
OG Xbox Forums => XBMC for Xbox Forums => Software Forums => XBMC for Xbox => Topic started by: mkjones on November 15, 2004, 06:37:00 AM

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mkjones on November 15, 2004, 06:37:00 AM
Wow smile.gif

- CD Ripping smile.gif
- Kai support smile.gif
- Net TV smile.gif
- TiVo Streaming smile.gif

But still no "MyGames" tab sad.gif

I "know" This is "Xbox Media Center" and not just any old dashboard but this is the only thing missing from what would make an amazing dashboard replacement and not just an app I boot to watch movies  tongue.gif

I know you can mod your MyPrograms tab to make something like a MyGames tab, for example you can just point it to the games shortcut folder. I have done this in the past but it just wasnt "right" - know what I mean?

Also, I would like MyPrograms to take me to My Programs, like DVD2 XBox and LinksBox ect. Not my games.

Anyway, if it never happens it wont be the end of the world but at least I asked smile.gif

Does anyone else agree?? Or am I about to get flamed  muhaha.gif
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: JayDee on November 15, 2004, 06:59:00 AM
Just use the default tag..


So when you press my programs you are taken to the games dir directly...

But i see your point, but i peronally do not think it is a very needed feature.

But who knows, maybe in the future....
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mkjones on November 15, 2004, 07:21:00 AM
Yes glad you see my point smile.gif

I would like MyPrograms AND MyGames

Ya know so MyGames just brings back a list from F:\Games etc.. Like Ava would with the Icon etc, lookin all nice and Media savvy  wink.gif

I guess Il wait and see, seems a shame thats all  beerchug.gif
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: bong888 on November 15, 2004, 07:33:00 AM
not sure exacty what u wanna do but
i have games running from my programs,
i have a games folder, Apps, Emus,Dashboard folders inside my programs.

if this is not what u want and want a my games on the front screen .(main screen)

donno if this will work but
i saw the script -email retriever, comes with a skin , so you can add my email
you could some how edit that to games.

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: bong888 on November 15, 2004, 09:17:00 AM
them he can tey add my email , edit the skin
change my email to my games and point to games.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mixman101 on November 15, 2004, 01:18:00 PM
What file do you need to edit to set up those tabs? Can you just point them to a specfic folder? And will the scan button automatically separate them?
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mkjones on November 15, 2004, 02:44:00 PM
QUOTE (mixman101 @ Nov 15 2004, 10:21 PM)
What file do you need to edit to set up those tabs? Can you just point them to a specfic folder? And will the scan button automatically separate them?

You can edit them in the Skin XML

But its NOT the same sad.gif

I just want GAMES and APPS seperate, as IMO they are not the same thing...

Ahh well, I had to ask wink.gif
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Trevante on November 15, 2004, 04:31:00 PM
Do you have a G drive on your HDD? if not, you can replace


     G drive



     My Games

in the xboxmediacenter.xml

I haven't tried this myself, although in theory, it should work.

You'll still have to go to the my programs tab for it to work, but it's probably the closest you're gonna get without chaning the skin and other stuff.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mostym on November 15, 2004, 06:01:00 PM
I totally agree with you.  They should add My Games to the main screen, as Games and Applications are totally different.  And to clarify, as some people are thinking you are talking about adding links within the My Programs tab.  

He is wanting to have these tabs on the main screen (when you first run XBMC)

My Programs
My Games
My Music
My Pictures

I am going to see if i can have them add that tab !!!! smile.gif  It would be sweet smile.gif!!!!

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mkjones on November 16, 2004, 06:34:00 AM
QUOTE (mostym @ Nov 16 2004, 03:04 AM)
I totally agree with you.  They should add My Games to the main screen, as Games and Applications are totally different.  And to clarify, as some people are thinking you are talking about adding links within the My Programs tab.  

He is wanting to have these tabs on the main screen (when you first run XBMC)

My Programs
My Games
My Music
My Pictures

I am going to see if i can have them add that tab !!!! smile.gif  It would be sweet smile.gif!!!!


This man knows what Im talkin about wink.gif

The G Drive thing sounds pretty cool smile.gif NO I dont have one so I WILL try this out with the latest build  beerchug.gif

Thanks for the tip  cool.gif
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: JayDee on November 16, 2004, 07:18:00 AM
Get a new version of xbmc
Get the latest project mayhem II skin

On , for example, my weather press the white button.

Hope you then see what todo...
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mkjones on November 16, 2004, 07:23:00 AM
QUOTE (JayDee @ Nov 16 2004, 04:21 PM)
Get a new version of xbmc
Get the latest project mayhem II skin

On , for example, my weather press the white button.

Hope you then see what todo...

Ohh  laugh.gif  I will look out for this, I assume you mean the 14-11 build!

Il see if I can find it anywhere now smile.gif

As for the Project Mayhem 2 skin, it should come with it as the last one did wink.gif
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mixman101 on November 17, 2004, 01:38:00 AM
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mkjones on November 17, 2004, 03:57:00 AM
QUOTE (mixman101 @ Nov 17 2004, 10:41 AM)
Thanks for the fix guys! I never understood how to use that part of the settings files. I think this is the best way to do what you guys are looking for! What's the difference? Do you not have to go to "all programs" in XP to get to everything?

I would actually rather like to see some kind of automatic add thing like evolution-x has so I don't have to hit the scan button whenever I add something!

BTW sorry XP hater people it was the best thing I could think of  unsure.gif

What are you talking about man??

Still aint got round to pressing the white button, but I did try the G Drive thing with the older build, sadly this isnt really a MyGames tab at all sad.gif
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mkjones on November 19, 2004, 01:20:00 PM

And Kai support is just jaw dropping  blink.gif

Il see how long I can last before the my programs tab annoys the hell outta me  cool.gif  I dont care how many Mbs my games are  dry.gif  grr..
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Mr Clown on November 19, 2004, 09:39:00 PM

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: SigTom on November 20, 2004, 01:00:00 AM
I think his point is, he didnt want to have to edit anything, he said in his first post he had edited XMLs before, but 'it didnt just feel right'. He wants this to be a regular part of XBMC, so that every person who gets XBMC has the option for My Programs, My Games, My Files, My Videos, My Music, Weather, Settings. Games are Programs by the way, games are just a type of a program you can run on the XBox. Right now, the main menu has enough options as it is, there are alternatives (pressing the white button and renaming the items in the main menu, instead of having to edit an XML now) that make room for those that want a My Games tab; this solution also helps those who like the main menu as it is now, as streamlined as it can be.  I personally would like to set mine up to have only 2  or 3 items in the main menu, grouping videos, music, and pics all under a My Media button, My Files/Weather/RSS Feeds/Scripts needing Internet Access under a Info button, and a Settings button. Its much easier telling your friends to only click My Media, instead of having to say dont press programs, files, settings, etc.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: chilin_dude on November 20, 2004, 06:05:00 AM
QUOTE (Mr Clown @ Nov 20 2004, 05:42 AM)

A Kai tab on the main menu would be sweet biggrin.gif


Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mkjones on November 21, 2004, 10:10:00 AM
Just go into language, english. Edit that string.xml to say what you want. So you could have Games under programs. Apps instead of Pics.

