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Odamex Pwad Compatibility List

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The Horror Collection;

Odamex: 0.5.4
Iwad: Doom2, or Freedoom equivalent
Port: BOOM compatible
Changes: 1 map starting on map01
Issues: S.S. officer not displaying as Plasma trooper. Red key physics/event not working properly.
Link: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=14994

This one uses an embedded bex file, but it doesn't seem to be out of order. I'm not sure what's up with this one.


Odamex: 0.5.4
Iwad: Final Doom - TNT
Port: Limit removing source port
Changes: 1 map starting on map01
Issues: Yellow door does not open.
Link: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=15025

One of the only, if not the only, TNT pwads I can remember seeing.

No Chance;

Odamex: 0.5.4
Iwad: Doom2, or Freedoom equivalent
Port: BOOM compatible
Changes: 1 map on map01
Issues: Crashes on multiple event/area triggers, which require manual Xbox reboot.
Link: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=15937

Like the readme say, 'This is a ridiculously difficult Boom-compatible map'. Too bad it doesn't work the whole way through. Like Deus Vult, I thought this may have been due to the tele-portation ambushes, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the crashes may be sound related.

Green Day;

Odamex: 0.5.4
Iwad: Ultimate Doom, or Freedoom equivalent
Port: Limit removing source port
Changes: 2 maps starting on E4M1
Issues: None found
Link: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=16589

This one uses the Ultimate Doom's episode 4, so select that episode to start the levels. If you're on the last 1.9 version of regular Doom, update your iwad to Ultimate Doom to play the fourth episode.


Odamex: 0.5.4
Iwad: Doom2, or Freedoom equivalent
Port: Limit removing source port
Changes: 1 map on map01
Issues: None found
Link: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=15175

Supports, and requires, jumping in a couple spots. You shouldn't be able to get stuck from using the feature.

This post has been edited by NobodyHere: Yesterday, 03:31 AM

Belials Bad Brain;

Odamex: 0.5.4
Iwad: Doom2, or Freedoom equivalent
Port: Limit removing source port
Changes: 1 map on map01
Issues: Teleportation ambushes cause system crashes, save often. Orange key area has wall that will not open after hitting switch.
Link: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=15216

Teleporting enemies cause insta-death in many doom ports, and vice-versa when your player teleports onto enemies. In Xbox Odamex, it seems to cause the Xbox to crash instead of returning to the menu. I got pretty far into this level, and ending up dropping into an area after running over the orange key. Once I cleared out the Arch Viles guarding the switches, a path opened up. At this point a switch was supposed to drop a wall, but it did not.

The Community Chest Project;

Odamex: 0.5.4
Iwad: Doom2, or Freedoom equivalent
Port: Boom compatible
Changes: 32 maps beginning on map01
Issues: See *, **, and below
Link: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=12021

- Map 01, 02, 16, 17, 18, 19, 32 all work.
- Map 20 does not work.
- Map18 has possible random crash after killing Mastermind**.
- Map20 crashes Odamex when attempting to load.

The Community Chest Project 2;

Odamex: 0.5.4
Iwad: Doom2, or Freedoom equivalent
Port: Boom compatible
Changes: 32 maps beginning on map01
Issues: See *, and below.
Link: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=13024

- Map 01, 16, and 32 work.
- Map 02, and 17 do not work.
- Map02 has door that does not open when switch is hit (at very start of level).
- Map17 crashes Odamex when attempting to load.


* Because of the nature of these team, or contest, megawads (complete level set replacements), I have randomly jumped around from level to level for testing. Each member does his/her own map with different techniques, and sometimes features, used.

** I noticed that when you kill special enemies like the Spider Mastermind, or Cyberdemon, that crashes are more likely to occur. These enemies have a special function that is called when they die, allowing creative mappers to use them as event triggers. Maybe this causes issues with Odamex?

I did a quick test by using Xbmc shortcuts to warp to the last boss stage of Ultimate Doom, and Doom 2.
- One test of Ultimate Doom showed the game ending properly after defeating the Spider Mastermind.
- Doom 2 crashed back to the Odamex menu the first time I killed the Icon of Sin. With one follow up test, the game ended properly.

I suppose I should actually play through the Freedom iwads to test the boss battles, and that the BOOM levels themselves are completable.

This post has been edited by NobodyHere: Today, 12:46 AM

In case someone comes along and sees all the red and orange wads, I want to note that NobodyHere is intentionally trying non-vanilla wads that exercise the advanced mapping features of Odamex. The amount of non-working wads listed does not reflect the total compatibility that can be expected from Odamex when trying typical wads. Vanilla wads, which accounts for many many wads, should work without issue.

Having said that, this list is great and I'm glad you are continuing to update it NobodyHere. If you could, try Batman all the way through. I have played it a number of times and haven't experienced any issues (as long as the deh is properly loaded) but it would be nice to see the results of a thorough test.


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