
Xbox360 Forums => T => Xbox 360 Specific Game Chat (wip) => Xbox360 Game Forums => Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter => Topic started by: Category 5 on March 08, 2006, 04:17:00 PM

Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Category 5 on March 08, 2006, 04:17:00 PM
As far as songle player goes, I love the graphics.  They look great.  THe HDR looks cool, although I think they may have gone a little bit overboard with it.  Sometimes you go from bright white to pitch black, and the human eye is more responsive than that.  Luckily you can adjust brightness.

Dislikes -

1 - I said it before release, and now I'll say it after release.  I can't believe they would release such a gorgeous game with such a hideous case of tearing.  What happened to vsync.  The tearing is nil in some parts, and in others it simply removes the illusion of smooth motion completely.  When you are on the helicopter the tearing is so pronounced it looks like you are under water or something.  Major foul IMO.

2 - The controls sometimes feel really sticky, and it is difficult to make small adjustments.  Maybe it takes some getting used to, but COD2 was silky smooth, and very easy to control.

3 - It seems like the drone is a hit or miss type of device.  At first when it had me try to locate ramirez it was literally a crap shoot.  Luckily the command found him and sent us to the right place.

Likes -

1 - I love the depth of control.  Once you get used to it it seems as though it would be really intuitive to move around without even thinking about it.

2 - the graphics.  need I say more.

3 - The sound is incredible.  This is an area that truly feels upgraded.  The sound is now part of how you navigate which is awesome.

4 - the color shifts that give you intensity regarding situational feedback.  very cool, and very intensifying.

5 - The connection of levels by the chopper stages.

6 - It's ghost recon.  Although so far the playability is diminished from the original titles.  The lack of smooth control and amount of frame tearing really pull me out of the simulation.

So for those who sworre I was overreacting by pointing out the tearing before release...and those who assured me it would be absent from the final release, the tearing is about as bad and worse than I imagined.  In some spots even worse than PD0.

Sorry for the bitching.  The motion issues are really a major letdown for me.  I get annoyed after about an hour of play.

Oh yeah, what happened to FREE anti-aliasing?  I remember reading that every game should have it, and so far I haven't seen any.  You'll still find your jaggies here.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Deftech on March 08, 2006, 04:10:00 PM
Seeing as people are posting Graw comments in atleast 3 threads, figured we could start one that doesnt deal with the release day  biggrin.gif

Let me start it off by saying its amazing, well worth the $60.00, and well worth the wait!

14 of 62 people on my Friends list are on Live, and ALL are playing GRAW beerchug.gif

Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Carlo210 on March 08, 2006, 04:19:00 PM
I'll probably get the game tomorrow. Don't know aobut Live, though. I want to have it subscribed with a credit card so I can buy other stuff too without getting point cards. In other words, I'll wait a very short while until I get my Gold account going. Unitl then, I may run on a trial account.

This post has been edited by Carlo210: Mar 9 2006, 12:22 AM
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: MadEx on March 08, 2006, 04:20:00 PM
Other postings here are just about peoples issues and whatnot.

Here's a post just saying: holy crap, this game is fuckin nice!

Only the first level and I'm just so impressed already. Animation and graphics are so fluid, the music durring tension is fitting and the controls are really good. I as expecting the aiming to be blocky and unprecise, but none of that here!

Back to my game smile.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Deftech on March 08, 2006, 04:15:00 PM
and I was about to say that I hardly notice the tearing, lol

it doesnt detract from the presentation one but in my opinion. But it did irritate me in PD zero, go figure.

I love it all, they did a commendable job by delaying it and polishing a game up that primarily runs on ancient dev kits. Ive posted too much in the last 10 minutes, Im ignoring the game, adios!!!!

Umm, I dont think Ive seen any jaggies yet. I havent looked but they havent jumped out at me either, so thats also a non issue, and coming from me, that means a lot  jester.gif

Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Deftech on March 08, 2006, 04:16:00 PM

you posted 1 minute after me  laugh.gif

back 2 the game!!
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Crystal Ice on March 08, 2006, 04:22:00 PM
Fun game, got it at like 10 o clock this morning and have been playing all day
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: davinator456 on March 08, 2006, 04:35:00 PM
this game is most definitely sweet.

holly hell i couldnt imagine anyone having a perfect gamer score on this game, at least not for a LONG LONG time that is.

the thunder at the dry docks made me jump.

the ghraphics are pretty damn good, and the game play is the sh%t.