Yes yes yes, of course you can do this. I had a mess around but it still didnt feel right , one of the problems is the way that the game xbes are displayed, for me it just seems a little bit messy thats all. I guess it just takes some getting used to  cool.gif

He wants this to be a regular part of XBMC, so that every person who gets XBMC has the option for My Programs, My Games, My Files, My Videos, My Music, Weather, Settings.

Yup  biggrin.gif  this would be very nice indeed. The closest I have at the moment is modding the My Programs tab to read "My Programs & Games" sadly this looks a bit ugly on the beutiful new Project Mayhem 2 skin.

Games are Programs by the way, games are just a type of a program you can run on the XBox.

Yes your right of course, it just seems strange how they are grouped together with the rest of the applications  huh.gif

Right now, the main menu has enough options as it is, there are alternatives (pressing the white button and renaming the items in the main menu, instead of having to edit an XML now) that make room for those that want a My Games tab; this solution also helps those who like the main menu as it is now, as streamlined as it can be.

I was going to make a similer point. The use of the new "white button" feature makes it easy for the XBMC team to add whatever menu tabs they like without annoying users who like a more "streamlined" look. For example I dont ever use the weather tab, so I removed it. And personally the settings tab should IMO really be in the new "start" menu thing rather than a "main" tab smile.gif

I personally would like to set mine up to have only 2 or 3 items in the main menu, grouping videos, music, and pics all under a My Media button, My Files/Weather/RSS Feeds/Scripts needing Internet Access under a Info button, and a Settings button.

A great idea but probably a long while away. For me menu options such as "My Games" "My Programs" "My Video" "My Pictures" "My Music" and possibly "My Kai" wink.gif would be all anyone needed tongue.gif And if you didnt want them, just hide it...

One last point about the new build, it rocks wink.gif that is all. I am still messing around with it when I have time but it could become my dash replacement if I can get it feeling right tongue.gif I use tHc (orig) at the moment, a great looking dash you may agree if not a little tight on the features  biggrin.gif

EDIT, thought I would hi-lite an old thread I started:

Has a few good ideas for people trying to get a similer thing before a more permanant solution comes along wink.gif (if) smile.gif
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mkjones on November 23, 2004, 02:52:00 AM
biggrin.gif Im now happy to say the latest build of XBMC with the PMII Skin is now my default dash, replacing tHc origional after almost 9 months smile.gif

Im slowley getting used to the programs menu housing my games, give me a few weeks and I will have found some nice icons for all my apps/emus so the menus all look damn sexy smile.gif

A MyGames tab would still be a great addition however, I dont think il ever change my mind about seperating games and apps. But this will have to do, its a small price to pay for the amazing kai integration smile.gif
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: WabidWoveren on November 24, 2004, 05:54:00 PM
Heres my two cents

I would like to see the ability to pick the bookmark BEFORE you click the my programs button.  This would work much like switching between titles/files view in my movies.

If you hold the my programs button down for over 1 second it brings up this type of button with arrows to the left and right.  Then you can cycle through the bookmarks.  This would also require changing the default tags to recognize names of bookmarks not just directories.

To summarize if you hold a down on my programs (or press Y maybe) it would look like this.

My Music
My Videos
< My Programs >

then you can use left/right to cycle bookmarks, pressing a again views this bookmark.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Splinter on November 24, 2004, 09:19:00 PM
Yes your right of course, it just seems strange how they are grouped together with the rest of the applications

Do you mean with the edit to remove the G drive and make a My Games tab in the programs menu, when you select it you still see BOTH apps and games listed? If so, it is a mistake of yours, or you may need to juggle some things around to show only games in the menu.

I go into the "my programs" menu then on the left side I have some of the original things under View. My last things are "applications" then "dvd-rom" and lastly "my games". These are also listed in the center of the screen as folders, but for some resaon when I selevt the games menu from there, it comes up blank unless I select it from the left side before hand.

So I select "My games" and all of my games, and only games come up. They are not sorted by genre like I have in Evox, but that could probably be done, i just don't see how since I am very new to this app. My games are seperated in sub-dirs by genre on my HDD i.e. f:\games\sports\espn nfl 2k5

So I have an Apps and a seperate games tab under the programs menu. You should be able to get the games all alone. Or were you just saying about the state in comes in originally?
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mixman101 on November 27, 2004, 10:30:00 AM
I'm not at home right now so I don't know what the exact variable name is but you should try changing the depth and adding your genres individually like you see in the example in the .xml file. I think it has like emulators, then n64 and genesis below it.  Copy and paste that and just change it around you you have your sub sections and their corresponding directories. I hope that helps
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: agf102 on December 05, 2004, 08:26:00 AM
I've just put a post on here about whether or not any one has had any success with connecting to a Linksys NSLU2 NAS box running an opensource iTunes server and wondered if there was any current or planned support for the zero conf (Apple's version is aclled Rendezvous) protocol within XBMC.

I'd be very interested in this, as i'm sure quite a lot of people would.

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mc_365 on December 07, 2004, 03:07:00 PM
This is more a suggestion/thought for the developers.

Would it be possible to make xlink support for xbmc modular?

Reason being there is always development going on, on all three (xbmc, xbmc kai interface, and xlink) pieces.  If it where modular users could keep a stable build of xbmc and if xlink mades changes the they could be incorperated into the "xbmc kai pluggin".

Just a thought.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Trevante on December 07, 2004, 04:09:00 PM
Well, Team XBMC doesn't release binaries to the public, so having them have an upgrade system would be ruled out, unless maybe they make it so that it patches your XBMC to the newest version, which would be legal I guess.

As for the XBMC Kai plugin, I don't know how that would work out, but I don't think it's an issue, unless Team Xlink makes major changes that render the XBMC Kai UI or functions of it to be useless.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: rgtaa on December 08, 2004, 06:47:00 AM
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: rgtaa on December 08, 2004, 07:13:00 AM
This thought just came to me and figured I would share it!

Avalaunch has IP chat feature so headset works on that Dashboard .

Maybe Xbmc could have a setting that enables headset or MIC ... with volume control ....  that way if in future they add IP voice chat feature ...  MIC support could be for both things.

