
Author Topic: Stepmania , Please Help! Im Going Mad Over Here!  (Read 268 times)


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Stepmania , Please Help! Im Going Mad Over Here!
« on: January 09, 2007, 09:11:00 PM »

O.k, please no judgement on me o.k?  If this is easy for you then please teach me for I am going insane.

Im tryping to put Stepmania onto my xbox, which is modded and has xmbc.    This box works great and I can run emulators and stream videos and all that fun stuff.

Now I've gone through every page over and over on how to get Stepmania onto the xbox.  And to no avail. This is what I keep reading over and over.

After downloading it, install it on your PC, then upload the entire Stepmania directory to a directory on your XBox. Now copy the XBE file into the Stepmania directory along with the /MEDIA directory. When you are finished, the directory structure on your XBox should look like this:

<DIR> Announcers
<DIR> BGAnimations
<DIR> Cache
<DIR> CDTitles
<DIR> Courses
<DIR> Media
<DIR> Music
<DIR> NoteSkins
<DIR> RandomMovies
<DIR> Songs
1,404,928 stepmaniax.xbe
<DIR> Themes
<DIR> Visualizations"

So.  I have downloaded it to my pc.  And then dropped the whole folder into e drive under games with a new folder called Stepmania.  I do not have a F drive.  

And then Im lost.  From reading I have found I believe to be the default.xbe that it reffers to to use and copy onto stepmania.   I've copied it, placed it in the folder, and all I get is fatal errors and no joy.  

Also it mentions to make sure to inculde \MEDIA.  From where? And into what?

I've also read to look at xbin sites as well.  And all I find is more text to read which is the same as what I read above.

So please please please.  Can someone take me through the missing steps from PC to Xbox to JOY so I can finally be sane.

Please and thank you!