
OG Xbox Forums => Game Hacking => Xbox Game Forums => Halo => Topic started by: Nextelhalo on August 11, 2010, 11:15:00 AM

Title: Glass Walls In H1 Xbox
Post by: Nextelhalo on August 11, 2010, 11:15:00 AM
Obviously i wont be using this to cheat as no one hardly play's on XBC anymore. I remember hearing about this back in the day and i was always curious about it but never saw unitl a few minutes ago on youtube.
I've read and searched around but most links are dead and everything else i find is used for Halo CE (PC version). Any one have any of the old hacks on a HDD they can send me or atleast point me in the right direction for some education
Title: Glass Walls In H1 Xbox
Post by: Vash3k on August 13, 2010, 01:42:00 AM
Oh man, I totally forgot about the glass walls texture mods! So what are you looking for? Glass texture maps specifically, or more general Halo map hacking? sadly went offline earlier this year, but a lot of information was saved and put up at You could try looking there!
Title: Glass Walls In H1 Xbox
Post by: Nextelhalo on August 13, 2010, 10:23:00 AM
@Vash3k- Thanks for the info man. I'm really starting out new to this so i'm not sure what's all needed to do this. I dont know if it's a pre-configed map i have to FTP and replace or if it's the entire game that needs to be edited. Just want to know how to pull it off on a single map at first so i can see this.
