
OG Xbox Forums => XBMC Skinning => XBMC for Xbox Forums => Software Forums => Official Team Blackbolt Skins Forum => Topic started by: MasterSiep on October 07, 2006, 11:32:00 AM

Title: Benefits Of Widescreen?
Post by: MasterSiep on October 07, 2006, 11:32:00 AM
Check the games blade and choose games. After seen so many games at once, change your settings to 4:3. You'll see the difference. At least one aspect..

Love Widescreen
Title: Benefits Of Widescreen?
Post by: Jezz_X on October 07, 2006, 12:10:00 PM
The main difference you will see is the blade edges don't curve anywhere nere as much as they used to also 16x9 uses get 1 extra column of icons in thumnail modes.
Other things you probable don't notice
*the A B X Y button graphics are round now
*the gamercard is square
*the little icons ont he menus aren't stretch
*the Listitem Icons and CD covers in the fullscreen vis are the correct aspect ratio

basically lots of the graphics are no longer stretched out of shape by pulling 4x3 our onto a 16x9 TV
Title: Benefits Of Widescreen?
Post by: MasterSiep on October 08, 2006, 04:12:00 AM
QUOTE(Jezz_X @ Oct 7 2006, 08:17 PM) View Post

The main difference you will see is the blade edges don't curve anywhere nere as much as they used to also 16x9 uses get 1 extra column of icons in thumnail modes.
Other things you probable don't notice
*the A B X Y button graphics are round now
*the gamercard is square
*the little icons ont he menus aren't stretch
*the Listitem Icons and CD covers in the fullscreen vis are the correct aspect ratio

basically lots of the graphics are no longer stretched out of shape by pulling 4x3 our onto a 16x9 TV

Uh yeah, that also....