It would be NICe for families to IP voice chat in xbmc ... I'm trying to Turn UP the Volume on the MIC Idea and figured ( family values ) might be a NICE touch   ...this NEW thought might Motivate the POWERS that BE to be more receptive to it.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: chilin_dude on December 08, 2004, 09:39:00 AM
Not sure if I get your second post... But if you have recent XBMC then you can voice chat with people if you have KAI installed on your PC.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: JayDee on December 08, 2004, 11:05:00 AM
Yepp, speex is integrated already...
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mc_365 on December 08, 2004, 03:44:00 PM
I ask becuase there have been times in the past when the kai interface in xbmc did not work for long periods, as I beleive it is not a team xbmc priority.

And I don't understand your answer, being that Python allows you to make modular programs that can be used in xbmc or not. for instance.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: rgtaa on December 08, 2004, 05:48:00 PM
thanks for the heads up about speedx and kai chat ... i'll have to try it out.

I wonder if a python program could turn on the mic with volume control so it could be heard from speakers ...  so it wouldn't necessary be for karaoke ... but also could be used  for voice recording or to turn the xbox into PA system  ...  multiple uses .

I would definately use the VOICE recording feature for personal use ... since most of my voice recordings have been done on PC the last couple of years.

it's a thought.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: JayDee on December 09, 2004, 12:28:00 AM
you do not see any differance between python and c++?!
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: kanye on December 09, 2004, 03:22:00 AM

could u please add the ability to hide dirs?

ability to run a screensaver with own pictures when hitting a botton while listening to mp3s?

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: JayDee on December 09, 2004, 04:24:00 AM
wink.gif ) just use two xboxmediacenter.xml´s

One with the dirs added and one with the dirs removed.

Just switch between them as you please smile.gif (not what you asked for, but still a solution)

And for "screensaver" you just start the music and then a normal slideshow.

No automagicly screensaver/slidshow yet.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: JayDee on December 09, 2004, 04:27:00 AM
I´ll try to have a chat with runtime and see if he have a eta on the features. (as i think it is he you refer to)
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: cooljerk_dv on December 09, 2004, 01:37:00 PM
these are pretty simple, and i think can be implimented very easily.

1.  It would be nice to have the left joystick be able to navigate, similar to how the directional pad does, this would be a nice feature.  I bet people will ask, uh why would you want both when the directional pad works fine?  My answer is that it would just be a nice extra feaure.  Even if there was an option to be able to switch bewteen which one you would perfer to use.  

2.  It would be cool if you could add a feature similar to imdb but for the games or apps.  Like what i mean is on the game in question, press the white (or whatever) and have it automatically download the appropriate thumbnail from or whereever.  this would be a very neat feature.  I know that many games have internal thumbnails already, but the ones from (the dvd cover ones) are nicer.

3.  It would be cool if XBMC could read the internal name of the .xbe and make shortcuts accordingly, similar to how evox or any of the other dashes work.  

4.  This feauture probably sn't possible, but i figured i'd metion it anyway.  If you could develope a way to play media off of other xbox's on the network, and not just from the computer.  or at least do xbox to xbox ftping.

I love XBMC, you guys are great.  Keep up the good work.  Basically this is the one and only program I use for everything.  Dash, Media center, Kia, everyting.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: h8raid on December 09, 2004, 01:39:00 PM
Alright, I already know what the first response is going to be, "This is a MEDIA CENTER, not an application!"  I just can't help but think this would be too cool to leave out.  I had the thought last night when I installed the Yac script for caller ID.  It's a pretty cool little addition, but needs more features to really be useful.  How many times do you sit down to watch a movie and the telephone rings?  Wouldn't it be nice to know who's calling just by continuing to watch your movie?  All you would have to do is press a button and mute the call, or press a button and let a prerecorded message on XBMC take the call for you.  These are just some of the ideas I have for this support.

If telephony support were to be added, it should be able to utilize either IP phones or standard telephone lines.  It should be able to send and recieve calls through an efficient menu system.  We should definately have caller ID support and three-way calling.  A voicemail box should also be included with the option to set how many rings before it will answer.  Along with this, there should be an easily accessible option to answer immediately when you are watching a movie so there are no interruptions.  There should be another option to allow only caller ID information to display and not allow the telephone to ring. (I don't know if that one is possible, but it would be nice.)  We should also have speakerphone where the sound would just come from the television instead of through our Live! Communicator.  We should definately have a speed dial list as well as an address book.  Mainly, I feel this would be a great addition because of the amount of useful features that could be implemented, and the possibilities are here to take this to a new level.

I have also recently seen a post about webcams, mainly the Eyetoy sold by M$.  This does seem like a good idea to me as well.  We should have the drivers for this device because it could be implemented into telephony support as well.  Video chat anyone?  This is just the beginning, I see this device eventually being pushed into the Kai section of XBMC.  There really are a lot of uses for a webcam, just use your imagination.  So what does everybody think of these ideas?  Good, bad, useful?  Feature ideas of your own?  How could we get this implemented?  Let's hear it!
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: h8raid on December 09, 2004, 01:51:00 PM
1. This feature would be a waste of time and not provide any functional use at all.
2. Not a bad idea, could be fun to play with, but more useful things could still be done.
3. Excellent idea, I would like to see this implemented as an option because some people like to browse their folders, simple shortcuts are nice for me though.
4. Yet another excellent idea, this would be extremely useful for those that do not have a centralized server set up.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: SigTom on December 09, 2004, 01:54:00 PM
Can already do #4 with Ava (xbox to xbox ftping).
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: cooljerk_dv on December 09, 2004, 01:55:00 PM
thanks, for your opinions.  I just like using the thumbstick more than the directional pad. .  I know Avalaunh can do xbox to xbox ftping, but it would be nice if xbmc could also do it, We have to keep up with the jones's ya know.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: SigTom on December 09, 2004, 03:04:00 PM
QUOTE (cooljerk_dv @ Dec 9 2004, 03:58 PM)
I know Avalaunh can do xbox to xbox ftping, but it would be nice if xbmc could also do it, We have to keep up with the jones's ya know.