I dont have xblive gold, but the game came with 48 hour trial card, which is great b/c im going out of town in 2 days, ill be back in a week, and ill have a paycheck to renew live at that time.

anyway- im off to a meeting, then do some homework, then play GRAW all night long
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: notsodiseased on March 08, 2006, 04:48:00 PM
I got off work at 3:00 today and picked up my reserved copy and here I sit playing it.

Excellent game. I havent tried the multi but once I throughly destroy the campaign Ill have at it.

Also Hard is where its at. biggrin.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Tripme on March 08, 2006, 04:51:00 PM
AHHH, Im trying so hard to get this game by days end.

Best buy is telling me i cant get it even though it is in their inventory and game stop is out of them.......

Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: drummin82 on March 08, 2006, 04:55:00 PM
QUOTE(Carlo210 @ Mar 8 2006, 06:19 PM) View Post

I'll probably get the game tomorrow. Don't know aobut Live, though. I want to have it subscribed with a credit card so I can buy other stuff too without getting point cards. In other words, I'll wait a very short while until I get my Gold account going. Unitl then, I may run on a trial account.

I got a two day trial with mine, so you could at least try it out for two days if you got the card with it.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Vinestrike77 on March 08, 2006, 04:55:00 PM
I'm sure to get this game later on today as Gamestop has my reservation.

If anyone is interested in joining up to kick some butt you have my Gamertag!

See you all in the WARZONE
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: penguin318 on March 08, 2006, 04:59:00 PM
money well spent, gonna check out the MP later if anyone wants to hit me up just add X-S to your FR  beerchug.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Druggedpolak on March 08, 2006, 05:18:00 PM
definitely worth it! Graphics are amazing and nightvision is super realistic. I love it when you arer in the chopper and u look left and u could see the pilots and great detail. This game is addicting and is imho the best strategic game. I love it. Still havent played on live though. I just cant play any games for more than 2 hours like i used to, i just get bored of every game for some reason now.

Advance forward!!!
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: deacon187 on March 08, 2006, 05:34:00 PM
my first 2 games were full of lag but i guess it could of been the host connection problem or something, LOL it was only 4 of us

so far the only gripe i have is i joined a solo match and there was 8 peeps playing and as i move around i seem to move at such a pace but as im trying to shoot someone its as if they are moving 4X faster than i am

but hopefully everyone will start using this thread since near  every single topic on the front page is nothing but GRAW

i took a break to eat, im gonna give another go at in a few minutes
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Foe-hammer on March 08, 2006, 05:44:00 PM
About the graphics, do they still have the "grainy filter effect"?  Just curious.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: notsodiseased on March 08, 2006, 06:03:00 PM
Only slightly. Its worth a peek beleive me.

Everything looks crisp in hd to me.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: shamsulaswad on March 08, 2006, 06:15:00 PM
hey guys, you dont mind if I'm adding those with xboxlive on my account do you? I need some friends to play MP  biggrin.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: hamwbone on March 08, 2006, 06:23:00 PM
any body else notice the reflections in the windows on level 2?
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: hamwbone on March 08, 2006, 06:42:00 PM
firing rant... i have died so many time not pulling the right trigger to 100%, i know a real gun trigger has to pulled pulled all the way back to fire, but on most games ive played you dont have to.. ill learn quick if i keep dieing
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: giftic on March 08, 2006, 06:54:00 PM
I thought outfit demo was fun until i played GRAW
NOW this is a reason to own a 360
looks 10x better than the trailers back to GRAW
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: fastTOE on March 08, 2006, 07:30:00 PM
alright so, to all of you, this game sounds sweet as hell, and you're getting me hyped, and i'm really close to saying,  "fuck it" and running out and buying it right now,... but i gotta ask....

