
OG Xbox Forums => Software Forums => XboxMediaPlayer => Topic started by: MF29 on May 16, 2006, 03:19:00 PM

Title: Xbmp 2.0 Can Be Lame Sometimes
Post by: MF29 on May 16, 2006, 03:19:00 PM
when i try to watch certain videos like a mpeg file xbmp will go to a black screen for 1 second then come back to the xbmp menu, and also when i play a movie,(random on avi files) there is no sound, this is quite random actually , if i play the video and there is no sound then i have to go to my dashboard then re-load xbmp and the sound will come back, why does it do that
Title: Xbmp 2.0 Can Be Lame Sometimes
Post by: Alex548 on May 16, 2006, 03:23:00 PM
Stop using XBMP. It's outdated and nobody updates it anymore.

Stick with XBMC and you'll be fine.
Title: Xbmp 2.0 Can Be Lame Sometimes
Post by: pre1014 on June 29, 2006, 02:44:00 PM

wait, what the hell are we doing here?

this one time i was remodeling a beauty school or whatever. the original owner still lives above it and he used the basement and 3rd floor as storage for 80 years worth of stuff. I think i may be there again. that is all

back to the future@!
Title: Xbmp 2.0 Can Be Lame Sometimes
Post by: cooljerk_dv on June 29, 2006, 04:10:00 PM
agreed . . nobody uses this anymore . . they should really jusy remove the entire xbmp forum (I'm sure nobody would complain).