Its not a competition.  Its a media player, not a dash remember.  Used to play media on the XBox.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: cooljerk_dv on December 09, 2004, 05:44:00 PM
Why can't it be considered a dash.  I think its best use is as a do-it-all dash.  It has already surpassed the uses of a typical media player, only a few baby steps to go before it becomes the best dash ever.  I have used XBMC as my main dash, ever since its had the ability to be directly booted too, and will continue to use it as that.  I only think some these features/ideas will only further enhance its usability. It has the potential to become so much more than just a media player.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: cooljerk_dv on December 09, 2004, 05:49:00 PM
sounds neat, I don't know why everybody thinks that XBMC can't become more than just a media center.  It has the potential to become so much more.  Good idea, but probably hard to implement.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: total_ass on December 10, 2004, 12:08:00 AM
i consider xbmc more of an operating system with all of the stuff it can do.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: h8raid on December 10, 2004, 01:02:00 AM
I completely agree, XBMC does have the potential to be so much more than just a media center.  A lot of the ideas people have wouldn't really take a whole lot to implement because you would be able to utilize existing parts of the software.  I know one argument is that memory is a limiting factor.  I wish everybody had the 128MB ram upgrade so we wouldn't have to worry about this so much, lol.  I wonder if it is possible to build a solderless ram upgrade kit?  Haha, wishful thinking, but seriously, the way XBMC is updated it may eventually come down to developing extra features that can only be used by people with ram upgrades.  That wouldn't be a bad thing entirely, the developers could make some extra cash by doing ram upgrades for people on the cheap, then people would have a real reason to upgrade, lol.  Anyways, back on topic, Ideas For New Features.  Telephony Support is my idea as outlined in my thread.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: h8raid on December 10, 2004, 01:57:00 AM
I know XBMC supports python scripting, but wouldn't it be cool if it supported plug-in modules?
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: cooljerk_dv on December 10, 2004, 07:31:00 AM
" An .nfo reader with ascii art."  This would be great, along with an text editor like notepad for windows, so we could edit those .ini or .xml files right on the xbox.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: cooljerk_dv on December 10, 2004, 11:45:00 AM
A messenger or email component would be nice as well.  I'm just brainstorming
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: matt3454 on December 10, 2004, 02:06:00 PM
ild love msn messenger on it, like some how mod aMsn from linux and make it to a python file, it shuld b possible, tho it would take ages, i would try but i cant programme:p
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: CreziB on December 10, 2004, 02:21:00 PM
I posted this like 2 months ago and nobody said anything about it.

I'd like to see xbmc be able to give a game description when you press the white button on the game just like it does for the movies.  I know the movies use imdb for nice descriptions and icons, but I'd be happy with making my own short descriptions through notepad and just drop the .txt file in the game folder, then have that file presented onscreen in a similar fashion to imdb movies.  Perhaps even put the game's icon/default.tbn in the top left corner like the imdb stuff too.

I've been around the scene since near when it started(didn't register for a looong time) and I gotta say the more I think about XBMC and see it's development progress I'm just amazed with this app above all others.  I was a diehard MXM fan, but I'm waiting for the next release(fingers crossed).  With all the things xbmc can do I would think that adding this game description thing wouldn't be too difficult, but who am I to say.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: kanye on December 10, 2004, 03:50:00 PM
yea porn, how do i add the dir? i never added dirs to the xmls, cos it never worked.. i just go into the file manager and go thru the files...nor do i know how two xmls could work besides each other..

how do i enable the slide show?

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: JayDee on December 10, 2004, 04:38:00 PM
The thing is that there needs to be a site with records of close to all games and that keeps them in a orderly way with small discriptions for each one and that can be parsed by a couple of thousend (or is it tens of thousends) people every day/week with xbmc for free...
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Trevante on December 10, 2004, 06:32:00 PM
One thing I think would be useful would be if there was a kaigames.xml or kaigames.ini that contained the location of your xlink games. This way, people won't have any issues with getting the games to autoload, and it would work really well for those who have their games sorted out by category. For example, my Halo 2 is in G:\Games\Shooters\Halo2\, so I can't really get it to autoload with Kai, unless I set that as my only game directory.

Or an easier method would be to allow you to define game locations (for xlink) in the xboxmediacenter.xml.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: animatt on December 10, 2004, 07:39:00 PM
I am not a very good programmer so it may take more that I would imagine.  This is just my thoughts on the topic.  Also I think the other program in the link needs to be archived in the main thread.  I believe it is a wonderful little utlity.

WEll hope I made sense
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Safety in Nimbus on December 10, 2004, 08:29:00 PM
QUOTE (Trevante @ Dec 10 2004, 06:35 PM)
One thing I think would be useful would be if there was a kaigames.xml or kaigames.ini that contained the location of your xlink games. This way, people won't have any issues with getting the games to autoload, and it would work really well for those who have their games sorted out by category. For example, my Halo 2 is in G:\Games\Shooters\Halo2\, so I can't really get it to autoload with Kai, unless I set that as my only game directory.

Or an easier method would be to allow you to define game locations (for xlink) in the xboxmediacenter.xml.

The newest CVS builds will load up the game after you select "Play" from the Xlink Kai menu.  Only Project Mayhem I support though \=

-Ability to only list games that you have in the Xlink section

-View Xlink profiles

-Have your avatar show on your xlink screen.

-Search for people that have the same games as you (send friend request to Xbox/PC running Kai, if the person is not online it would send it to their email address.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: JayDee on December 12, 2004, 02:56:00 AM

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: seven5 on December 13, 2004, 09:20:00 PM
I know this has come up before, but before we all break out into hysterics, read my arguments over at the Xbmc News blog.

Is It Time for a My Tv Section in Xbmc?

Let me know what you guys think. I think its finally time, this is totally valid, we need to seperate our tv content from our movie content, and this would totally spurn tv centric features to Xbmc.

I hate my tivo now, and with all the talk about whats comeing from them, its really getting ugly. I want good quality content and am sick of their mpeg2 encoder.

Let the fun begin!
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: seven5 on December 13, 2004, 11:21:00 PM
I think you might be missing the point. The point is that by using azureus + rss, you get this content fast and automatic. Not doing it actually ON Xbmc. I'm pushing for the azureus method. The point is that, whith the speed and ease of doing it this way, we have a lot of content for tv now. We need Tv seperated from our Movies section.

Another reason this would work well is that a lot of people are using BeyondTV and other pvr software setups on their Pc's, as well as MediaPortal. All of these shows can be set to go to a specific directory, these dirs should be shared to a TV section, not just a generic Videos section.

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Faid1 on December 13, 2004, 11:59:00 PM
I keep all my TV rips in the My Videos section because obviously they count as Videos.

If I understand you correctly, all you are saying is that the programs list could have a "My TV Shows" directory as well as a "My Videos" directory renamed as "My Movies".