i really don't like squad based games,...... will this game change my mind?

i can't stand having to worry about other AI ppl, i just want to run and shoot, i'm alright with having strategy and shit,... but i don't like controlling other shit besides myself,.... so, basically, will this game still be worth it to me if i really really am not a fan of squad based shooters?
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: hamwbone on March 08, 2006, 07:46:00 PM
i hate squad based games to, its pretty simplistic, you dont have to set up routes n shit, just have them aid you n such. like telling what target the helopter above you to fire on is awsome, i love this game

biggrin.gif  any one else have this yet

Unyielding (Multiplayer):
Got 30 kills before being killed in multiplayer
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: []-[]ooDLu[]v[] on March 08, 2006, 07:56:00 PM
i kno...i got this game today, defineity #1 xbox360 game so far...
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: woofis on March 08, 2006, 08:37:00 PM
this game is really awsome. im addicted... to bad i have school tomorrow or id be playing all night dry.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: mitch2025 on March 08, 2006, 08:50:00 PM
i dont like the 1st person mode how it doesnt show your gun and i hate the wide screen thing in single player. i have bad eyes and with the black bars it makes the screen smaller so after like 30 min of playing my eyes are hurting like fucking hell
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: hamwbone on March 08, 2006, 09:01:00 PM
what do yall thing of the HDR?
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: unclepauly on March 08, 2006, 09:39:00 PM
Someone said something like "what happened to the free AA?"...Wtf?... I was playing and was thinking "bout time they applied some AA" The only graphical problem I've seen was the v-sync debacle. Other than that it's beautiful. When v-sync is on in some games it really drags the fps down so I'm kinda glad they left it off. Slowdown is minimal so I'm happy.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: davinator456 on March 08, 2006, 09:43:00 PM
i have noticed a glitch. twice now i join into a game and i cant hear anyone talk. but apparently they could here me.

restarted and it was fine
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Xeriak on March 08, 2006, 10:31:00 PM
bah.. I bought GRAW.. but I'm on a business trip right now and don't got my 360 with me in the hotel.. Soo.. I got to wait till I get back home to play... sleep.gif

Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Greenpants200 on March 08, 2006, 10:36:00 PM
My number one complaint at this point is the movement speed in multiplayer.  You play single player, and movement is realistic, then you join a multiplayer game and everybody has rockets up their asses.  In a game where one shot kills, the player speed should not be this high.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: CattyKid on March 08, 2006, 10:40:00 PM
I'm sorry, but what is this "tearing" that you're speaking of?

Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: JMan8108 on March 08, 2006, 10:40:00 PM
easily the number one 360 game, i love it!!!
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: hamwbone on March 08, 2006, 10:50:00 PM
the citys are just so spectacular looking...
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Altima NEO on March 09, 2006, 12:35:00 AM
Guah, went to EB and they were sold out, only had pre order copies left. Best Buy shut off their OPEN sign as I pulled into the parking lot, and all the Fred Meyers in the area dont even carry the game (expected... but had to try)

ah well...
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: IllusiveX on March 09, 2006, 12:40:00 AM
smile.gif  IM damn pumped! what would you guys say to joining me on live when i get it
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: giftic on March 09, 2006, 01:36:00 AM
sure.. i would love to play with fellow scene members
add my tag
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: giftic on March 09, 2006, 01:40:00 AM
biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif I think this is the Best Console frontier of Games Ever. GRAW has proved 360
is truely a Winning Contender..this is by far the best Game hands down
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: pingrr on March 09, 2006, 07:55:00 AM
I just picked the game up.  Unfortunatly I am in the middle of moving.  I probably won't have my 360 hooked back up unitl sunday.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: sp3cialk on March 09, 2006, 08:09:00 AM
Absolutly love the game... played for 9 hours straight last night... couple things i would have like to seen different..

