
OG Xbox Forums => Official Team Blackbolt Skins Forum => XBMC Skinning => XBMC for Xbox Forums => Software Forums => Skin Mods => Topic started by: timdog82001 on March 20, 2007, 08:51:00 PM

Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 20, 2007, 08:51:00 PM

I spent the past couple weeks in my spare time working on this mod which adds several options to MC360, the main one being the addition of closest thing I can currently get to the actual Xbox 360 Video Marketplace.  Plus, everything is compatible for 4:3 as well as widscreen.  Here is a list of the other mods included in this mod.  Absolutely everything can be disabled, and/or customized to meet your needs, and everything is done completely in skin.  Absolutely NO xml editing.  Here is a list of the mods included:

1.  XBMC Video Marketplace / Script  Marketplace
         -  a centralized spot where you can easily and elegantly access all media related scripts and video files, including Streaming TV packs.  Each button currently has 3 selectable categories: Single Script mode, Bookmark Mode, and Category Script Mode.  Single script mode allows you to launch a script directly from that button, bookmark mode opens up the video bookmark you specify in the settings, and category mode will open a dialog with other scripts to choose from.  This is so you can make the button say "Podcasts" or something, add the icon of your choice, and in the dialog you would add all your podcast related scripts.  This allows you to have your scripts navigable in a clean, organized manner, while still keeping them in the root of your scripts folder, where they need to be if you are to link to them from skins.  Completely customizable, even down to an option to rename the marketplace to your choosing and/or move it to the games blade. (for those of you who are interested in using this more as a "Script marketplace" or something similar, somewhat similar to the script favorites menu, but configurable in skin, and categorizable.  The marketplace is also great for wives, children, or girlfriends who can't easily navigate throughout the whole skin.  You can link to everything they'll ever need in one spot.  I'll probably be adding support for audio and picture bookmarks too.

2.  XBMC-TV - Your source for Broadband (200k+) LIVE video streams on XBMC

        -  Included as part of the Marketplace mod, XBMC-TV is a team project led by Akaigotchi to bring the first truly reliable Stream Pack to XBMC.  Although still very young, it already has about 500 stations, and there are entire "genres" of Streaming Video we haven't yet started attacking.  It is all separated up by country, and is automatically checked for nonfunctional streams which are promptly removed, so there is no worry of running into non-functional video streams (assuming you have the most recent version).  It currently is simply a pack of .strm files, but in the future will be evolving into a full blown script.  For more information on XBMC-TV, see the threads either here or on the official xboxmediacenter forums  Updates are available via SVN (you can find information on that in the links above) or in a weekly snapshot uploaded every monday, available here:   Check it out!

3.  Separate TV Shows  / Movies buttons on media blade

        -  adds the option to link directly to your movies and TV show folders directly from the media home blade.

4.  Retro-X  Script Integration

        -  changes "Xbox Arcade" button in Games blade to launch the Retro-X script instead of going to your emulator folder.  (for those who don't know, Retro-X is a python script by chunk_1970 which allows you to launch all your emulator and python games from one spot. See original thread here:

5.  Remote Computer Startup/Shutdown (WOL/SOL)

        -  Allows you to remotely start up or shutdown your personal computer over the network using your xbox and the sol and wol scripts, included in mod, as are all other scripts mentioned.  Everything needed is included, but refer to thread here for instructions on how to get that working, or read the readme.txt include here.  Requires a little fidgeting with settings on your computer.

6.  Media Center Extender mod

        -  Adds a button to the Media Blade which launches the Media Center Extender, allowing users of the Xbox Media Center Extender and Windows XP Media Center Edition to link to their computer like the actual 360, where they can stream video files, pictures and so on, and also, schedule and view recordings on live TV (which is obviously where the real advantage lies).  Though previously required some minor XML editing, this mod is now fully configured in-skin.  Though no longer completely acurrate, you can find the original thread here:

Here are some screenshots:

To enable everything, there is a new category of settings in the Personal Settings in the MC360 Guide called "Skin Mods Settings."  Selecting this button will bring you to all the options for this mod.  I'll probably be cleaning this window up a bit in the future.


Media blade with Video Marketplace and Media Center enabled...


Here's the default setup you'll see when you first go into the Video Marketplace...


You can place the marketplace in the games blade instead, if you like, and can rename it to whatever you want.  He's a snapshot of it located in the games blade, renamed to "Script Favorites."


When you have video playing, instead of having the background visualization, the big eX button is replaced by the video, as you can see in this picture.  Unfortunately, there is a bug which I have no idea how to fix I noticed yesterday....When playing certain video files, a lot of the textures seem to disappear, and I have no idea why....Any ideas on this?  It only happens with certain files...I think possibly only files with higher bitrates or maybe just higher file sizes, because it only seems to happen with some movies, and not any tv shows.


Here are a couple of screenshots of XBMC-TV...


You can customize it by clicking the button at the bottom of the main Video Marketplace window labeled "Customize Marketplace" which will bring you to a window like this.  Simply click on the button you want to customize to configure it to your liking.


Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: KungFuGin on March 20, 2007, 09:03:00 PM
Wow, impressive man. ETA?

EDIT:Oh! beat me to the post!

You released it!

Cool. Downloading now...

This post has been edited by KungFuGin: Mar 21 2007, 04:05 AM
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 20, 2007, 09:05:00 PM
Here's the window that pops up when you select a button in in the configuration window.  "Basic" icon and name are sort of like universal icons or names that replace the default ones if you don't select a mode, or if you select a mode but don't have any icon or name specified for that particular mode.


Here you can see bookmark mode is selected and it has changed to be options for the Bookmark mode specific icon and name, instead of just basic, and a button appears below where you can select the bookmark the button will open.  You basically just select the "Link to video bookmark" button and type in the name of the bookmark you want it to open.  Of course, you must have already created this bookmark yourself in the video window.  It also does not currently work in Library mode, but this function should be added shortly as well.


Here's an example of how you can customize it, using custom icons and labels...


In category script mode, selecting a button would bring up a dialog something like this, once you've configured it.


Here it is with the TV Show and Movie buttons enabled, and video marketplace disabled.  Currently, it's setup so that they simply link to bookmarks which you specify in the Skin Mods Settings.


Here it is with absolutely everything enabled.  Notice the arrow to the right of the highlighted button.  This allows you to maintain use of the MC360 guide button while still using all the other features.  The same arrow appears over the Movies/TV Shows button when all features are enabled.


This is the window that opens when you select Media Center....Thinking about removing it because, for one, its really just another step between you and launching the app, and two, although this is a replica of the same screen found on the actual Xbox 360, I think it only shows up there when you haven't yet configured it to sync up with your computer.


You can see more pictures in the original threads, stated above, but here's a picture of the remote computer startup/shutdown mod.


If you're wondering about the button icons seen in these screenshots, I made all of these (except the one with the xbox controller which is originally from the Live Place) plus many more, a bit over 30 total.  I have included these with the download in a folder called "Marketplace Icons."  If you have any requests for more, let me know on this thread, and I'll see what I can do.  I might want you to paypal me a dollar or or so to do it, if I can't find any good free stock photos, so that I can buy a good pic....I got most these off of stock xchange.  Pretty much everything is royalty free except for one which are actual logos like the PBS  and Comedy Central icon and so forth.

Here are some basic instructions for installation of this mod.  There will be readme's included as well, and I suggest looking at the original thread for the remote computer startup/shutdown mod for instructions if you plan on using that.  


1.  FTP into your xbox and find the XBMC folder on your xbox.  Copy the XBMC folder found in this mod over the XBMC folder on the xbox. Note: no parts of XBMC itself are modified, this is simply so you can transfer all scripts and everything with one step.  If there are any scripts included with this mod that you already have on your xbox and would rather just keep the version you have, simply delete them from the mod before transfering over.

2.  FTP the "Marketplace Icons" and "XBMC-TV" folders to somewhere convenient on your xbox hard drive.  I simply placed mine in the root of my E drive.

3.  Make sure everything copied properly, and restart XBMC.

4.  Once XBMC restarts, go into Videos and select "Add Source."  Navigate to the XBMC-TV folder and select OK.  Make sure the Bookmark is named XBMC-TV and select "done."  Note: this is needed for the Video Marketplace default settings, otherwise one of the buttons will be broken.

5.  Go to the MC360 Guide by pressing Start on the controller or selecting the MC360 Guide button with the remote control.  Go to "Personal Settings" and then "Skin Mods Settings."  Configure things as you like.  Things are fairly self explanatory.  MCE stands for Media Center Extender.  WOL/SOL stands for Wake-On-LAN and Shutdown-On-LAN and enables the button to remotely start and shutdown your computer.

Movie / TV Show Button Instructions:

1.  Create 2 bookmarks that separately link to your TV Shows and Movies

2.  Enable option in Skin Mods Settings.

3.  Link buttons to appropriate Bookmarks by type in the name of the corresponding bookmark in the "Link to Movie/TV Show Bookmark" buttons.