I personally don't see the need, others might disagree. Either way it sounds like a very simple idea to implement.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mkjones on December 14, 2004, 02:53:00 AM
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: jmarshall on December 14, 2004, 03:19:00 AM
An initial feature like this is on it's way (ability to have buttons on home page go to videos and then to a specific folder).
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: SigTom on December 14, 2004, 04:16:00 AM
So, its not really a My TV section you want, but a MyDownloadedTorrentsOfTVShowsAroundTheWorld section? Basically, use the XBox to dload your torrents?  Blah, why reinvent the wheel, theres already a torrent script out there, I think the main reason its not in wide spread use is that you cant have alot of torrents dloading at the same time.  Plus, not only would you have to work this into XBMC, itd need to be tied into whatever backend a user is using (MyHTPC, MythTV, Tivo, Replay, Freevo, MS MCE, etc.) if you wanted to only use the xbox as a frontend of dloading the torrents, and then to add each episodes metadata to the backends database for inlcusion in that software as well, for if your going to make it available to XBMC, then people will want you to make it available to thier PVR software of choice.  Your dloaded videos are still that, videos.  If you want to change one of them to MyTV instead and have it link to your TV episodes samba share only, then you can do that already.

And you can have a My Games tab as well.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mkjones on December 14, 2004, 05:14:00 AM
That would be an awesome feature " a games button "

How come no ones pursued it to completion ?

I have been trying! Belive me. But I guess I didnt get the support I thougt I would in order to make a more official request sad.gif

So, its not really a My TV section you want, but a MyDownloadedTorrentsOfTVShowsAroundTheWorld section? Basically, use the XBox to dload your torrents? Blah, why reinvent the wheel, theres already a torrent script out there,

If anyone knows where this script is (yeh I been looking?) then would you like to post a link smile.gif

Sadly, I have to agree that the MyTV button isnt really worthy of being a "home" button however I will ALWAYS say a MyGames tab is  jester.gif

Like you say, in the end they just come down as video files. Hence MyVideos.

Like I said in one of my last threads "games are not programs"  biggrin.gif
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: seven5 on December 14, 2004, 08:18:00 AM
QUOTE (SigTom @ Dec 14 2004, 01:19 PM)
So, its not really a My TV section you want, but a MyDownloadedTorrentsOfTVShowsAroundTheWorld section? Basically, use the XBox to dload your torrents?  Blah, why reinvent the wheel, theres already a torrent script out there, I think the main reason its not in wide spread use is that you cant have alot of torrents dloading at the same time.  Plus, not only would you have to work this into XBMC, itd need to be tied into whatever backend a user is using (MyHTPC, MythTV, Tivo, Replay, Freevo, MS MCE, etc.) if you wanted to only use the xbox as a frontend of dloading the torrents, and then to add each episodes metadata to the backends database for inlcusion in that software as well, for if your going to make it available to XBMC, then people will want you to make it available to thier PVR software of choice.  Your dloaded videos are still that, videos.  If you want to change one of them to MyTV instead and have it link to your TV episodes samba share only, then you can do that already.

And you can have a My Games tab as well.

??? Why are you guys thinking i want to download torrents with the xbox. No. I was mereley introducing those who haven't yet used azureus + rss to broadcatching. I dont want to download anything with the xbox. I just think its time that we seperate our movies from our tv. It would only spawn new features specific to each.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: SigTom on December 14, 2004, 11:47:00 AM
So, then what do you want exactly? Just a button fo videos that are from the TV?  What about movies that are on TV, are they TV shows or Videos?

mkjones:All (XBox) games are programs, but not all programs are games.  Just like how all rectangles are boxes but not all boxes are rectangles (or is it the other way around..). You can change the My Programs to My Games already, so why do people still ask about it?
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: th3gh05t on December 14, 2004, 12:34:00 PM

I am curious why no one has thought of this before.

Why can't we have when you click on 'My Videos' or 'My Games', it goes to a certain folder on your hard drive?

That way, we don't have to navigate to a folder everytime we want to watch or play something...

If this is already possible, please tell me how to do this.

Thanks, th3gh05t
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: tslayer on December 14, 2004, 02:46:00 PM
<default> tag.

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: seven5 on December 14, 2004, 02:47:00 PM
What about movies that are on TV, are they TV shows or Videos?

this is silly. Obviously this would be up to the user on where to organize this.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: MrAndersn on December 14, 2004, 03:04:00 PM
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: SigTom on December 14, 2004, 03:58:00 PM
Yeah, like you say, this is silly, its up to the use to decide how to organize all thier media.  You can do that now. You can change a button to say My TV, and it will link to your tv shares.  I personally have it set up totally different than you, each epsiode goes into the folder for that show, each season has its own folder in the main when I want to watch TV, go to my video samba share, go to my TV show shares, find the show I want, then the season, then the epsiode.  I personally wouldnt want a now playing section, it would be cluttered. Deleting, editing, moving, copying, etc is essentially file management, hence the best place for it is My Files.  Now I wouldnt mind it if each section, videos, music, pics, etc, had the ability to edit samba shares instead of having to go my files would be nice, but dont want it limited to just a My TV section.

I guess my main question is, you say a MyTV section would make way for new TV centric features, what kinda features do you want/forsee/envisage? Any features that would be worth its salt would be integrated into a PVR, i.e. can control the Tivo, MythTV box, ReplayTV, etc. so not only would the devs of XBMC need to get it to work with one platform, but now theres numerous more platforms that will need developement and updating whenever any of those devices change format (I know personally on MythTV, whenever theres a myth database protocol change, any UI on  XBMC needs to be updated as well, how many others do? Im not sure).
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: mkjones on December 14, 2004, 04:21:00 PM
QUOTE (SigTom @ Dec 14 2004, 08:50 PM)
mkjones:All (XBox) games are programs, but not all programs are games.  Just like how all rectangles are boxes but not all boxes are rectangles (or is it the other way around..). You can change the My Programs to My Games already, so why do people still ask about it?

Yes, but where would you put your programs if you called it "MyGames?"  biggrin.gif

I know to some people its nothing, a stupid requst, but I had to ask you never know wink.gif

Like the man says with the videos you could organize them in a different way etc.. sorry I dont wanna go on again  rolleyes.gif

Im happy the way I have it right now, but seperating games from apps would be nice thats all  beerchug.gif

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: kingroach on December 14, 2004, 04:44:00 PM
- <homebuttons>
- <button>
  <description>My Programs</description>
- <button>
  <description>My Files</description>
- <button>
  <description>My Pictures</description>
- <button>
  <description>My Music</description>
- <button>
  <description>My Videos</description>
- <button>
- <button>

now if we change both :
- <button>
  <description>My Programs</description>

in xboxmediacenter.xml and home.xml what will happen? I will try later.. huh.gif

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: kingroach on December 14, 2004, 07:10:00 PM
well.. thats not what everyone was talking about.. this can be done with editing .xml
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: seven5 on December 14, 2004, 07:14:00 PM
sure, i have mine organized well like that. But there comes a problem if you want your shows listed, and your movies thumbnailed. You can't keep different view settings. This is but one issue, I still dont think you understand that it would spurn new features by spinning off a new section.