1 - wall/obstacle cover in multiplayer

2 - the ability to get into a friends game if it's ranked

3 - nade throwing from single player in the multiplayer side (for some reason it's different and can't get the judgement down to a T.  I either over throw my target or way under throw it.)
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Deftech on March 09, 2006, 09:46:00 AM
I want that! send it to me!
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Ces2k3 on March 09, 2006, 09:48:00 AM
sweet man where did u get that?
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Rubix42 on March 09, 2006, 11:21:00 AM
I'm loving the GRAW!  I couldn't stop playing it, which hasn't happened to me with a game in a long time.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Carlo210 on March 09, 2006, 11:25:00 AM
Too bad  all the stores near me are out of GRAW. EBGames said they may get more tomorrow. sad.gifsad.gifsad.gifsad.gifsad.gifsad.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: jimjom on March 09, 2006, 02:04:00 PM
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: shodanjr_gr on March 09, 2006, 02:39:00 PM
Anyone care to upload some photos (not screenies, i want photos tongue.gif) of the game being played on a decent HDTV? I wana quash my urges to get the next plane to the states and go buy the damn thing ... (ordered from yesterday so it should be here Monday but i just cant wait!!).
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: VOlition on March 09, 2006, 05:06:00 PM
QUOTE(Achtung @ Mar 9 2006, 09:19 AM) View Post

Future shop in Canada is giving it away as a bonus with purchase

My friend, so if I walk into the futureshop right now, I can get this game with a toque?
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Vasher on March 09, 2006, 05:31:00 PM
QUOTE(davinator456 @ Mar 9 2006, 04:16 PM) View Post

anyone else experienced the glitch where you cant hear anyone in the game?

other than that this game kicks ass

On the training mission I fired the launcher at the tank, skinned the ledge, after that I couldn't stand. I was "sliding" in the crouched position as if I was against the wall. After nearly completing the mission I went back to the top of the "garage" and went up to the wall where it started, there was an odd sound and my character stood up.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: jimjom on March 09, 2006, 05:49:00 PM
QUOTE(jimjom @ Mar 9 2006, 10:11 PM) View Post


Wow... thursday 4:39 pm, they STILL dont have it, WTF? Fry's shipments got all screwed! I shoulda pre ordered along with my burnout. I WANT TO PLAY THIS.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: VOlition on March 09, 2006, 06:04:00 PM
The two futureshops beside my house doesn't have it, as I heard correctly from one of the employees, it got sold out in one hour.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: deacon187 on March 09, 2006, 07:59:00 PM
dont know if this a glitch or bad coding but it will come in very handy  biggrin.gif  playing with some friends online in co-op, so im not sure if it will work in all game modes but the enemy threw out smoke grenades and i was near a car and i could still see  clear through the window of the car, but without looking through the car i couldnt see shit, it was on the treasury map so not sure if it will work in all maps either
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Achtung on March 09, 2006, 10:27:00 PM
QUOTE(VOlition @ Mar 10 2006, 01:13 AM) View Post

My friend, so if I walk into the futureshop right now, I can get this game with a toque?

As far as I know yeh, Im sure they only have a limited number of them though.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: hamwbone on March 09, 2006, 10:46:00 PM
i thoguth the chopper levels were gona be easy and cinematic... i got killed flying in the chopper... maaybe i suck   biggrin.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: shamsulaswad on March 09, 2006, 10:55:00 PM
^^^ same happened to me the first time. I kept firing the machine gun eventhou it was already overheat since I dont know what the color bar on the lower right of the screen is for.  I was like, come on, pour some bullet out  mad.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Deftech on March 09, 2006, 11:18:00 PM
chopper parts are easy on Normal, they suck on Hard  grr.gif

Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: hamwbone on March 09, 2006, 11:27:00 PM
i guess most helo   gunners arent drunk when entering heat either...   beerchug.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: shamsulaswad on March 09, 2006, 11:34:00 PM
i wish i could continue playing graw right now. i have a midterm first thing tomorrow morning (830am) and i should be studying, and not posting something here.  sad.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: hamwbone on March 09, 2006, 11:46:00 PM
priorities man! good thing.  

