
OG Xbox Forums => Newbie Forums => Newbie Chat => Topic started by: Quiksilver89 on April 07, 2004, 06:23:00 PM

Title: Xbox Messenger
Post by: Quiksilver89 on April 07, 2004, 06:23:00 PM
i was wondering if there is a xbox-linux compatible messenger (like msn) that you can play on your xbox, and chat with others on msn?

is there any program/way to do this??


Title: Xbox Messenger
Post by: thegame_evolution on April 07, 2004, 06:27:00 PM
well you could just install linux then download msn messenger yourself.......
Title: Xbox Messenger
Post by: Quiksilver89 on April 07, 2004, 06:31:00 PM
whoa! thats actually possoble? i thought u could only run linux or xbox (.xbe) based programs??? so r u saying i could basically run ANY program on my xbox???

Title: Xbox Messenger
Post by: lordvader129 on April 07, 2004, 06:32:00 PM
QUOTE (Quiksilver89 @ Apr 7 2004, 08:31 PM)
whoa! thats actually possoble? i thought u could only run linux or xbox (.xbe) based programs??? so r u saying i could basically run ANY program on my xbox???

 you can run things under linux, you can run windows apps with WINE (however alot of apps wont run well, since by that time you have 3 layers of OS and xbox has a finite amount of RAM and processing power, lol)
Title: Xbox Messenger
Post by: Quiksilver89 on April 07, 2004, 06:36:00 PM
ok, could you explain this WINE thing and how to get it please??

Title: Xbox Messenger
Post by: thegame_evolution on April 07, 2004, 06:39:00 PM
WINE is a windows emulator for linux. However it isnt recommended for the xbox because of the limited hardware.
Title: Xbox Messenger
Post by: lordvader129 on April 07, 2004, 06:39:00 PM
QUOTE (Quiksilver89 @ Apr 7 2004, 08:36 PM)
ok, could you explain this WINE thing and how to get it please??


 all i know about it is that its a windows emulator for linux, ill have to let some of linux gurus fill you in on the rest
Title: Xbox Messenger
Post by: Quiksilver89 on April 07, 2004, 06:42:00 PM
ok theres no other way to run messenger on my xbox other than with WINE?
Title: Xbox Messenger
Post by: thegame_evolution on April 07, 2004, 06:43:00 PM
you dont even need 99.9% sure there is MSN messenger available for linux. You can just install linux on the xbox then download MSN.
Title: Xbox Messenger
Post by: Quiksilver89 on April 07, 2004, 06:47:00 PM
ok ill give it a try, then get back to u...thanx

Title: Xbox Messenger
Post by: Quiksilver89 on April 07, 2004, 07:32:00 PM
nah, it didn't work...but on IRC i heard you use a program called im gonna try this ;)
Title: Xbox Messenger
Post by: pjfan281 on April 07, 2004, 09:12:00 PM
gain i know of is gay adware packaged with Kazaa hehe
Title: Xbox Messenger
Post by: JBNinja99 on April 07, 2004, 11:33:00 PM
QUOTE (pjfan281 @ Apr 7 2004, 11:12 PM)
gain i know of is gay adware packaged with Kazaa hehe

 yes. gain is bad.
Title: Xbox Messenger
Post by: unclespeedo on April 08, 2004, 12:35:00 AM
QUOTE (Quiksilver89 @ Apr 8 2004, 02:32 AM)
nah, it didn't work...but on IRC i heard you use a program called im gonna try this ;)

 its actually called gaim and you can download it here -> whether or not it'll work with your xbox is a different story (i have not tried)