Media Center Extender Instructions:

1.  Make sure you have Media Center Extender for Xbox installed in your xbox hard driveor in the DVD drive.

2.  Enable option "Enable MCE Button" in Skin Mods Settings.

3.  Select button "Specify Media Center folder..." and navigate to your Xbox Media Center Extender folder (probably named Media Center Extender for Xbox).  Select "done" and exit window.

4.  Navigate to Media Blade and select Media Center to launch program.


Let me know what you guys think about these features being added in the future.  Any other features you would like?  Assuming anybody even wants this mod in the first place haha

- Add bookmarks to category scripts dialogs

- Add ability to use library mode with bookmarks

- Add option to link TV Shows and Movies to scripts and to have custom names

- Clean up Skin Mods Settings window

- Make custom square image icon thing for marketplace.  I have almost no experience with Illustrator.  If someone wants to whip up a custom icon for the Video Marketplace and it looks good, I'd be happy to include it in place of the eX button, since that's somewhat redundant, already found in the XBMC Live Place.

- Evolve into more of a "Media Marketplace" and add options for music or picture bookmarks

- Add names of current script in catalog config dialog

- Ability to automatically look in multiple places for XBMC-TV folder (probably root of E and F drives) and default to looking for bookmark if its not located in either of those places.  Not sure if this is possible however, but if anybody knows how, let me know!

- Fix Launch Browser script to replace current "News Videos" button with "Music Videos" to replicate the actual 360 setup.  Not sure how likely this is to happen, since I know hardly anything about python...

- Skin all default scripts to match mc360 better?


- Video preview doesn't fade with window changes.  Not sure if this is fixable, since it does it in the video playlist window too...

- Some textures randomly disappear when watching certain video files.  Help?  Not sure how to fix this.

This post has been edited by Jezz_X: Mar 22 2007, 09:50 PM
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 20, 2007, 09:30:00 PM
Damn, I missed the time to edit.  I forgot to change one thing before I uploaded so there's a missing texture.  Download this instead.  If someone would be nice enough to change the other download to match this one, I'd be very appreciative. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)


Also, I'd appreciate it if you guys posted any bugs you find.  There's bound to be some considering how many windows I added.  Also, any criticism, suggestions, requests, or comments of any kind would be great,  just post them here.


Edit:  Wow, i just noticed a bug that came out of nowhere, never seen it before and i've definitely had it with these settings before.  I'll be uploading yet ANOTHER one in a few minutes hopefully.  This always happens, I never find these till 2 minutes after I upload haha

This post has been edited by Jezz_X: Mar 22 2007, 09:51 PM
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 20, 2007, 09:57:00 PM
Ok, I really wish I could go back and delete my previous post and change the link in the one before, but anyway, here's the version you should download.  I don't expect to find any more screwups for a bit now.  This, obviously is the version you should download.  *sigh of despair*  Now, if somebody could change the link in the first post to THIS rather than the post before, that would be nice...


This post has been edited by timdog82001: Mar 21 2007, 04:58 AM
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: KungFuGin on March 21, 2007, 02:01:00 PM
Great! You should use a different file Hosting Site though.

Either Fileden is crap or i'm just getting low download speeds.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 21, 2007, 02:11:00 PM
hmm, well I think it said it has a maximum download speed of about 100kbps for non subscribers, is it going slower than that?  I originally tried using rapidshare but it wasn't working for some reason.

That having been said, I'll probably be adding this to the XBMC-TV SVN soon, since Akaigotchi offered to do so, and that way you could stay up to date easily with the skin mod and anything I add, and also with new channels added to XBMC-TV

By the way guys, all those links are the same haha.  I didn't realize at the time that File Den just replaces the file you already uploaded with the new one if you upload a file with the same name
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: ScrewinGates on March 22, 2007, 12:58:00 PM
very cool mod man.using it since last night.good job
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Jezz_X on March 22, 2007, 02:16:00 PM
QUOTE(timdog82001 @ Mar 21 2007, 02:28 PM) View Post

Ok, I really wish I could go back and delete my previous post and change the link in the one before,................

I just did it for you and removed the old links
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: FourTwentySmiles on March 23, 2007, 03:16:00 AM
timdog.....I consider myself new to this, first mod was 7 months ago. I made a mod in my script that turned my music button into a tv show button. Crude mod...but works. And looks nice. you think I would enjoy this mod more as apposed to what I have now? Could post a pic if you'd like. I use my 300 Gb Hdd as a media source on vacations, and like having movies and tv shows. But never music.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: MGSolidus2 on March 23, 2007, 09:14:00 AM
Maybe it's just me but I don't know how to get to the "skin mod" settings. I press start, Personal Settings, and it's not in there. Any help?
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 23, 2007, 02:20:00 PM
QUOTE(MGSolidus2 @ Mar 23 2007, 07:45 AM) *

Maybe it's just me but I don't know how to get to the "skin mod" settings. I press start, Personal Settings, and it's not in there. Any help?

You must be missing a file.  Try to FTP everything over again, or even download everything again and FTP it all over.  Let me know if this still doesn't work..

QUOTE(FourTwentySmiles @ Mar 23 2007, 01:47 AM) *

timdog.....I consider myself new to this, first mod was 7 months ago. I made a mod in my script that turned my music button into a tv show button. Crude mod...but works. And looks nice. you think I would enjoy this mod more as apposed to what I have now? Could post a pic if you'd like. I use my 300 Gb Hdd as a media source on vacations, and like having movies and tv shows. But never music.

Well, I would think of it as a more enjoyable mod, since if you ever by any random chance want to use music, you can, plus it has lots of other options available, and you can disable and enable the button at a whim. but if you don't want a separate movies section in addition to the TV sections, that isn't possible at the moment, they go hand in hand.  a TV and Movies button, or just a videos button.  If you're wondering which one you'll like more, why not just back up your modded home.xml and then install my mod and see what you think?  Then, if you don't like it, it would only take a minute to download the newest mc360 and reinstall your mod, and you're back where you started.

I just noticed you said you made a mod in you "script." that turned the music button into a tv show button...Did you actually mean script there?

Also, MGSolidus2, I assume you tried restarting XBMC after you installed it?

Anyway...if you guys have any more questions, feel free to ask
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: FourTwentySmiles on March 23, 2007, 03:05:00 PM
Basically what I done was added an AdvanceSettings.xml to the XBMC/Userdata folder that recognizes .avi as a music file. Changed what folder it looked for music in to F/television (instead of F/Music). Then changed button title and description in home.xml so the button says T.V. Shows and so on. Now when I want to watch, say Family Guy, I can highlight the folder and press Y button and it puts all the episodes in the playlist (like it would for music) and plays them back to back. It really is a great mod and it lets me have one button that goes directly to movies and another to go directly to T.V. series.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: FourTwentySmiles on March 23, 2007, 08:34:00 PM
I D/L'd your mod. GREAT WORK!!! Puts my lil rinky dink mod to shame. Played around with it and its going to work out just the way I need it to. Thanks alot really fulfilled what I needed in "MY" MC360 experience.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 23, 2007, 09:10:00 PM
awesome, I'm glad you like it.  If you have any requests for features, let me know, and I might add them in.  Though, it might be a little while before i'm doing any work on it.  I'm coming down with the flu after studying too hard the past couple days for finals.  At least I got A's on all five tests...damn it, though.  I don't want to be in bed now that I'm free.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: CHI3f on March 24, 2007, 06:10:00 AM
Why dont you do all the old supermod stuff? People really seemed to like it.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 24, 2007, 01:25:00 PM
hmm i can take a look, i don't really remember what was in it cause I only ever really used the marketplace part
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 24, 2007, 03:01:00 PM
or is the Supermod the favorites thing?  I can't remember
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: BaTuZai on March 24, 2007, 09:53:00 PM
I tried it today and man i like it now im having skin issues thx man great monster mod
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 24, 2007, 09:57:00 PM
what do you mean skin issues? what's happening?
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: ritekgirl on March 25, 2007, 05:37:00 AM
Looks great, just downloaded it and will have a play tonight.

Impressive by what I've read here so far.

I have 2 XBOXES with XBMC & MC360 & my kids don't & I'm lovin' it!
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 28, 2007, 02:12:00 AM

Ok, I've fixed a few imperfections, and cleaned up a bunch of code in the configuration dialogs, and added a couple of cool new features:


- Movie, TV Show, and Music Library Modes:  You can now have a button bring you directly to any section within the Music or Video libraries (except the music ones like Top 100 and Recently Added, I didn't bother with those).  Also, Bookmark mode and Library mode will switch into or out of Library mode by themselves now, so you don't have to worry about which mode you're in beforehand.

- Audio and Picture Bookmark capability, in addition to the Video Bookmark capability already there.  You can now link buttons to Music and Picture bookmarks.

- XBE Mode.  You can configure the buttons to launch Programs or games.

- I'm including a folder of "Wide Marketplace Icons" especially for widescreen TV's.  I can't decide what I think about these, but they keep the aspect ratio and don't clip anything, but they leave a LOT of empty space in the buttons.  I tried initially making it so all the regular images just keep the aspect ratio when in widescreen, but basically what happens is they get a lot bigger and a lot of the edges get clipped off, which ends up looking kind of crappy, but then again, so does a stretched image.  So basically, you guys decide what to use.