................i hate nite levels.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Vasher on March 09, 2006, 11:51:00 PM
Another "glitch" that is weird, but looks cool. It's in the second stage where you have to go to the check point at the rail road. Before engaging the enemies (after reaching the check point). Get in the prone position (on the floor). Move towards the rail car on the right. Mitchell will start to climb an invisible hill. When he gets a few feet off the ground he'll stand up and be in a perfect "crucifix", arms outstretched, legs together. You can float around the back of the rail car. I've done it a few times.

Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: deacon187 on March 10, 2006, 12:21:00 AM
QUOTE(hamwbone @ Mar 10 2006, 12:53 AM) View Post

priorities man! good thing.  

................i hate nite levels.

default brightness is set to 0 i got mine at 4 now and its much better

man i gotta love first person only servers, the game is way better in first person, not to many peeps complained at all either, just got done playing 5 hours, to bad i gotta work @ 7:30am other wise id go for the 8 hour achievement, ohwell, the weekend is almost here
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: JMan8108 on March 10, 2006, 12:53:00 AM
the 8 hour achievement is gonna be mine tommorow night... yea co-op is awesome just got done playing a couple missions. I like the 3rd person view for myself. At any rate this game is amaaaazzzing. If you are reading this and dont have it, go get it now!!!
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: chuxterofdoom on March 10, 2006, 03:59:00 AM
I never liked the series but I love this game.  One thing I think is weird is that you can make your team heal other teammates but you can't make them heal you. grr.gif   I mean why do I have to suffer.   tongue.gif

OH yeah,  Just out of curiosity, what is your favorite load out of weapons.  I prefer the scar-l/eglm and nades.  I love blowing stuff up!
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: griffin XXI on March 10, 2006, 07:31:00 AM
This game has blown me away. Played til the first night level last night with a buddy. The city is simply amazing! I love shooting up a car, blowing it to hell, and then the car alarms start going off, cool. The environments are awesome, it feels hot, with shimmering heat waves, dust and hot wind blowing. Shoot a wall and bullet holes are left there. Woo hoo. Sounds are out of sight as well, suck you right in. Just starting to get used to the cross com, it has taken me some time getting the feel of cycling through the ghosts, uav, vehicles and chopper, and then making the right choices for them, steep learning curve but very awesome! I wish the nades were mapped to the shoulder buttons like COD2, it would make our job just a little easier. Miss the gun in FP, so I'd rather use 3rd person, which I really like, cause its cool seeing your guy and the way he looks. I've noticed that you have to pull the trigger all the way in to shoot, its definitely not a hair trigger, I'm guessing this is part of the realism? I've no experience with automatic weapons, so I assume this is the norm? I'm sure someone here could answer this ?. The best game I've played for the 360 by a long shot.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: VinnySem on March 10, 2006, 10:18:00 AM
Wow, with all the shortage stories I'm glad I reserved GRAW at my local Gamestop in CT.

Played for a good 3-4 hours multiplayer last night, man I love this game!

For me, it's little annoyances in older versions that have been addressed in GRAW that I love, such as the ability to set your default weapon loadout, instead of having to cycle through all of the guns to find it.

Did a FFA last night, was the most MP fun I've had in a long time.

One thing I wish they did in GRAW which they did in R6:Lockdown, is left trigger = grenade throw instead of needing to select a grenade first, then throw.

With GRAW this good, I can't wait to see what R6:Vegas is like. I've been a Clancy-universe game fan since the  original Rainbow Six on PC.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: davemire on March 10, 2006, 11:25:00 AM
I must say that I have played all the ghost recon games and I was super excited to get this game. But I am left unimpressed. The game looks great, sounds awesome, and the idea is great. But I find the gameplay and control far to cumbersome. I like the idea of being able to hug the wall, but I find myself getting jammed onto it far too often. Also the control layout doesn't seem exactly intuitive (I am aware it can be modified). And lastly the response to situations seems awful. The gun always has a delay before firing (it isn't reloading) the bad guys can see you from three buildings away looking the other direction and pick out out laying on the groud under a bush. Like come on. That just ruins the whole thing for me. It isn't realistic at all. I like the fact that, based on realism, that certain weapons can shoot through walls. But when an enemy sees you through a wall on a plain that is about ten feet lower than you, impossible for him to see you, he can hit you through the wall guessing and do considerable damage or death. It's just way to far fetched. The game is a technical marvel, but it is a terrible play experience. I loved the other ghost games, I love rainbow six, but this one is going on ebay.

