
OG Xbox Forums => XBMC Skinning => XBMC for Xbox Forums => Software Forums => Official Team Blackbolt Skins Forum => Topic started by: bnl1433 on June 06, 2006, 08:04:00 PM

Title: Network Issues
Post by: bnl1433 on June 06, 2006, 08:04:00 PM
Hey guys, kick a$$ skin. It seems that i am having problems connecting to the internet. I am connected to the network but its doesnt connect online. I can connect to xbox live though the xbox dash and i has connected in xbmc just for a min. I never had a problem with the past xbmc builds. I have a x3 with the newest bios, one problem that i havent been able to solve is that my mac address seems to like to change eveytime i reboot the xbox, even when i specify one. Am i doing something stupid here or is there a larger problem? Any help would be greatly appretiated, thanks.