I have updated the Download link on the first page, so you can update by downloading there, or for those of you who would like to keep up with the most recent changes and additions to this mod and/or to XBMC-TV, my mod has been added to the official XBMC-TV SVN.

To get everything set up to update via SVN, download tortoiseSVN (found Here).  Once installed, create a folder and name it XBMC-TV or MC360 Mod or something like that.  Right click on the folder, and select "SVN Checkout."  Where it says "URL of repository:" enter ""  and press enter.  It should now download everything, which will probably take a couple of minutes.  Once done, run the build.bat, which should create a folder named "BUILD."  There is a separate Build.bat for both xbmc-tv and for this mod, so you will have to run both of them.  Once you've done both, FTP the contents of the build folders over to the appropriate locations on the xbox as usual, and you're done!

If you can't for some reason use SVN, but still want frequent updates, there are snapshots of the current state of SVN of both XBMC-TV and this mod posted frequently for download at

As always, I'd appreciate you guys posting here to let me know about any bugs or issues, or even suggestions you may find.

Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 28, 2007, 03:28:00 AM
Hey guys,

There was a problem with the configuration menu where several buttons didn't work and one completely opened the wrong dialog.  I fixed these and have submitted the changes to SVN and updated the download on the first page again.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: madnizz on March 31, 2007, 06:29:00 AM
The TV shows button just open the video folder and not the tv shows folder.
I know editing a file will fix that,but don't remember which it was.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: slang123 on March 31, 2007, 10:13:00 AM
Yea, could you add an option to let "TV" and "Movies" goto the library locations.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 02, 2007, 01:44:00 AM
QUOTE(madnizz @ Mar 31 2007, 05:00 AM) View Post

The TV shows button just open the video folder and not the tv shows folder.
I know editing a file will fix that,but don't remember which it was.

You have to make two separate bookmarks in the video section, one for TV and one for movies, and then, when you enable the tv and movies buttons, two more options appear below to "Link to TV Show/Movie Bookmark" or something like that.  There, just type in the name of the respective bookmarks and it should work.

QUOTE(slang123 @ Mar 31 2007, 08:44 AM) View Post

Yea, could you add an option to let "TV" and "Movies" goto the library locations.

It's on my list wink.gif  Should be the next thing I work on actually.  I'll probably be adding the ability to change the name of the tv show and movie buttons too and make it so they can launch scripts as well, so they'll have a slightly more universal use.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: ppan76 on April 04, 2007, 04:26:00 PM
I am having another issue.

Logged in as the main profile (master mode). Everything works great.  If i log in with another profile. The movie/tv shows book marks dont work.  When enabled, in the Media Blade the video button is gone and in its place is an empty button.

Thanks for the mod. it's great
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 04, 2007, 04:31:00 PM
that's extremely strange....there's no reason that should even be able to happen that I can think of.  I'll try to reproduce that
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: unstoppable77 on April 06, 2007, 09:52:00 PM
There is a problem with 2 files..


I cannot transfer them to my xbox because the names are too long,
If I make the file name short and transfer it works, then when I try to rename it to its original name with unleashed X text editor it wont let me.

Are those files important or is it ok if I run the mod without them?
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: nuka1195 on April 06, 2007, 10:28:00 PM
they are probably important, you should be ok, with renaming them. If you use xbmc to transfer them, xbmc should rename them.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 19, 2007, 02:49:00 PM

This should be just about the final version, unless somebody else thinks of something interesting to add.  For the time being, I'm out of good ideas that don't require 20,000,000,000 more lines of code to accomplish.

Anyway, here's what's been changed and/or added:

Added: Library, Script and XBE Modes for TV Shows and Movie buttons.  You can now customize these buttons separately to launch an app or game, script, video bookmark, or Library, and you can specify any subsection of the Movie and TV Show libraries, if you would like it to automatically open one of those.

Added: You can now rename the Movies and TV Shows buttons.

Added: Internet/Web Browser Icons

Changed: You can now enable the TV Show and Movies buttons separately.  You can have one or both enabled.

Changed: Default scripts for Video Marketplace are now all skinned for MC360 thanks to Chi3f smile.gif  Skinned scripts have now been moved to MC360's "extras" folder

Added: Small XBMC Live Place mod.  Since the game trainers website is gone and the button no longer works, I modified it to launch T3ch's XBMC Updater Script, to hold us over till we get an official fix from blackbolt or jezz_X.  The T3ch updater script is also included with the mod now.

Fixed/Changed/Added: A lot of glitches and features I can't remember


You can also download from the link posted on the first page, its the same file.

As always, I'd love to hear any comments or suggestions and especially problems or bugs.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 19, 2007, 03:49:00 PM
Actually, one thing I would still like to change is I would like to make all the text in the CNN script black, but I don't know how.  Would anybody be willing to do this for me?  I imagine it's something super simple, but I just have no idea how.  Thanks smile.gif
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: alienbiker99 on April 19, 2007, 09:09:00 PM
i wont be able to test this out, but if you open up the  the in the CNN folder, replace all "FFFFFFFF" with "FF000000". i think this should work
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 19, 2007, 09:32:00 PM
QUOTE(alienbiker99 @ Apr 19 2007, 08:16 PM) View Post

i wont be able to test this out, but if you open up the  the in the CNN folder, replace all "FFFFFFFF" with "FF000000". i think this should work

I already sorted out the text color thing, but thanks smile.gif
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: pikapben on April 19, 2007, 09:46:00 PM
Does the XBMC-TV include the streams that were posted in the Xbmc Streaming Tv Pack posted by timdog82001 at this link?
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 19, 2007, 10:06:00 PM
woooo somebody who actually used my streaming pack...or at least knew about it

XBMC-TV has SOME of those streams, but a lot of them haven't been added yet.  I don't think any of the streams I took off winamp are added in yet.    I know that no longer exists, so those streams are kind of useless now, and that was the main thing i used out of those anyway.  Were there any streams in particular you wanted?  I could see what I can do about getting them added in.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: pikapben on April 20, 2007, 12:01:00 AM
I also mostly tried to use the when it was available, but noticed you worked on both of these streams.  Thought some of the old stream pack could be incorporated into the new one.

On a side note. Is it possible to add the super mod function to edit the favorites?
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 20, 2007, 12:24:00 AM
That's not a bad idea.  I'll look into that, should be pretty straight forward....Though, what would you like it to do?  Just launch scripts?  Apps/games?

About adding in some of that stream stuff, I think its planned to be done, but they haven't really started attacking any of the traditional movie/tv show streams, most of what's in it so far are webcams and educational or information video streams, with a few actual broadcast stations, such as animal planet.  If I were working on the streams themselves, I probably would have added this by now, but I'm really just part of the team to work on the icons when I have time (which hasn't been very much lately).  I don't think there's any reason I can't help add streams, but I would like to get caught up on the icons first.  Maybe i'll have time in the next week or so to do that and work on adding a few streams from my old pack, plus some new stuff.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: pikapben on April 20, 2007, 12:44:00 AM
Full Features:
--"Disable Kai Info" option to remove kai buttons from live blade and replace them with extras
--Access to unofficial marketplace area to download scripts and images to customize your xbox from your xbox
--Gamercards set to buttons to bring you to respective pages (i.e. weather gamercard brings you to weather)
--Optionable Homebrew button can be added
--Options to remove descriptions, logos, blade labels, whitewash, blade haze, and gamercard
--Abilty to choose custom blades, background animations, gamercards, and logos
--New whitewash animations for page transitions (can be disabled)
--Enhanced window transitions to file manager, weather, and scripts
--Backgrounds of file manager, weather, and scripts dynamic to reflect last page visited
--Exiting file manager, weather, and scripts return to previous page
--Favorites menus for select buttons to give access to your frequently used games/programs/scripts (must edit xml)

I like the ability to add optional homebrew button, disable kia to replace with something else, and the favorites.  I guess I thought some of this could also be incorporated if it has not already by new mc360 releases.

To answer your question it would be nice to load a script/app.  Not so much a game.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 20, 2007, 07:45:00 AM
I can probably add all that (except for the actual marketplace part).  It would be cake compared to what most of this mod has been like to work on.  Some of these buttons have 40 different visibility conditionals.  It's the most confusing thing ever to try to work on.\

Oh, and adding an app is the same as adding a game, they're both xbe's
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: pikapben on April 20, 2007, 11:34:00 AM
Thanks for considering the suggestions, and I will be watching this topic.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 20, 2007, 06:06:00 PM
I'm almost done adding the new settings window (ran out of space) and Have finished adding in a custom button in the games blade (more or less the homebrew can name it and launch an app/game/dashboard or script from it) and also added the old disabled kai info XBMC Live blade stuff.  I have to go to martial arts now but there's a chance I could add the favorites config in by tonight.  It's really amazing how simple most regular skinning is once you've made a mod as ridiculously complicated, code wise, as this one haha

Any other feature requests?
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 22, 2007, 11:16:00 AM
Does anybody know how to implement a conditional visibility in Python on a .gif file based on the current theme?  Once I figure that out, I'll be posting an update, since I finished adding all that other stuff early yesterday
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: kazaaboy on April 22, 2007, 11:47:00 AM

Thanx for mod...I use it all the time and looking forward to the next update..