It's too bad.....
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: havoc on March 10, 2006, 03:35:00 PM
im really loving this game gotta love ubisoft cant wait for spinter cell, anyone who wants to play some co-op just add me to your friends list.

oh yeah and if anyone wants my 48 hour trial first to pm me gets it.

see ya on the battle field
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: esc1 on March 10, 2006, 10:03:00 PM
I was reading over at teamxbox about mp.  They said they covered each mp map and showed details for each, but there was only six.  Is that for real?   blink.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: bOi_1 on March 10, 2006, 10:27:00 PM
Game is disturbingly unbelievable leap for 360.  Can't say enough about the graphics.  Too bad I lost all my patience trying to keep from getting killed in the chopper 2nd stage.  I came close to beating the sh!t out of the wireless controller grr.gif !!!
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: hamwbone on March 10, 2006, 10:35:00 PM
im confused, WHY in a tank, specifaclly after a nite level, do they not keep weapons in there for me, i start a whole new mission and dont even get to pick a new weapon? im stuck witht he one i picked up off a dead guy
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: hamwbone on March 10, 2006, 11:37:00 PM
that level took me a few tries. i lived but kept on having to start the ground fight with nothing for health... finally memorized the positions and when to let the gun cool, then i landed with full health
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: VOlition on March 11, 2006, 01:39:00 AM
Guys I just got Ghost Recon Advanced War Fighter W00T. I had a tough time between this, Far Cry and The Outfit.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Greenpants200 on March 11, 2006, 02:22:00 AM
Soooooooo, anybody beat all 4(wow!!) of the co-op campaign levels and wishing for more already?
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: loserkid182 on March 11, 2006, 03:18:00 AM
It's fscking great!!

I love it but it is frustrating in places:

Helicopter Chaingun = grrr , just have to fire in bursts but end up with little health on the ground (i'm on the castle level)

I got pissed off with the protect the dumbass president at the embassy so much that I smashed my controller on the floor and one of the arms split open  rolleyes.gif  (you have to stand next to him and use the choppers to mop up)

Very Good, I set it up on my 17" tft with crappy 2.1 surround system, but oh it is amazing, tried it on my 14" crt tv afterwards and i couldn't play it, so i'll only play it with the TFT now.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Legendary Badass on March 11, 2006, 04:01:00 AM
Sorry I haven't read every post, but can someone tell me how to get my friends into my game for a rank match. I know it can be done because I've seen three guys with the same initials on their gamertag; designating their clan. They destroyed my team because we didn't know eachother. If I could play with my friends, I could have a shot and winning for a change.

Second question. Is there no talking on ranked team matches? I played a few games, and no one said anything.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Greenpants200 on March 11, 2006, 10:03:00 AM
Can't play with your friends on a ranked match.  Guess this is to avoid cheap leveling up, etc.  However without a matchmaking system this is just lame.  Who wants to wait for a full room to fill up before every game.  See you all on player match!
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: bOi_1 on March 11, 2006, 11:00:00 AM
tnx 4 the tips on the chopper stage brothers....gonna try it out again right now beerchug.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: esc1 on March 11, 2006, 12:00:00 PM
QUOTE(esc1 @ Mar 11 2006, 12:10 AM) View Post

I was reading over at teamxbox about mp.  They said they covered each mp map and showed details for each, but there was only six.  Is that for real?   blink.gif

Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Deftech on March 11, 2006, 06:47:00 PM
I had one of those cool experiences. I think it was the 2nd mission, and a sniper was almost at the top of a skyscraper.

I started using whatever nade launcher I had, it was one of the SCAR rifles I believe. My trajectory was off so it took all 6 to reach the bastard, but on the 6th, it hit his corner and it got him! He was far off and the sound was very faint but damn it was nice 2 reach out and touch the fugger like that smile.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Carlo210 on March 11, 2006, 07:45:00 PM
Ten Multiplayer Maps, or so I believe.