Also, you have to click like 5 times to get to a show to go through all that niceley organized directory structure.

I have a feeling that after 1.2 final, one concentrated on area will be the displaying of videos and music. we are basicially looking at file system display results, something invented in 1985. Listing and thumbs. Its 2004, its time to innovate in how we show stuff. I'd even settle for some updates to what we have now. Listing should have larger thumbs, and shouldn't show filesize, thats a bit silly, who needs it.

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: seven5 on December 14, 2004, 09:11:00 PM
yeah.. thats why all the other media players got rid of My Tv...

We're not talking about adding My Vaction Pictures, Tv and Movies are totally different mediums.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Yuyu on December 14, 2004, 09:50:00 PM
QUOTE (seven5 @ Dec 14 2004, 11:14 PM)
yeah.. thats why all the other media players got rid of My Tv...

We're not talking about adding My Vaction Pictures, Tv and Movies are totally different mediums.

I see where you are going with this and it makes since to me....
Where do you run XBMC anyways.. On a TV?
Why not have TV content specific features and a menu item for it in the main menu?
He is just suggesting one way you could arrive at aquiring the content, since you cannot do it natively on the xbox.

I can also see the argument against it. Which is why I'm staying out of it, just thought I would interject a line or two wink.gif

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: MrAndersn on December 14, 2004, 09:53:00 PM
QUOTE (seven5 @ Dec 14 2004, 09:17 PM)
sure, i have mine organized well like that. But there comes a problem if you want your shows listed, and your movies thumbnailed. You can't keep different view settings. This is but one issue, I still dont think you understand that it would spurn new features by spinning off a new section.

Also, you have to click like 5 times to get to a show to go through all that niceley organized directory structure.

I have a feeling that after 1.2 final, one concentrated on area will be the displaying of videos and music. we are basicially looking at file system display results, something invented in 1985. Listing and thumbs. Its 2004, its time to innovate in how we show stuff. I'd even settle for some updates to what we have now. Listing should have larger thumbs, and shouldn't show filesize, thats a bit silly, who needs it.

I'm a little confused. You're right it isn't 1985 when people like me were just starting out reading books and feeding text line from line into a computer just so I could look at some stupid fortune telling program I just put into my Atari 400.  It is the year 2000 and now the options are limitless as to what we can do.  You have the option of tweaking of adjusting programs to your needs.  To me thats the fun of it.  Sure there are basic fundamentals that I personally need to get going, but sitting back in my chair after reading posts, tweaking xml's, srewing them up and figuring out how I screwed up is fun and thought provoking.
These guys put endless hours into XBMC and, and I stated before, are doing and excellent job.
The time you spend on posting and saying "this is what it should or shouldn't have" you could be working on a personal solution and enlightening all of us.
I don't mean to be rough on your post, but c'mon I see your putting a lot of effort in asking for stuff from people that already gave us more than we need.  We already have to deal with the constant updates in the utility as it is. Why bog it down more with a television issue(which they probably already working on).  Pop in a game, let your mind wander for a few hours and hit the keyboard.
Peace beerchug.gif
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: MrAndersn on December 14, 2004, 09:54:00 PM
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Orbitrix on December 15, 2004, 04:48:00 AM
one feature that could spur off of a 'my tv' section, is a database link to a TV specific information database...

right now if u scan your My Videos folder it just looks for movies... wont get 'covers' or screencaps of TV episodes, with a description..... that'd be really nice to have in a 'My TV' section

he is right.. there are tons of features that could be implemented for convenient TV related functions under its own section...

maybe better integrated torrent suport .. it wouldnt exactly be 'streaming' but if bit torrent suport improoved for downloading TV shows directly to ur xbox, this could totally smash tivo..... right now the plugins for the PC are nice... but it would be really cool to have multiple torrents and all kinds of other torrent features built in
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: jmarshall on December 15, 2004, 06:20:00 AM

I've read through all this discussion, and quite frankly have been quite amused at it all.


I think you have a great point, and would like to see your ideas thought through a little more, expanded upon etc. etc. - particularly the sort of ways to view your content that you are considering.  What are these ways?  I agree wholeheartedly that having it done via a filesystem is outdated and clunky - it works for some, however, and that's fine.  I strongly encourage you to battle on, and perhaps post for discussion in the official forums, where perhaps you may find some like minds to expand on your idea(s).

For those that DON'T want a separate section for whatever reason:

You are likely viewing your movie listings via the filesystem - that's fine.  What DOESN'T work well is trying to view your TV shows and movies together via the database system.  The reason is we don't have a source of information for TV shows, plus, they just don't mix nicely.  They ARE different, and I think they are different enough to warrant a separate section (or subsection or whatever).

In the end, it doesn't matter - it's just a different view method of the files you already have.  We're not talking about scheduling and recording TV - that is up to the user to do from whatever source they want.    Instead, all we are talking about is new ways to view/organize that recorded content.

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: seven5 on December 15, 2004, 08:00:00 AM
I'm glad you see where i'm going with this. Sometimes its hard to get  your point across when just using a half-duplex mode of communication like a message board.

Regarding methods of viewing content.. thats the hard part, coming up with an innovative approach to browsing content. I think while Tv content is inside of a generic videos section, features and innovation specifically for tv and specifically for movies will suffer and never reach existence. We gotta break them out.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: kanye on December 15, 2004, 08:05:00 AM
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: kanye on December 15, 2004, 08:32:00 AM
in which version did you see that? i dont see it in xbmc-2004-12-08
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: SigTom on December 15, 2004, 10:04:00 AM
QUOTE (seven5 @ Dec 15 2004, 10:03 AM)
I'm glad you see where i'm going with this. Sometimes its hard to get  your point across when just using a half-duplex mode of communication like a message board.

Regarding methods of viewing content.. thats the hard part, coming up with an innovative approach to browsing content. I think while Tv content is inside of a generic videos section, features and innovation specifically for tv and specifically for movies will suffer and never reach existence. We gotta break them out.

Besides a better way to browse the media, what other innovative features are you looking for?  I still say that any TV section would need the ability to interface with the PVR/DVR people are using, and THAT means there are so many of them (PVR/DVRs) the devs of XBMC would have to keep so many things up to date whenever any manufacturer or software developer updates or changed thier product, that it would so much work for the devs that are already working hard as it is. Since any mature tv section would just be a user interface to the backend hardware (be it tivo, replaytv, myth, etc) and if your archinving your content that way, your already having to have some sort of dealing with either moving, transcoding, renaming, etc of the media, that you can setup scripts to move your media around and have it filed in any way you want. Once thats done, all you need to do is hit a MyTV button on XBMCs main menu (which you can already make now, i.e. editing the XML) and you can browse the samba share of the backend machine thats been doing the recording/ samba share on your media server.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: nuka1195 on December 15, 2004, 01:05:00 PM
QUOTE (MrAndersn @ Dec 15 2004, 06:57 AM)
its the year 2004 by the way rolleyes.gif

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: h8raid on December 16, 2004, 11:58:00 PM
I just read a post about linking two Xboxes that are about a mile away from eachother and I had a great idea!  I know there is Xlink KAI, but that is for online gaming, not really for chat.  Now before the whole thing starts about XBMC is a media center not an operating system, please read the entire post as it is actually media related.

