
OG Xbox Forums => Dashboard Forums => EvolutionX Forum => Topic started by: 1hotjob on April 12, 2006, 12:29:00 AM

Title: Adding Delete Cache And Format X, Y, Z
Post by: 1hotjob on April 12, 2006, 12:29:00 AM
I was browsing Unleashx menu code
and came across this:

<List Text="Clear Cache" Sort="Off" Batch="True">
         <item action="messagebox" arg1="Clear Cache">This will clear your cache. It can be helpfull when you experience games not loading or crashing.</item>
         <Item Action="copy" Arg1="E:\UDATA\4d530017\62D648EBF155\evoxdash.xbe" Arg2="E:\cache\evoxdash.xbe"></Item>
         <Item Action="delete" Arg1="e:\cache"></Item>
         <Item Action="Format" Arg1="X" ></Item>
         <Item Action="Format" Arg1="Y" ></Item>
         <Item Action="Format" Arg1="Z" ></Item>
         <item action="messagebox" arg1="Completed">Cache is cleared.</item>

I have been trying to get this to
work in Evox. Does anyone here
know if this can be adapted for

I really like the Evox dash and
want to stay with it, but I like this
option to delete the cache and
format x, y, and z from the menu.