Hopefully, this game will be mine on Monday.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: esc1 on March 11, 2006, 08:26:00 PM
6 from what I've read.  Apparently someone that has the game can't say.  rolleyes.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Carlo210 on March 11, 2006, 10:19:00 PM
Off-topic, but I've been hearing many negative things about technical issues while playing GRAW online for the 360. Head to the official GRAW forums...
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: crimethink on March 12, 2006, 05:00:00 AM
IPB Image


Rented this game.
Loved this game.
Buying this game.

The whole game actually looks just as good as that screenshot.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: zilli0n on March 12, 2006, 02:41:00 PM
Yeah this game is definatly a reason now to buy a 360. I have setup a forum for recruiting clans/clan battles.. etc.

Join up !
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Mikeizzle on March 12, 2006, 02:44:00 PM

lol, j/k. But i just got this game. Its pritty fucking sick. I like it alot. I love it. I want to make sex to it. err... forget that last part  blink.gif . But, damn, its so awesome. In the 2nd mission, when i got a rifle with a nade launcher on it, im like 'okay, gotta find something to blow up' so theres 3 guys hiding behind a car, i am at the car and.... KA-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean, holy fuck and a half this game is amazing. It sounded so real and shit, its awesome. And i havent even got into the multiplayer yet! Allthough im stuck on like the 4th or 5th mission at night. Damn, its hard, i cant see shit without NVG. But i like being able to controll the apachie  muhaha.gif . Fucking amazing, just amazing.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: VOlition on March 12, 2006, 03:02:00 PM
This is one of those games that I am actually happy that I spend 84 bucks cad on it.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: sp3cialk on March 12, 2006, 11:01:00 PM
QUOTE(crimethink @ Mar 12 2006, 07:07 AM) View Post


Rented this game.
Loved this game.
Buying this game.

The whole game actually looks just as good as that screenshot.

Actually mine looks better....  laugh.gif but yea the game is awesome....
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: shamsulaswad on March 12, 2006, 11:17:00 PM
QUOTE(crimethink @ Mar 12 2006, 01:07 PM) View Post

IPB Image


Rented this game.
Loved this game.
Buying this game.

The whole game actually looks just as good as that screenshot.

I just got to this part and have been killed several times just to get off the roof. Any advice? Maybe I'll just try tomorrow then.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: jizmo on March 13, 2006, 05:14:00 AM
GRAW wasn't in my 'must get' list at first, but with all the praising here I decided to get it. It's a good game as such, but I feel it doesn't live up to the hype.

1) Framerate variess from acceptable to downright sluggy. It's OK in normal game, but on bigger showdowns with vehicles and enemy running around and some smoke grenades makes the framerate appalling. It's even worse in the snipe mode.

2) Low-res textures. Sure, it's a big city, but the paths where the action takes place should've been upgraded with sharper textures. Every brick wall you lean on look very smudged.

3) Some Xbox character models. I mean, just look at the presidents.

4) Tunnel running. Sure, it's a two-block tunnel, but every movement is still very restricted, you can't go where you want. I would've loved to take different approaches to fights by suprising the enemy by climbing to a roof, going around them and hitting their squad from behind etc

5) Average four min wait in MP lobbies is too much.

6) No any next-gen AI here. They seek for cover nicely, but I still see enemies trying to run to me trough a fence

Plus sides:

1) Well planned and well balanced game, rambo tactics don't apply here

2) The main characters have hi-res textures and are nicely modeled and animated

3) While there are some obvious shortcomings in some graphical aspects, it still is the best looking x360 game out there.

My verdict: 8.5/10
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Category 5 on March 13, 2006, 10:12:00 AM
For those who asked, here is a simulation of what tearing looks like with vsync turned off.  Beware, once you notice it you probably always will, so if you don't see it now don't look for it.  I wish I couldn't see it!