If I may make one little request....a play and resume button on the movie info menu...If not don't worry, the mod still rocks!!
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 22, 2007, 05:37:00 PM
QUOTE(muggsy @ Apr 22 2007, 01:57 PM) View Post

I've just tried this mod out as well, and can confirm that all works well in master mode. But TV / Movies does not work in other profiles. The Retro-X works, but the video market place does not

Could you guys tell me the exact settings you're using for everything and exactly how it's not working?  I can't seem to duplicate this, it works perfectly for me in both master mode and in profiles, and honestly, I can't think of anything that could make that happen anyway
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: muggsy on April 23, 2007, 01:39:00 AM
QUOTE(timdog82001 @ Apr 23 2007, 12:44 PM) View Post

Could you guys tell me the exact settings you're using for everything and exactly how it's not working?  I can't seem to duplicate this, it works perfectly for me in both master mode and in profiles, and honestly, I can't think of anything that could make that happen anyway

ok I think I found what the problem is,

It doesn't work properly if the profile already existed before the mod was installed. I've duplicated this on 2 XBMC builds.

So as long as you create the profile after the mod has been installed (With default or fresh settings) it seems to work fine

Cool Mod, I like it
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Spaceman2004 on April 23, 2007, 04:24:00 AM
One addon that would be nice, would be able to pick what ever keymap.xml you wanted.

For example.

If there wasn't a keymap_original.xml one was created by copying the original keymap.
Then which ever keymap xml that had been selected was copied over keymap.xml.
Then it would warn that XBMC needed to be restarted to have the new keymap to take affect.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: pikapben on April 23, 2007, 10:34:00 AM
I like the ability to disable the kialink option on its blade, but after looking at the blade I noticed there is available space to actually just add a button. What about keeping the kialink option, but allowing the ability to add a button in the available space such as favorites (if they could be edited in the skin) or something else? This would allow the use of both features at the same time. Also, I agree with spaceman2004 that it would be nice to access a different keymap.xml file allowing the use of the keymap file spaceman2004 has made for mc360 and the original xbmc file for any other skin. Is it possible to add the option to enable/disable the browsing feature of blade items (games/movies/applications) I have seen some people doing?  Beside this the only other suggestions I could think of is the addition of the stream files to xbmc-tv. Thanks again for all your work on this great addition to mc360.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 23, 2007, 10:50:00 AM
QUOTE(pikapben @ Apr 23 2007, 09:41 AM) View Post

I like the ability to disable the kialink option on its blade, but after looking at the blade I noticed there is available space to actually just add a button. What about keeping the kialink option, but allowing the ability to add a button in the available space such as favorites (if they could be edited in the skin) or something else? This would allow the use of both features at the same time. Also, I agree with spaceman2004 that it would be nice to access a different keymap.xml file allowing the use of the keymap file spaceman2004 has made for mc360 and the original xbmc file for any other skin. Is it possible to add the option to enable/disable the browsing feature of blade items (games/movies/applications) I have seen some people doing?  Beside this the only other suggestions I could think of is the addition of the stream files to xbmc-tv. Thanks again for all your work on this great addition to mc360.

it's possible to add a button under the connect to kai button, but when you're actually connected to kai, all that space filled.  Just so you know...

Also, I'm not really sure what you're talking about with the "browsing feature of blade items"
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: pikapben on April 23, 2007, 11:29:00 AM
I have never used kia, so I guess that is good to know.
Sorry, I suppose what I meant is the ability to activate a submenu as posted here:

Someone else also posted about the same idea with a video menu here:
Video Menu
Here is a picture from the topic.
IPB Image

It would be nice to have sub menus when wanted for certain blade buttons.
Hopefully that helps explain what I meant.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 23, 2007, 03:56:00 PM
That mod works from a script, but if somebody can supply me with the script, I can see what I can do about integrating it.  The links to download it in that first thread are broken.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 23, 2007, 04:47:00 PM
QUOTE(kazaaboy @ Apr 22 2007, 10:54 AM) View Post

Thanx for mod...I use it all the time and looking forward to the next update..
If I may make one little request....a play and resume button on the movie info menu...If not don't worry, the mod still rocks!!

Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 23, 2007, 05:56:00 PM
If anybody still has a version of the old Marketplace mod from the pre-1.0 MC360, would you be so kind as to host it somewhere so I can get it?  If I remember correctly, there was a script in there that allowed you to change the splash screen, and I think I could modify this to work with the keymaps
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 23, 2007, 06:29:00 PM
QUOTE(muggsy @ Apr 23 2007, 12:46 AM) View Post

ok I think I found what the problem is,

It doesn't work properly if the profile already existed before the mod was installed. I've duplicated this on 2 XBMC builds.

So as long as you create the profile after the mod has been installed (With default or fresh settings) it seems to work fine

Cool Mod, I like it

Well, i tried clearing all mc360 settings, removing mc360 from the xbox, restarting, ftping the stock mc360 back over, creating two new profiles, one copying settings, and one using fresh, and then logging into both in mc360, restarting, FTPing the mod over, logging into the profiles.....And it still worked perfectly for me lol, so I don't know what's going on, but I think it must be something XBMC is just picky about, from the sounds of it.  Maybe it would work even if the profile was created before, but you switched out of mc360 and then back in?  Anyway, I don't think there's anything I can do about it
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Jezz_X on April 24, 2007, 12:39:00 AM
QUOTE(timdog82001 @ Apr 24 2007, 10:03 AM) View Post

If anybody still has a version of the old Marketplace mod from the pre-1.0 MC360, would you be so kind as to host it somewhere so I can get it?  If I remember correctly, there was a script in there that allowed you to change the splash screen, and I think I could modify this to work with the keymaps

you could try this one http://www.xboxmedia...ead.php?t=24955
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 24, 2007, 06:10:00 PM

Ok, here's the new and improved version.  I think every single XML but 4 have changed, and I even added a couple  huh.gif

OK, so here's what's changed:

Added: In-Skin Favorites Config
Added: Skin Mod Options 2 window (ran out of space in Skin Mod Options)
Added: "Disable Kai Info" option - Removes Kai buttons from XBMC Live blade, and replaces it with Buttons to File Manager, Scripts, and Weather
Added: "XBMC Updater in Live Place" option - toggles between having the now default Apple Movie Trailers link in XBMC Live Place, or the T3ch XBMC Updater
Added: Custom button in Games blade (aka Homebrew Button) - Allows you to add button in games blade that links to a script, program, dashboard, or game of your choice, and also allows you to name it (Note: "Video Marketplace in Games" overides this button)
Fixed: Messed up navigation in Category Scripts Mode configuration screen
Modified: Added Custom Background and background animation support to scripts
Modified: Changed text in CNN script to black for better visibility
Added: Custom MC360 Keymap Option for Spaceman2004's custom MC360 keymap (included)
Added: Play and Resume buttons in Video Info window
Modified: Combined all XBE and Single Script modes into "File Mode," using new Skin.SetFile() function.  You now must specify an file, not just its folder.
Modified: Updated README's
Modified: Made background animations in default scripts change to match current theme (only if it's one of the default themes; otherwise, defaults to default swirl animation)

If you guys have anymore ideas, I'm still open to add more.  Also, if anybody can get me the script that does the favorites sub-buttons like pikapben mentioned, I'd appreciate it.

Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: pikapben on April 24, 2007, 10:07:00 PM
Thanks for all your work on this. I will download it and try out some of the new features as soon as I get a chance to get you some feedback. Look forward to trying this out.  Thanks again.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Spaceman2004 on April 24, 2007, 10:18:00 PM
timdog: Sure just include the keymap! Thanks for the hard work!

I'll be updating the keymap in a week or so. I'm still trying to get my thesis ready right now! smile.gif
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: johannesleung on April 25, 2007, 01:07:00 AM
I don't know if it's just me but, I can´t download form the link that timdog82001 had provided, so if there is another download option I would like to try this mod since it got plenty of nice features.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 25, 2007, 02:52:00 AM

By the way, I might not be on here again for like a week.  I'm heading for cali tomorrow.  Going to Coachella biggrin.gif  Mainly just to see Rage

Feel free to check it out though and post any suggestions or feedback
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: pikapben on April 25, 2007, 08:51:00 PM
QUOTE(roormonger @ Nov 5 2006, 03:11 PM) View Post

Here is an example of the favorites menu for apps
<description>Favorites Apps menu</description>
<visible>[Control.HasFocus(7) | Control.HasFocus(107)] + Skin.HasSetting(favapps)</visible>
<animation effect="fade" time="100">WindowOpen</animation>
<button id="1">
<button id="2">
<button id="3">
<button id="4">
<button id="5">

Just put the icons in the media folder and remember their names. Then for the <texturenofocus> tags for each button just use the file name of the appropiate icon.