This is my suggestion:
There would be chat implemented into XBMC, once you went into XBMC chat, your xbox would allow access to your box from the outside.  You would be able to select a user and request access to their box.  When you request access as a client, the server side will get a dialog asking permission, they would be able to accept or decline access.  The server would then get another dialog which would set access rights for the client.  This is the reason for chat, you obviously do not want anybody in the world to see what is on your Xbox, so you can use your Live! Communicator to chat and see what people are up to.  This would be a great feature for n00bs especially who constantly have problems getting things working.  It would allow more experienced users to remotely login to their Xbox and correct problems, it would also be useful for development, people could trade scripts, apps, etc. (not games as it would take far TOO long because of limited upload bandwidth, so piracy is not an issue!)  My hopes are that something like this will eventually be implemented and evolve into videoconferencing which is soon to be a big hit once M$ releases their VideoChat software and Eyetoy equivalent for Xbox.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: SigTom on December 17, 2004, 10:46:00 AM
So just use MS videoconferecing software. Why reinvent the wheel?
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: h8raid on December 17, 2004, 08:07:00 PM
because XBMC does everything better than M$, they are reinventing the wheel with their dvd player, plus its convenience
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: SigTom on December 17, 2004, 09:57:00 PM
No, they arent reinventing the DVD player, they already have one, and are making it better.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: hydraulix on December 25, 2004, 07:57:00 AM
i completely agree with you mkjones.

IMO, i think xbmc should just add the ability to add/remove any kind of link from the main page, and have the ability to drop in a .png/.jpg/.whatever image file for that particular selection, similar to other dashboards. There are quite a few "main links" I would like to display. The less I have to dig into subdirectories to get an app/game/thing going the better.

MyKai (or something similar)

just my 2 scents
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: nuka1195 on December 26, 2004, 08:18:00 AM
check this thread out here
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: kingroach on December 26, 2004, 09:40:00 AM
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: jets on January 02, 2005, 09:49:00 AM
Keeping track of new movies ripped and moved into shared folders can get hard to do when trying to keep IMDB info up to date. As you know switching the view to Title allows one to access all movies that have had IMDB lookups done and the rest of the files are not really accessible. All folder views are basically turned off. Switching back to Files view lets you navigate through all your shares and pick files that way.

I thought that the best way to track new files would be to use an app on my pc to edit the timestamps (date created, modifyed, and last accessed) and I logically assumed that XBMC would sort the files by date created or modifyed. To my frustration, it appears to sort by last accessed which IMO totally sucks! Is there a way to have XBMC sort using a more preferable attribute? Perhaps this could be a new feature request?
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: devguy on January 04, 2005, 03:43:00 PM
Will XBMC ever recieve support for dvd-audio and SACD?
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: DaCocoBrova on January 04, 2005, 04:31:00 PM
Better question...

When will future versions allow one to update paths etc. via the app itself versus having to manually edit .xml files?

How card can it be to implement?  Emulators (MAMEoX) allows for this.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: JayDee on January 05, 2005, 05:46:00 AM
1: DVD- Audio most likly never.
For why check google for dvd-audio specs and you will soon find out...

2: Maybe....

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Yuyu on January 06, 2005, 12:01:00 AM
Ahh, finally found this thread.. No one has had any feature requests in awhile so I had to go search around for this so I could merge the few outstanding feature  requests I had not merged before.. Remember all preleminary feature requests should go here folks, for reasons why read the first post of this thread... Then they should be posted as an Official Request on the XBMC sourceforge site...
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: hargle on January 06, 2005, 12:39:00 PM
QUOTE(j_guzzler @ Jan 6 2005, 05:50 PM)

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: buehrer on January 07, 2005, 05:52:00 AM
i have read that dvd menu support is in the works, i wonder how that is going...
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Gdog on January 15, 2005, 03:03:00 PM
How about a stream rip buffer?  I listen to alot of streaming audio (  Maybe have the current track be saved on the HD and be able to hit a button 'Save Song' and it's put in you rip folder.  Currently, unless you are ripping non stop you have to sort through all the ripped songs to find the one you want or you miss the current track if you start it while the track is playing.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: devguy on January 15, 2005, 05:56:00 PM
SACD= Super audio CD.  Made by sony and it is the competition of DVD- Audio.  It has support for digital 5.1 audio cds.  The sacd discs are of a unique type.

DVD-A= dvd audio.  Same as SACD with a few different specs and it runs on your average, every day dvd disc.  Used mainly by Pioneer and Panasonic.

If either of these could be added, I would really appreciate it!
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Konsolkongen on January 15, 2005, 07:13:00 PM
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: cooljerk_dv on February 04, 2005, 07:16:00 PM
DVD audio would be great.  Today I just bought one, it even said on the front that is was compatible with all dvd players, but to my dispair it did not work in the xbox.  Can this be implemented, or is there anyway for me to to rip these (using a pc) to a format that is 5.1, and that xbmc can play.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: jmarshall on February 05, 2005, 09:04:00 AM
Not as easy as it sounds, WabiD.

The issue is that xbox only outputs 48kHz, whereas DTS cds are 44.1kHz.  Thus, we can't output direct.  It HAS to be decoded and then output (ie outputted as lossy AC3)

Now you understand the reason it hasn't been done (what's the point when it'll not sound too flash?)
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: JayDee on February 05, 2005, 12:24:00 PM
Files with DMR, good luck.......
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: ofbz on February 06, 2005, 02:51:00 AM
change the keyboard layout from "abcd" to "qwerty" (the one we are used to)

or maybe just an option to change between them...
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: YnfinitY on February 06, 2005, 06:18:00 AM
no its not!!! I can copy with 11,5MB/s from/to my XBox with XBMC. Faster is not possible,  the max. is 12MB/s with 100MBit.

greetz alex
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: NineT9mustang on February 06, 2005, 10:46:00 AM

I agree with the post earlier about adding a MY GAMES tab...I like my XBMC to be organized, all pictures in pictures, all videos in videos, all programs in programs, and all games in games...

