
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox360 Online Gaming and other Services => Other Online Services that Support Xbox360 => Topic started by: jeffrey92 on June 29, 2010, 10:42:00 AM

Title: Xlink Tips And Etiquette For Jtag Users
Post by: jeffrey92 on June 29, 2010, 10:42:00 AM
good list. Although I wouldn't say any of those are etiquette since theyre pretty much all required

I hope this takes off soon and enough people play so we can have some real lobbies going on. Even playing a couple hours last night I was already sick of all the modded games.
Title: Xlink Tips And Etiquette For Jtag Users
Post by: red_ring_of_box on June 29, 2010, 10:47:00 AM
These are pretty good rules, not really etiquette though tongue.gif, I have one addition though. When I tried to join a MW2 lobby my 360 was seen as a PSP in the Diagnostics tab and Metrics Tab. If you get this problem too then you have to go on your xbox 360 and go to:

System Settings>Network Settings>Configure Network>Additional Settings Tab>Advanced Settings>Alternative MAC Address

and input for the first six digits of your new MAC address: 00125A

For the remain digits input a random sequence of characters(0-9, A-E only)

When you are finished imputing your digits be sure to click DONE!

Your 360 should show up as an original xbox in the Diagnostics and Metrics tab, but that's okay because that's what it is supposed to look like.

If you see that your 360 is still found as a PSP but also a xbox then just reboot(turn on and off) your 360 and it should show up as just a xbox, this is what happened to me and it ended up going away after a while.

Heres the offical Xlink 360 Guide I got this info from so credit to them:

Title: Xlink Tips And Etiquette For Jtag Users
Post by: red_ring_of_box on June 29, 2010, 04:40:00 PM
I know what you mean, after I figured out how to connect to matches I tried to help as many people as I could but they just kept on coming. Hopefully this will help shorten the waves.