Now that I have all the wide icons maybe I will do all my favs menus like this then post them.

I am sure it would be more helpful to have the last version 0.736 of the livemark mod to work with, and I will see if I can find the livemark mod I downloaded a while back.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: pikapben on April 30, 2007, 05:57:00 PM
timdog82001, I was able to track down the old Live Markplace mod I had downloaded. I have hosted it so you can download it and use it if you need anything from it for your mod.  I think it should also have something for the submenu option.  Here it is LiveMark 0.736 Mod  I hope it helps.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on May 02, 2007, 12:32:00 AM
Well, I'm back from Coachella, and man was it awesome biggrin.gif

Anyway, thanks for uploading that.  I've got it mostly added in now, except the Submenu Editor (the script named in the extras folder) doesn't get past "Initializing..." and I don't know how to fix it.  I imagine its a fairly simple fix....

Is anybody willing to take a look at it?  Thanks in advance smile.gif
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: asciiii on May 02, 2007, 01:27:00 AM
just did a quick check and it seems that the languages folder could not be found..
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: pikapben on May 02, 2007, 09:49:00 AM
I have been using your most recent version and it is really nice, thanks for all the hard work.  I also noticed that the new Project Mayhem III skin that comes with the latest XBMC has a bookmark feature similar to a submenu option.  The last questions I had was in regards to the new favorites feature of XBMC.  Is this something that needs to be addressed with a MC360 update, or would be done with a mod such as this one?  I just looked at my download of the livemark mod and I have the languages folder in the extras/marketplace/ directory.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on May 02, 2007, 02:01:00 PM
The favorites thing has already been added to MC360 officially, except its only in the SVN and not included in the download at blackbolt's site yet.  I'll check out the new pm3 thing to see what you're talking about
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on May 02, 2007, 04:44:00 PM
well I think i figured out how i'm going to finish the submenu favorites thing, but I'm not going to use a script, so it's going to take some work.  Hopefully I'll finish it soon though.  In the meantime...

Any other ideas?  I noticed the old supermod had the option to remove the logos on the top right part of the blades.  Would anybody be interested in that?
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: pikapben on May 02, 2007, 09:22:00 PM
Thanks, I got the svn of mc360 and the favorites is pretty cool. However, is it possible to add file manager back in the favorites? It seems the only way to add something into the favorites is by selecting it with the advanced options. It would be nice to have it there when kialink is enabled.  I am not sure that I would disable the icon on the blades, but I suppose someone else probably would and it does not hurt to have more features.  Its always better to be looking at rather than looking for it.

On a side note, I noticed the explanations for the filemanager and weather on the xbmc live blade are flipped when kialink is disabled.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Jezz_X on May 02, 2007, 11:00:00 PM
QUOTE(pikapben @ May 3 2007, 01:58 PM) View Post

Thanks, I got the svn of mc360 and the favorites is pretty cool. However, is it possible to add file manager back in the favorites?

You can add it manually to favourites.xml in the xbmc\userdata dir the format is pretty straight forward and its no more than you would of use to do with the old way
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on May 07, 2007, 03:36:00 PM
does anybody know why i'd be having trouble getting a label to show up in a grouplist?  It doesn't want to show up either as part of a button or as a separate Label control.  Once I figure this out, i should be uploading an update
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on May 07, 2007, 07:28:00 PM

                Games Favorites Wideicon Submenu
                !Control.HasFocus(1) + !Control.HasFocus(2) + Skin.HasSetting(favgames) + [Control.HasFocus(5) | ControlGroup(105).HasFocus()]
                        Button 1 Icon

                        Button 1 Icon

                        Button 1 Icon

                        Button 1 Label

                        Button 1


                        Button 2 Icon

                        Button 2 Icon

                        Button 2 Icon

                        Button 2 Label

                        Button 2


                        Button 3 Icon

                        Button 3 Icon

                        Button 3 Icon

                        Button 3 Label

                        Button 3


                        Button 4 Icon

                        Button 4 Icon

                        Button 4 Icon

                        Button 4 Label

                        Button 4


                        Button 5 Icon

                        Button 5 Icon

                        Button 5 Icon

                        Button 5 Label

                        Button 5


                        Button 6 Icon

                        Button 6 Icon

                        Button 6 Icon

                        Button 6 Label

                        Button 6


                        Button 7 Icon

                        Button 7 Icon

                        Button 7 Icon

                        Button 7 Label
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Nezahaulcoyote on May 07, 2007, 07:30:00 PM
timdog82001...can u add more remove features in the mod. Like removal of all gamecards, & graphics pics & logos. Thats what the old mod did. Plus can u make it so we can choose what we want in the movies folder, & the tv shows folder? Right now everything is the same in both folders. Theres no way to choose diff files. Great job...
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on May 07, 2007, 07:32:00 PM

                        Button 7

                        Button 8 Icon

                        Button 8 Icon

                        Button 8 Icon

                        Button 8 Label

                        Button 8


                        Button 9 Icon

                        Button 9 Icon

                        Button 9 Icon

                        Button 9 Label

                        Button 9


                        Button 10 Icon

                        Button 10 Icon

                        Button 10 Icon

                        Button 10 Label

                        Button 10


Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on May 07, 2007, 07:49:00 PM
QUOTE(Nezahaulcoyote @ May 7 2007, 07:06 PM) View Post

timdog82001...can u add more remove features in the mod. Like removal of all gamecards, & graphics pics & logos. Thats what the old mod did. Plus can u make it so we can choose what we want in the movies folder, & the tv shows folder? Right now everything is the same in both folders. Theres no way to choose diff files. Great job...

I just checked and the movie and tv show things work perfectly.  Unless, maybe something's different in 16x9...Do you use widescreen?  You can customize where the movie and tv buttons go to by using the options that appear below the "Enable TV/Movie Button" when you enable them.  I thought it was pretty obvious when i made it...Unless you're using a real old version of the mod, perhaps the version from xbmc-tv's website?  That one is outdated, but I'm waiting to upload a new version till this one is essentially final.

About the logos, I have already finished adding the disable logos option, but it only disables the logo in the top right corner.  Would you like it to remove other images too?  If so, which ones?  The icons next to the buttons?  The gamepad button icons and text on the bottom?

I can look into the gamertag removal, though I think I'll have to add a 3rd Skin Mod Options window now, as I've run out of room...again.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Nezahaulcoyote on May 07, 2007, 08:14:00 PM
The icons next to the buttons? The gamepad button icons and text on the bottom? Everything u can remove. All logos on the right side & left side, including the small icons. Also an option for wrap view in the listings on each blade. Also when I select what movies I want in my movies folder, the same thing shows up in the tv folder also?? I am using the newest xbmc & your current mod as well?
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on May 07, 2007, 08:22:00 PM
QUOTE(Nezahaulcoyote @ May 7 2007, 07:50 PM) View Post

The icons next to the buttons? The gamepad button icons and text on the bottom? Everything u can remove. All logos on the right side & left side, including the small icons. Also an option for wrap view in the listings on each blade. Also when I select what movies I want in my movies folder, the same thing shows up in the tv folder also?? I am using the newest xbmc & your current mod as well?

somebody else did a wrap view mod a while ago and i thought it looked kinda funny.  I dunno, i'll think about it.  I replied to your PM, by the way
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Nezahaulcoyote on May 12, 2007, 10:44:00 AM
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on May 12, 2007, 07:37:00 PM
sorry, I haven't had much time to work on it lately.  Coachella put me pretty far behind in my school work, and i can't figure out why it's doing the weird glitchy thing with the submenu favorites  for the games blade.  If anybody here knows code though and would like to take a look at it, i'd be very grateful.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: pikapben on June 05, 2007, 09:48:00 AM
timdog82001, were you able to figure out the glitchy submenu favorites? Also, was there still a possibility of adding the old tv stream pack to the new XBMC-TV?  Haven't heard much lately about the progress of this mod. This is a great mod, thanks again for all your hard work with it.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on June 05, 2007, 03:06:00 PM
Sorry, I haven't worked on this for a few weeks cause i've been insanely busy with school, trying to get caught up.  I found a way that kind of fixes the submenu thing, but means it doesn't pop up till like a second after the page loads which makes it look kinda crappy i think.  I haven't had time to deal with adding those other streams yet either, but maybe once schools out.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: wizbitz on June 12, 2007, 04:52:00 AM
Thanks a million for this really excellent mod! biggrin.gif It's a great addition to MC360.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Nezahaulcoyote on July 03, 2007, 10:47:00 AM
To bad this dummy can't finish what he started?
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on July 04, 2007, 09:27:00 AM
lol, thanks.  I can't tell you how busy i've been the past, like...six months.  I'm out of school for the summer, but already back in an ecology class where i wake up each day at 5 am, run around through the woods for 12 hours, get back and generally end up passing out before i have a chance to do pretty much anything.  That ends soon though...but i honestly don't plan on doing a lot more with this.  Maybe I'll add the icon option to all parts of the skin...i think i started doing that already, and I can upload the favorites submenu thing with the delay i guess.  It works, but but i don't see anyway of fixing the visual glitch, i'm pretty sure the problem is with xbmc, not my code.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on July 26, 2007, 04:24:00 AM
Well, my xbox has been broken for a couple of months now, and I just haven't had time to fix it.  I finally fixed it today...well, i guess it was yesterday now, and immediately updated xbmc.  Lots of cool changes in the last three months!...including fixing the glitch that was giving me hell with the submenu editor dealio (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif).  So, I finalized that, touched up a few things, and viola!  Sorry it took so long, but I swear, I really was too busy to work on this haha.  Anyway, here's what's changed since the last update:

