title: Private Servers?
Post by: Snowfox00x on April 10, 2007, 12:36:00 AM
Sad to say, anyone who may have attempted this no longer cares. Myself included... Sorry guys, in my opinion this game has long since faded, and although its a great game and tons of fun.. I just dont see fit to do anything else, or release anything else for it. Even my forums went down about a month ago and I havn't bothered to fix them. I guess i've just lost complete interest.
Title: Private Servers?
Post by: quall on April 10, 2007, 05:41:00 AM
The game was fun for a while, but there just isn't enough there to make it worth playing again. If it supported user content then maybe, but wow...I stopped playing this game years ago. I tried going back for a month sometime back, but I ended up just walking around the lobbies more than I actually played the game. It would be cool to see someone create a user-server and even play on them for just a bit, but even that wouldn't last much fun [for me]. It would do a better job replacing an IM.

This post has been edited by quall: Apr 10 2007, 12:42 PM
Title: Private Servers?
Post by: xjustsumloserx on June 05, 2007, 06:22:00 PM
very cool indeed.  i wish there was more interest in this game. though other than this stuff i have not played pso much.  ive been playing PSU on my 360.  and since my original xbox cant go online anymore im stuck.  it sucks since schthacks server is ready for PSOX, just no one can bypass live sad.gif
Title: Private Servers?
Post by: Tp21 on July 19, 2007, 12:13:00 PM
well, there are only 2 ways you could enable private servers on the xbox build.
you could bypass xbox-live altogether, and connect directly to the private server, the problem with that is. you need to figure out how the xbe works, how it connects, and how to bypass.
the second method, would not be easier. you would have legal problems, and you would need to fake the encrption algorithms used by xbox live (56bit DES is only for system-link, live uses even more bits (and a different algorithm). that's the reason people aren't working on an private server for PSO xbox.
Title: Private Servers?
Post by: xjustsumloserx on April 28, 2008, 07:19:00 PM
I drop in here every 4 months or so.  Sad to see no development in getting PSOX to connect.  are there no hackers, actual hackers, left who care about PSOX anymore?