
OG Xbox Forums => XBMC Skinning => XBMC for Xbox Forums => Software Forums => Official Team Blackbolt Skins Forum => Topic started by: Jezz_X on May 02, 2006, 06:29:00 AM

Title: Mc360 Feature Freeze Sugestion
Post by: Jezz_X on May 02, 2006, 06:29:00 AM
Title: Mc360 Feature Freeze Sugestion
Post by: Blackbolt on May 02, 2006, 01:33:00 PM
Double Yawn.

Nah but seriously. Our goal is not to get this out as quick as possible, its to make this skin as quick as possible. Obviously we arent snailing along, we want it finished too, but we are not going to sacrifice creativity and functionality just so people can put it on their xbox. You see you may want this skin so bad, but trust me, as soon as you start using it, it will be a matter of mins before you are finished saying "oh thats cool, this is good" and you are back to just using XBMC.

Technically there was a feature freeze, the new ideas I talk about are new ideas of animating, navigation and visual aspects, not new ideas of adding extra stuff. The skinning engine isnt complete 2.0 yet so we are still working with the guys at XBMC to add some small new things and make it that much better.
Title: Mc360 Feature Freeze Sugestion
Post by: Xboxer on May 03, 2006, 09:47:00 AM
LOL the skin is not out yet? What happen to April 10? I guess you were to quick to put that guy down (see the original thread) when he said that this skin will be delayed for months.  Anyway good luck team Im checking this forum every 2-3 weeks.I hope we get to play with this baby soon.
Title: Mc360 Feature Freeze Sugestion
Post by: ClintiePoo on May 05, 2006, 04:40:00 PM
QUOTE(Blackbolt @ May 2 2006, 02:40 PM) View Post

Double Yawn.


Technically there was a feature freeze, the new ideas I talk about are new ideas of animating, navigation and visual aspects, not new ideas of adding extra stuff. The skinning engine isnt complete 2.0 yet so we are still working with the guys at XBMC to add some small new things and make it that much better.

I think he brings up a good point, though.  What happens to projects like this is that they grow and grow until they contain all sorts of things that weren't in the original plan.  That's called "scope creep."  Then, when the deadline approaches (no, I'm not talking about April), the project is crunched and the work at the tail end is hasty.  There does need to be a clear definition of what the objectives of this skin are, and what they are not.  

That said, I also believe in listening to the voice of the customer in order to develop a great product.  It's great that everyone has gotten involved with the development this early.  You can fine-tune the skin to suit the needs of the users.

I think you all are doing a great job, and if you need anything from me just let me know.
Title: Mc360 Feature Freeze Sugestion
Post by: Kazaki on May 06, 2006, 07:40:00 PM
"The DNF Effect"

Rolls off the tounge.  I like it.  Gonna use that in a few of my talks from now on.

It also must be noted that the suggestion of halting the addition of new features (which is completely different from finishing currently functional features) is done with the benefit of the project in mind.  It should not be taken as the order to rush something out, but rather a suggestion of insurance from getting burnt out or just tailing out near the end.