IPB Image
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Schismatized on March 13, 2006, 12:27:00 PM
i just played and i havent really noticed that.. what is vsync? i must have it because thats not happening on my game..
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: loserkid182 on March 13, 2006, 03:40:00 PM
One thing I don't like about it (not the game, the packaging) The text on the spine looks shite, it's like the text on the XBOX Classics boxes   doesn't match any of my other games as they all have logos.

also spotted a spelling mistake in the game on the HUD (I spellcheck things as part of my job, it's a gift - honest) :

IPB Image

also some in the "manual"

but it is a great game so I forgive them

I'm stuck at the castle just past the checkpoint gate with the fire to the left (BHD?) low on health and too many sneaky bastard mexican terrorists (no offence to any mexican henchmen reading this)
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: yakpimp on March 13, 2006, 09:36:00 PM
If you are facing the same way as in the pic, you can back up to the back of the building then go to the right, and there is a ramp over there on the far right side.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: hamwbone on March 13, 2006, 10:52:00 PM
im on that same part... i can see the first sniper but i keep getting popped in the head by another one... the search continues
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: shamsulaswad on March 14, 2006, 12:29:00 AM
QUOTE(hamwbone @ Mar 14 2006, 06:59 AM) View Post

im on that same part... i can see the first sniper but i keep getting popped in the head by another one... the search continues

another one is located on top of the building across the first one. be cautious, there will be more marksmen. I'm done with normal mode, propably try my luck on hard now.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Carlo210 on March 14, 2006, 05:24:00 PM
If anyone wants to play online, my GT is Carlo 210.
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: JMan8108 on March 14, 2006, 05:37:00 PM
yea mine is jman inc, i usually like to play the co-op missions or team sharpshooter
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: JMan8108 on March 14, 2006, 11:10:00 PM
hey guys i need some help
im on the 4th level where u have to take out the bunkers with the c4....
ive cleared all the enemies out of the area but how do i get to the c4 to blow up the bunker???thx
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Deftech on March 14, 2006, 11:19:00 PM
QUOTE(JMan8108 @ Mar 15 2006, 01:17 AM) View Post

hey guys i need some help
im on the 4th level where u have to take out the bunkers with the c4....
ive cleared all the enemies out of the area but how do i get to the c4 to blow up the bunker???thx

there is no C4 you have to get, you carry it by default. walk up to a bunker and Hold in "Y"

Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: JMan8108 on March 14, 2006, 11:54:00 PM
ahhh i didnt see that it says plant charge when ur close enough.... beat that mission now... yeaaa
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Deftech on March 14, 2006, 11:59:00 PM
go forward and kill kill kill!!  pop.gif
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Carlo210 on March 15, 2006, 09:04:00 AM
I'm on the one where it's set in an autumn landscape.

Deftech, do you play over live?
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: Deftech on March 15, 2006, 11:28:00 AM
QUOTE(Carlo210 @ Mar 15 2006, 11:11 AM) View Post

I'm on the one where it's set in an autumn landscape.

Deftech, do you play over live?

At times, depending on the game...with friends Ive know for many moons. Some of us have been playing online together for many years, and we all know how one another works in tactical games, so we stick together when a Recon or R6 comes out.

Recon is the only game Ive found worthy of playing online thus far for the 360, and even then I havent played it much online, the single player is far more engaging than I expected  love.gif Ive hated all past recons single player attempts, this one is the opposite. I prefer the single player over the mutli, never expected that.

Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: hamwbone on March 15, 2006, 12:17:00 PM
its also sad that the dodge magnum is going to look the same in 2015
Title: Official Graw Thread
Post by: griffin XXI on March 15, 2006, 01:23:00 PM
QUOTE(Deftech @ Mar 15 2006, 12:35 PM) View Post

At times, depending on the game...with friends Ive know for many moons. Some of us have been playing online together for many years, and we all know how one another works in tactical games, so we stick together when a Recon or R6 comes out.

Recon is the only game Ive found worthy of playing online thus far for the 360, and even then I havent played it much online, the single player is far more engaging than I expected  love.gif Ive hated all past recons single player attempts, this one is the opposite. I prefer the single player over the mutli, never expected that.

Totally agree with you there. This Recon will be the first one I've finished in SP. Good job UBI for the nice surprise. smile.gif