Added: Option to automatically start partymode at startup of XBMC
Added: Option to remove home blade logos.
Added: Option to remove GamerCard
Added: Option to remove home blade labels.
Added: Option to remove home blade button icons (the little images of the controller buttons at the bottom of the screen)
Fixed: some spelling errors and mislabelings.
Removed: T3ch Downloader no longer included with mod, since it is included with all T3ch builds now...still have the option to change the AMT button in Live Place to link to the T3ch downloader though
Added: Submenu Mod for games blade, since XBMC glitch that was giving me problems has finally been fixed.  You can have separate submenus for Games, Xbox Arcade, Apps, and the custom button on the bottom.  You can enable and customize them all in the skin, from "Skin Mod Settings 2."
Added/Changed/Removed/Updated: Probably a lot of things I don't remember, since it's been about 3 months since I last uploaded anything.

Here's a screen shot of the submenu thing...



Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: BaTuZai on July 26, 2007, 06:07:00 AM
Thx timdog82001 i have been waitin 4 this
great work
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: wizbitz on July 26, 2007, 12:27:00 PM
QUOTE(timdog82001 @ Jul 26 2007, 11:24 AM) View Post
Added: Submenu Mod for games blade, since XBMC glitch that was giving me problems has finally been fixed.  You can have separate submenus for Games, Xbox Arcade, Apps, and the custom button on the bottom.  You can enable and customize them all in the skin, from "Skin Mod Settings 2."

Speechless. /Downloads

Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: tr0n on August 07, 2007, 09:39:00 AM
Thanks for all of your hard work. I love your mod. I have been silently waiting for you to update it. I'm looking forward to checking it out and modding your mod a little myself. smile.gif Thanks again and great work.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on August 08, 2007, 02:11:00 AM
no problem...though i'm not sure it will work correctly with the newest version after they changed the text to ttf.  I'll probably be going through and checking that out in the next couple days
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Jezz_X on August 08, 2007, 03:24:00 AM
QUOTE(timdog82001 @ Aug 8 2007, 06:11 PM) View Post

no problem...though i'm not sure it will work correctly with the newest version after they changed the text to ttf.  I'll probably be going through and checking that out in the next couple days

Unless you actually changed the font.xml files it should be fine
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on August 10, 2007, 12:32:00 AM
QUOTE(Jezz_X @ Aug 8 2007, 03:00 AM) *

Unless you actually changed the font.xml files it should be fine

ok, well I noticed some changes in the svn to a lot of the main blade xml files which I have different versions of here so thats why i was wondering
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: N1mrod on August 20, 2007, 07:31:00 AM
I can not play any video from
Because they have changed the media links or somthing.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on August 21, 2007, 02:29:00 PM
yeah, i'm not surprised....i'll see about changing to a different script for that one
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Booker T on August 21, 2007, 07:56:00 PM
Can i install this mod while in mc360 or do i have to do it in another dash?

This post has been edited by Booker T: Aug 22 2007, 03:00 AM
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on August 22, 2007, 01:33:00 AM
um well you can install it while in MC360, but you'll need to restart afterwards
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: jeffroiscool on August 30, 2007, 11:50:00 AM
What the hell, I made a clean install of MC360 and this mod (and XBMC) now I dont see the skin mod settings :S
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on August 30, 2007, 02:14:00 PM
Strange....You did restart, right?  I'll try updating xbmc and MC360 and see if it still works for me.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Abeerdrinker on September 01, 2007, 05:16:00 PM
I can upload a modded MC360 theme with the add-ons stated here in this thread. Of course I only do this to help those that havent figured it out and to further help the XBMC cause. NO CREDIT WANTED @ ALL.

I already have it upload to a site just dont want to post until Tim says so. So I dont piss him or Mods here off
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on September 02, 2007, 01:47:00 AM
QUOTE(Abeerdrinker @ Sep 1 2007, 04:16 PM) View Post

I can upload a modded MC360 theme with the add-ons stated here in this thread. Of course I only do this to help those that havent figured it out and to further help the XBMC cause. NO CREDIT WANTED @ ALL.

I already have it upload to a site just dont want to post until Tim says so. So I dont piss him or Mods here off


QUOTE(jeffroiscool @ Aug 30 2007, 10:50 AM) View Post

What the hell, I made a clean install of MC360 and this mod (and XBMC) now I dont see the skin mod settings :S

I just did installed a brand new build of XBMC, the newest SVN of MC360, and then installed my mod, and the skin mod settings all show up perfectly, though I did have to restart before things worked as they should.  Does it still not show up?
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Abeerdrinker on September 02, 2007, 11:33:00 AM
Pm'ed you with the link. Sorry for the delay I wasnt home until now

forgot to change back the file xbmc_live_eX_ad001.png & xbmc_live_eX_ad002.png. I used a personal picture

This post has been edited by Abeerdrinker: Sep 2 2007, 06:30 PM
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on September 02, 2007, 05:22:00 PM
I just fixed the stuff with the broken script, and uploaded the newest version of the mod.  Not a ton has changed for sure, but I fixed a problem where the YouTube and T3ch Downloader buttons didn't work in XBMC Live Place, and rearranged a couple of the scripts on the Video Marketplace, and even added the newish TV-Links script to the lineup.  Here's a link to the download....and as always, all the other download links should work as well.  Also, for those of you who haven't realized, N1mrod, Martomo and I have teamed up to try to bring back the old unofficial marketplace, while hopefully expanding to include all skins, not just MC360.  So...big changes should be coming (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif).  If you want to check progress, you can check it out here:

anyway, get the newest version here:    


Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Archigos on September 03, 2007, 01:02:00 AM
timdog...  Didn't realize that you were working on the project with Martomo and N1mrod, but if you want a place to host your project I can give you a place to host it.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on September 03, 2007, 04:18:00 AM
QUOTE(Archigos @ Sep 3 2007, 12:02 AM) *

timdog...  Didn't realize that you were working on the project with Martomo and N1mrod, but if you want a place to host your project I can give you a place to host it.

yeah, I just haven't been very vocal in the thread because i don't know any HTML or anything like that so I'm not dealing much first hand with the website, I'm just gonna be doing the xml's and such for integrating it with the various skins.  N1mrod approached me about it with the idea of integrating it with this mod (for the MC360 version anyway), so that's where it's heading I guess.  I appreciate the offer for space for my project, but I think we'll be hosting it on the site you already provided anyway.  
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Archigos on September 03, 2007, 08:03:00 PM
No problem...  If it gets to the point that you're doing a lot of the xml have Martomo give you a copy of the FTP account info.  (I believe it caps at 4 or 5 users logged in at a time).  If you guys have problems I'll make a second account for you guys to share.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Maniaczek on September 05, 2007, 06:49:00 AM

Where (which xml file) can i find a source of "Link to movie bookmatk" and "Link to TV bookmark". I would like to set this manully on my PC.
Also I would like to know where (which xml) is stored description for thin added button (ex. "Watch TV Shows stored on Your PC,CD, DVD or Xbox Hard Drive) because i want translate them to my language.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Maniaczek on September 05, 2007, 11:54:00 AM
OK. I find it.
Description is in Home.xml
And a source of "Link to movie bookmark" and "Link to TV bookmark" is in guisettings.xml and it looks like that:

<setting type="string" name="MC360.moviesVideoBookmark_path">E:\Filmy</setting>

Now I would like to know if is possible to add another link to this VideoBookmark because I have got two directories with the movie files. One on E:\Filmy and second on F:\Filmy. How put this two together?

This post has been edited by Maniaczek: Sep 5 2007, 06:55 PM
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on September 05, 2007, 03:15:00 PM
QUOTE(Maniaczek @ Sep 5 2007, 10:54 AM) *

OK. I find it.
Description is in Home.xml
And a source of "Link to movie bookmark" and "Link to TV bookmark" is in guisettings.xml and it looks like that:

<setting type="string" name="MC360.moviesVideoBookmark_path">E:\Filmy</setting>

Now I would like to know if is possible to add another link to this VideoBookmark because I have got two directories with the movie files. One on E:\Filmy and second on F:\Filmy. How put this two together?

You could have set it to E:\Filmy from within the skin.....