I prefer not even to have MY WEATHER, because I know im not the only one that has dialup it's pointless, and if I did have high speed and could take advantage of the weater, I'd want it to have its own lil window on the front screen to show todays weather, and you just scroll to it if u want more information about the weather...

Just some suggestions on my side, if its not possible, no worries, i'll always use XBMC as my default skin. superb work guys...
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Morien on February 07, 2005, 09:04:00 PM
Feature requests are better off posted at then here.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: j_guzzler on February 08, 2005, 08:54:00 AM
Also, size and position of both album art and text is customizable, its all in the skin.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: KtotheJ on March 04, 2005, 06:10:00 PM
XBMC rules.  Good job guys.  Unbelievable.  

What I'd like to see:
A visualization which displays full screen album art and has the old windows 95 optic bubble running around on it.  

An option or script within My Music that will retrieve and display guitar tabs either by a search or by the id3 tag of the song you are playing.  This would be ultra cool and would definitely blow me away.

The ability to record audio via a headset.

And oh yes, the usual, ability to transfer from xbox to xbox via My Files.  That would be good too as I know everyone is aware.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: xmos on August 06, 2005, 03:14:00 AM

(bumping an old thread here tongue.gif)
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: j_guzzler on August 06, 2005, 09:24:00 AM
why would you want to delete the milkdrop presets?
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: djdafreund on August 06, 2005, 09:37:00 AM
I would also find this usefull. Here's a reason why that would be usefull. Everyone's taste for visualization is different. So if you had an option to delete visualizations, one could delete all the ones he thought weren't that great, or didn't like. So he only has remaining ones that he really likes.
  I've thought about this before myself as being a cool thing to add. Some of the visualizations presets are ugly, or just kind of bleh. This way you could remove those, and just keep ones that you really like. The only other way is to do it in order and right down which ones, then manually delete each one. Would be so much easier to hit a button and delete it right away.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Loto_Bak on August 06, 2005, 06:50:00 PM

xbox -> xbox transfer is already implimented in xbmc's internal ftp client. Other xboxs are automatically detected

My games? wtf games ARE programs... if you want to relabel programs as games go edit the skin. Cluttering up the UI cause people are stupid isnt going to happen.

As j_guzzler said all UI issues are editable in the skin. When xbmc 2.0 is released you will see what xbmcs skinning engine is capable of and how versitile it can be
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: psilo357 on August 07, 2005, 01:25:00 AM
didnt read the whole thread, and im sure its in here a ton of times already, but a better dvd player w/DVD MENU would be sweet.......

Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: rockdawg on August 07, 2005, 02:18:00 PM
I agree with seven5.  There needs to be a TV episode section.  Specifically, I think it needs it's own database.  Those of us who rip their DVD's into the standard DVD format (ifo's and vob's) find the traditional File view quite un-user-friendly since we need to click all the way down to VIDEO_TS.IFO file.  Switching to Title view is preferred, but once you mix movies with TV episodes it loses it's effectiveness.  I have around 160 movies along with about 200 TV episodes on my server.  I would have to scroll through all those episodes just to find a movie.  Consider that all the episodes from one series (say Seinfeld) will have the same icon, and it's easy to see where the whole list of videos becomes quite a mess.

IMHO movies are handles perfectly in Title view.  XBMC needs an additional area for TV shows that can be viewed something like this:

Click on TV Episodes button to go to a view that shows easch series (Seinfeld, Cheers, South Park, etc.) along with an icon/pic for each.  Click on a series and see a list of episodes for that series. Here, users should be able to highlight an episode and hit info to view the episode summary ( could provide the data) or select the episode to begin playing it.

I don't think it even has to be a seperate button on the home page.  I think it would be fine if you went into My Videos and then had a button for TV Episodes.  So long as they are handled seperately and could have independent views.

Just my $0.02

EDIT: Even though I don't play games, I can see where there should also be a games section.  Seems like almost the exact sam situation.  Never anything wrong with increased flexibility.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: j_guzzler on August 07, 2005, 03:52:00 PM
AS mentioned before, if you want a My games section, change the name of my programs to my games.....not sure what the big deal is anyways, it would take the same amount of clicks if you have your bookmarks set the same for the tv episodes....same thing, create another bookmark and then it will be separated.....And really, maybe instead of using teh .vob's try encoding them into a single file aka, .avi's (divx or xvid)....there has to be a limit on the "flexability" that everyone wants, read a few threads about skinning right now, soo many people asking for this, saying that would be better, it gets real annoying, now imagine if there were a my games tab, then maybe someone wants a my emulators tv episodes tab, my tv episodes season 1 tab.....where does it end.....its all there, just one more click
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: rockdawg on August 07, 2005, 05:13:00 PM
QUOTE(j_guzzler @ Aug 7 2005, 07:03 PM)
AS mentioned before, if you want a My games section, change the name of my programs to my games.....not sure what the big deal is anyways, it would take the same amount of clicks if you have your bookmarks set the same way
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: LiMiT-X on August 08, 2005, 04:01:00 AM
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: JayDee on August 08, 2005, 04:37:00 AM
Dvd menu support is coming, but we wont give any ETA on it.

Still needs abit of polishing, but it´s coming nicely along!
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: xmos on August 08, 2005, 02:18:00 PM
QUOTE(JayDee @ Aug 8 2005, 12:48 PM)
Dvd menu support is coming, but we wont give any ETA on it.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Rezzo on August 08, 2005, 02:26:00 PM
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: JayDee on August 08, 2005, 02:29:00 PM
QUOTE(Rezzo @ Aug 8 2005, 11:37 PM)
I want better support to H264 codec.
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Rezzo on August 09, 2005, 09:23:00 PM
QUOTE(JayDee @ Aug 8 2005, 10:40 PM)
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: vannillabear on August 21, 2005, 03:58:00 PM

Another one I want to see is a normalise feature for all audio (music and video), I know its not your fault, but when I'm watching episodes of a tv show and the sound level jumps about between each episode it gets frustrating.  Is this possible?

I'd also ask about DVD playback but I know you guys are on the case biggrin.gif

Thanks for giving me the best reason to mod my xbox! beerchug.gif
Title: The Feature Request Thread...
Post by: Yuyu on July 29, 2003, 05:23:00 PM
Since you are actually supposed to submit official requests on the sourceforge site. I am going to begin merging all requests into this thread, so if you have a new request, you might as well post it in this thread. I'll keep it updated as often as possible, so if a developer/tech support person is nice enough to respond to feature request here, they only have to look at this thread when they feel like doing that. I'm not saying, "Don't post feature request". By all means, continue to do so, as it sparks conversation and in the end, sometimes becomes a feasible request that you may want to submit it to the official requests tracker HERE.

This should make for more thought out request and less garbage requests being submitted to the Request Tracker System.