
Author Topic: 29 Wires  (Read 74 times)


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29 Wires
« on: October 15, 2003, 04:48:00 AM »

I hear a lot about this 29 wire thing,

and seen as I am planning on flashing a TSOP soon... I would like to know more

any info? I cant find any on the mail site?


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29 Wires
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2003, 05:18:00 AM »

a 29 wire chip totally bypasses the tsop, this allows you to fix a bad flash on a tsop. they have a tutorial on this site in hte tutorials section


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29 Wires
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2003, 06:31:00 AM »

I'm trying to do something similar... I had a 29 wire mod and upgraded to an 11 wire xecuter 1 a while back...

here's the gist:

connect the jumpers that allow the tsop to be writable (there is one on the top and one on the bottom)

load up evox and have it ready to flash the bios of your choice...

boot up with your modchip on and then once in evox switch it off and flash... done

the tricky part is figuring out where to put your switch on a 29 wire mod... (the 11 wire is easy just disconnect the d0 point)

this is the THEORY... I havne't actually got it to work yet I keep getting a "Not Writable" error which suposidly means I dont have the jumpers connected good enough