Just do it like this.  Go into "Videos" and highlight one of the items over where it says "DVD-ROM" and stuff and press the white button, and then select "Add Source."  From there, you can name it and make it link to multiple locations, such as E:\Filmy and F:\Filmy.  Once you've done this, go to the TV or Movie bookmark settings in "Skin Mod Settings" and select "Link to Video Bookmark..." and enter the name of the video bookmark you just created.  The button should now open up the appropriate directory.  Let me know if I need to clarify anything...

And about translating to your language and such, I'm currently in the process of moving everything over to the translate.xml, so that should make future translations easier.

It is possible to add another linke to the video bookmark
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on September 07, 2007, 02:45:00 PM
hey guys,

I've been working on this a ton the past several days, adding all the new windows and stuff for the new and improved unofficial XBMC Live Place, which we have official named XBMC Black Market.  You can view info about it in the thread I linked to earlier, here:

and also, the website, though still in its early stages, is up and running here:

Anyway, I've fixed a few errors, including one where the Retro-X script link didn't work, some various other little things, plus I've added support for the Linksboks version of XBMC, so that you can use this modded version of MC360 "out of the box" without a problem.  Also, I've been working on incorporating XBMC-TV better into the skin and put in a feature request on the xboxmediacenter forums which looks hopeful to be added and would allow XBMC-TV to be updated from within the skin.  I also plan on updating xbmc-tv with some new streams.

Anyway, since the user base is going to expand I think, I ended up moving everything over to the translate.xml, and I'd appreciate the help of anyone to translate it over to at least a few of the major languages.  I have german covered, but nothing beyond that.  I think it would be good to get at least Spanish and French, and anything else would be great too.

Let me know if you're willing to help!

This post has been edited by timdog82001: Sep 7 2007, 09:45 PM
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: corrigann on October 11, 2007, 04:56:00 PM
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone else is having trouble with the TV Shows section of the Video Marketplace, a lot of what is listed never seems to want to stream.  9 times out of 10 after selecting a show to stream the URL gets fetched but gets stuck after that, either freezing up while caching or stopping after about 10% of the cache is filled in.  I am running an older version of XBMC (Jun 07 build) and MC360 (rev 866) so it is a possibility that I need to update my XBMC build, but occasionally it does work.  Just wondering if this is an ongoing bug or issue across all releases or strictly something that's going on with my setup.  Thanks...
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on October 13, 2007, 05:28:00 AM
It´s possible that updating woud help, but I´m guessing the main problem is the fact that, for one, the internet is a very unpredictable place, sometimes a particular stream will have surpassed its bandwidth limit, and just doesn´t accept any more people to view it.  The other problem is that the team sort of semi disintigrated over the past few months, due mainly to the main guy having some serious health issues.  He´s recently returned though, so you can expect some updated streams in the future...probably will be a little while though, cause I´m in Spain for the next two months, so....
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: nikeymikey on October 18, 2007, 04:33:00 PM
Hi i have been using this mod for a while now and its great.
I normally use 16:9 all the time, but it switched to 4:3 for something just now and i noticed that the buttons on the games,arcade and applications sub menus that i had set up in 16:9 were different, i could actually use them to go straight to the game etc. In 16:9 they are not selectable, i cant use them as buttons. The are just a graphic. Is it just me or do i have to do somthing to be able to use them in 16:9.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on October 19, 2007, 05:40:00 AM
hmm strange.  I'm not exactly surprised that there are problems with 16:9 since all I use is 4:3. that you mention it, I think I fixed that problem when Archigos pointed it out to me, but it may be in a version I haven't uploaded yet...and since I won't be home for some time, like i mentioned in the post above, it will be a while until you can get that.  If somebody wants to look through it and copy and paste, it should be fairly easy to do.  The code for submenu buttons and stuff should be identical in both views, so if you can just find the corresponding parts and copy the 4:3 version over the 16:9 part, it SHOULD work.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: nikeymikey on October 20, 2007, 05:50:00 AM
I think ill wait patiently for your return. lol. I had a go at adding the needed code to 16:9 but ended up breaking MC360 and had to reinstall from a backup. Thanks in advance
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: tiburonguy on October 29, 2007, 12:47:00 PM
How do you rename the Start timothy's computer button in the WOL section?
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on October 30, 2007, 04:21:00 AM
lol oh shit.  Its in the settings in the script i think, either that or its in the ini file.  Thanks for pointing that out though haha, i feel like an idiot.  It was for my parents´ xbox.  I can´t really tell you specifically since i don´t have an xbox here in spain.  But i think you can do it from within the script
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: tiburonguy on October 30, 2007, 10:15:00 AM
QUOTE(timdog82001 @ Oct 30 2007, 06:21 AM) *

lol oh shit.  Its in the settings in the script i think, either that or its in the ini file.  Thanks for pointing that out though haha, i feel like an idiot.  It was for my parents´ xbox.  I can´t really tell you specifically since i don´t have an xbox here in spain.  But i think you can do it from within the script

Found it Thanks Tim!
For those of you wondering where it is to rename "Start Timothy's Computer" it can be found here
MC360 v1.x Video Marketplace Mod\XBMC\Scripts\Tweaked WOL\   -LINE 69-

Also timdogg is there an easy way to get rid of the page before Start pc then listing all the PC and just have the button for example "Start Timothy's computer" be the only one you can click beside the shut down option so like this.

Start Tim's Computer
Reboot Xbox
Restart XBMC

So when you click start tim's theres nothign else to just turns it on.

Great job by the way your work is amazing.

This post has been edited by tiburonguy: Oct 30 2007, 05:23 PM
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on October 31, 2007, 04:13:00 AM
I'm sure it's possible, but it would involve modifications of the script itself, and i know almost nothing about python.  Anybody here is willing to give it a shot if they want and I'd probably include it with the mod.  I'm sure it's got to be fairly simple...
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: tiburonguy on October 31, 2007, 01:04:00 PM
QUOTE(timdog82001 @ Oct 31 2007, 06:13 AM) View Post

I'm sure it's possible, but it would involve modifications of the script itself, and i know almost nothing about python.  Anybody here is willing to give it a shot if they want and I'd probably include it with the mod.  I'm sure it's got to be fairly simple...

Yeah I am sure its fairly simple to. Which file is the one that actually puts the new option for the Wake on lan settings when you push the right Thumb stick in. I think if you just edit that one to the "Start Tims computer" it should work.

Do you which file enables the option for the WOL settings in that section where you can reboot and restart xbmc and shut down the xbox.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: corrigann on November 11, 2007, 04:03:00 PM
I've noticed a bug with the Marketplace Mod, that I'm fairly sure is in both the PAL and PAL16X9 xml files, with the latest version of MC360 installed and the Marketplace Mod installed the Blade Labels, Disc Tray Label and Item Description are all in white, while the main buttons are default black.  When you go into the Marketplace the media blade label goes back to black, but the button descriptions are white.  Also, when switching between Blades the labels revert to Black briefly.  has anyone else had this problem?  It's a really strange bug as I've checked through a few of the .mxl files and they all seem fine...any ideas?
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: N1mrod on November 11, 2007, 05:27:00 PM
I guess there are many things that will be fixed/changed.
Because of the new builts of XBMC and MC360.

- The MonsterMod overwrite the new added MC360 Themes/Theme Browser at the Live Place
- If you want to use the XBMC Dowloader at the Live Place, its at the place of the MC360 Themes / Theme Browser.
- The DialogVideoInfo.xml should be updated

I guess ther will be more updates/addons/fixes.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on November 15, 2007, 05:43:00 AM
Yeah, that thing about the text color...somebody pointed it out a couple weeks ago, though it was slightly different, i´m sure the cause is probably the same.  

And n1mrod, the publically available monster mod doesn´t overwrite the theme browser I don´t believe, just the version we had in the other svn did that.

And just out of curiosity, what has changed in the video info window?
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: pikapben on November 26, 2007, 02:32:00 PM
It has been a while since I have used my xbox, but I previously really enjoyed this mod. I just got the newest verson of XBMC and MC360, and wanted to make sure that everything still works together with the monster mod. After reading the forum I noticed there have been a lot of changes (especially the black market) and was not sure if there was an updated version available to add this and address some of the issues listed. There was mention of a public version (which I was asuming is the one linked on this forum), and the svn version. Is the svn available for download? If so, what is the address to use with the svn client?

I also noticed the work done by spaz7986 for the video window here Mc360 Mini Video Window, and that some integration is needed. I was wondering about the progress for this integration, or if I would need to follow the instructions provided in the read me file to integrate this on my own?
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Jezz_X on November 26, 2007, 05:09:00 PM
I would like to point out that these mods will be completely broken with the latest SVN due to the new language stuff  so you will either have to use an old build of mc360 or hope they get updated
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on November 27, 2007, 12:00:00 PM
QUOTE(pikapben @ Nov 26 2007, 03:08 PM) View Post

It has been a while since I have used my xbox, but I previously really enjoyed this mod. I just got the newest verson of XBMC and MC360, and wanted to make sure that everything still works together with the monster mod. After reading the forum I noticed there have been a lot of changes (especially the black market) and was not sure if there was an updated version available to add this and address some of the issues listed. There was mention of a public version (which I was asuming is the one linked on this forum), and the svn version. Is the svn available for download? If so, what is the address to use with the svn client?

I also noticed the work done by spaz7986 for the video window here Mc360 Mini Video Window, and that some integration is needed. I was wondering about the progress for this integration, or if I would need to follow the instructions provided in the read me file to integrate this on my own?

I´ve been in Spain for the past two months, so no, nothing has been fixed, I haven´t started on an integration of that video window mod, and like jezz said, the language stuff will probably break it too.  However, if you use a version from before the most recent t3ch, then the problems that exist are fairly minor, but you will need to incorporate the mini video window mod yourself.  I get back in about two weeks, but I´m going to be pretty busy for a while finding a place to live and signing up for class and so on.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on November 27, 2007, 03:35:00 PM
also, forgot to mention...No, the public version includes the download and the svn posted in this thread.  The other version is a second SVN I made, because originally XBMC Black Market and the monstermod were going to be basically one and the same, but we decided to keep them separate, so I´ll be removing some stuff and then moving things back to the public svn when i get back from spain.

Oh...also, if you install the one currently available, it overwrites the xbmclive window, so you won´t be able to access xbmc-blackmarket unless you make sure to delete that file before transfering everything over

This post has been edited by timdog82001: Nov 27 2007, 11:37 PM
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 21, 2008, 08:30:00 PM
Ok, so i finally found some time fix all the problems.  The only really big thing was moving everything over to strings.xml.  That was a friggin nightmare.

Anyway, the SVN has been updated, but before I package up a new download for you guys, I'm looking for replacement scripts for the defaults in the video marketplace as the old ones no longer seem to work.  I was looking at using the Theater Showtimes plugin, AOL Videos plugin, and the Yahoo Music Videos plugins, but only the showtimes one seems to work for me.  However, i'm trying it on the win_32 skinning version of xbmc (my xbox has been dead for months..), so it might just be because of that.  Can anybody tell me if they're working correctly?  Same goes for the CNN, Comedy Central and other scripts i've included with the mod in the past, because it's possible that they're not working for me for the same reason, and that if I tried it on xbox they would work.

So, if anybody could tell me whether or not those are working for you guys, and any suggestions of other scripts/plugins, i'd appreciate it smile.gif
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Archigos on March 22, 2008, 02:59:00 AM
Nice to see you around again Tim...  as I stated in another thread I'm going to try and get in contact with Martomo to find the details about updating the site... (If I can't, I'll just look over the code and figure it out.)

Tim, if you still have access to the site, you mind putting a copy I can test before it goes public?

This is an open invitation to any web designers, graphics people, etc. that are willing to help out with BlackMarket with content, suggestions, etc. feel free to PM me and we can work something out.  I have a lot of ideas I want to do to the site, just not sure I have the time/knowledge to do it all myself.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Galeon on March 22, 2008, 03:12:00 AM
Hi, the problem I have is when I go on to my box with the mod installed all of my blades and most of the links in don't have Text. does any one know how to fix this problem
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 22, 2008, 03:12:00 AM
yeah, thats due to all teh skins switching over to strings.xml instead of teh old translate.xml.  Trust me when i say you don't want to fix this yourself.  I spent quite a few hours working on it myself.  If you want a working version, you can get it fromt he SVN, but the basic download I have posted is still the older version.  I plan to post the fixed version for download soon though too.

archigos, I think i lost the ftp info when i formatted my computer last week, I wasn't really thinking about it sad.gif.  I'd be happy to upload a copy if you message me the info again though
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Galeon on March 22, 2008, 03:01:00 PM
So whens the new version due
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Archigos on March 22, 2008, 11:58:00 PM
I'll compile the skins from SVN in the morning (after I hook my server back up cause I moved) and toss them on the site so they'll be available from the normal link on

Tim, I'll PM you that info when I do the skins, I'm tired as hell, been driving and carrying crap all day...........  (I HATE MOVING)  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Quick Edit... (The new SVN skins will fix the blank text, the Monster Mod wont work correctly with it... the new skin will contain the BMLive place in it like before)

This post has been edited by Archigos: Mar 23 2008, 07:01 AM
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Galeon on March 23, 2008, 01:59:00 AM
I'm sorry but I don't get it. What do I need to download to make it work?
Thanks in advance
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Martomo on March 23, 2008, 06:25:00 AM

Archigos misunderstood your post I think, he was referring to your post about the text being blank, but I assume you got the latest skins from SVN repository, which supports the language files, instead of translate.xml (like the old versions used to do).

Anyway he thought your whole skin was blank of text, if that is the case, update your skins with the latest builds from the skin SVN, like Archigos said.

But if you mean just the mod is blank, that's because you have an old version, timdog has updated it though, but he wants to make sure it works on a Xbox before he releases it, seeing he has been coding on the XBMC PC emulator and retrieve the updated versions of the scripts he used in the old version, like timdog said.

Simple put together the new monster mod has been updated, but is not yet released.
But from what I hear it shouldn't take long to be released, it's on a SVN repository somewhere, but I don't know the address.

Hope this clarified some things for you.

@Archigos, you got mail.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 23, 2008, 04:11:00 PM
yeah Galeon, if you just wait a few days I should have a copy I'll post for download.  In the meantime, if you want to try it out as is you can get it in the svn, which you can find the information for here:
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Galeon on March 23, 2008, 04:51:00 PM
Ok, thanks that cleared up a lot.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on March 26, 2008, 01:48:00 AM
hey archigos, I tossed the mod into the work folder.  I also included a couple of scripts and plugins with the hopes that maybe you could test them real quick to make sure they work?  I haven't added much of anything, and it doesn't have that big live place section i had in the other version i had in teh blackmarket svn because most of those buttons are for functionality that hasn't yet been added to blackmarket.  All I really did was update it so it actually works with current versions of the skin, and added the mini preview window thing.

I honestly didn't really test it much myself, but i don't think there are any bugs at the moment.  let me know how it goes
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: pikapben on April 01, 2008, 12:53:00 PM
Decided I would update my xbmc and also checked for updates to MC360. Glad to see the monster mod has been updated. Tim, I installed the latest release of XBMC from 3/23 and the most recent version of MC360 as of 3/28 with the svn of the monster mod. It works great!!! It is nice to have the settings combined into one scrollable menu, and the integration of the blackmarket is great. I changed some of the settings and have not had any issues. Thanks for taking the time to update this mod. I will continue to test this out and update you if any bugs are found. This is truly the best mod of MC360 and thanks again!
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on April 01, 2008, 02:30:00 PM
No  There are a few bugs that Martomo found for me which I'll be updating eventually, and hopefully somebody will test out a few scripts for me so I can get those into the video marketplace section but both my computers died at the same time last week sad.gif  So it might be a little while yet.  Once I get it sorted I post a snapshot for download
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Galeon on April 06, 2008, 01:28:00 AM
Is it just python scripts if it is I will gladly do it
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: Archigos on April 23, 2008, 02:14:00 AM
My bad Tim, I'll check the stuff tonight (if it's still there).  Sorry I didn't get to it sooner, I just got back out of the hospital and haven't had a chance to really look into the stuff yet.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: FourTwentySmiles on June 11, 2008, 01:17:00 AM
Any word on progress? uhh.gif
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on June 12, 2008, 02:15:00 AM
sorry for my slack-ness.  i haven't had a computer of my own or an xbox for a several months now.  that should be changing shortly but as you can imagine it makes it difficult to do much with this.  (been relying on school computers when i need one)

I may think about adding support for the mythtv stuff.  However, would you not also need an interface skinned for the recorded shows section?  I don't really know how its set up since I don't have linux and really haven't seen many screenshots.  Anyway, I might get around to it but I was so stuck on "in-skin customization" when i made this that it made changing stuff in the home blade a real pain in the ass.  Though, I've got an idea that might make it easer on me...

Fill me in a little more on the details (if you know them) and I might be more likely to do it.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: HeeZy01 on June 21, 2008, 04:55:00 PM
just tried this out on xbmc 06-16-2008 tech build and mc360 rev1287, (i think that is the latest version). everything transfered ok. but alot of labels were blank. in the system settings, i could only see the Apperance label.

in the games blade, no labels. in the media blade, they only showed up after i edited the skin mod settings, but the labels in the game and settings blade were left blank.

i tried making a new profile, changing skins, restarting many times, but the labels were still blank. so, i reverted back to the default mc360 files.
Title: Monster Mod! Video Marketplace, Plus Others
Post by: timdog82001 on June 29, 2008, 08:43:00 PM
HeeZy01:  the version posted for download is very old an outdated so I'm not surprised you're having problems.  If you get it from the SVN (I posted info for it on the 3rd page or somewhere in there) it's essentially up to date but with bugs because i have no good way of testing it right now...I don't have an xbox, and I think i just got scammed trying to get another one so....might be a while before I have one around that will allow some easy testing.

That said,  I will be living with the parents for teh summer and it just ocurred to me that they have a modded xbox....

Perhaps I will have time to fix it before too long now that I've realized that haha