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Author Topic: Ressurectionxtras And Compatibility Lists  (Read 21945 times)


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Ressurectionxtras And Compatibility Lists
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2013, 05:45:00 PM »

7062399253'>Hi Rx, glad you like the site.  smile.gif

I also made a forum there, so post whatever you want.

Yeah, those box arts were definitely a great idea and gilou made some really nice ones too.

Years have gone by, but they are still here... or to put it another way, they have been ressurected!  tongue.gif

None of the original RessurectionXtras were updated, but xtras were made for computers, such as Amiga, MSX, X6800.

Asphodel recently released a huge xtras for Commodore 64, which was some undertaking!

This post has been edited by bigby: Aug 28 2013, 12:48 AM


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Ressurectionxtras And Compatibility Lists
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2013, 04:42:00 AM »

7062399380'>The PlayStation Xtras are available at the site now.

These do not include any games, only the artwork, videos, GameFAQs, commercials and VGMaps.

This post has been edited by bigby: Sep 3 2013, 11:42 AM


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« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2013, 05:41:00 AM »

QUOTE(bigby @ Sep 3 2013, 05:42 AM) View Post

The PlayStation Xtras are available at the site now.

These do not include any games, only the artwork, videos, GameFAQs, commercials and VGMaps.

Excellent idea, and and excellent job to Bigby and/or any involved.

Should have had you and/or them in charge of releases in the good old days.


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Ressurectionxtras And Compatibility Lists
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2013, 03:23:00 PM »

I have installed some Xtras with the Xtras Installer Sega Edition for genesis,CD and 32x. However my existing roms do not match the files names of the xtras. It would be a gruelling task to rename all of my roms one by one.

I read somewhere you can rename all your roms correctly by using romcentre and a dat file? can someone point me to the right direction with the downloads and guide. I would also eventually like to do that also for my Nintendo roms too. Thanks.


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Ressurectionxtras And Compatibility Lists
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2008, 07:47:00 AM »

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Will you be a part of the Ressurection?



  /ˈɛkstrə/ [ek-struh]

1. Beyond or more than what is usual, expected, or necessary; additional.
2. Larger or better than what is usual: an extra binding.

   /ˈɛkstrə/ [ek-struh]

1. All the videos, artwork, in-depth game info, manuals, configs, rumbles to pimp your box in the most plug'n play experience available for any emulated system on any platform in history.
2. Everything organized and tested to work right when you FTP it over to your Box!

Here's some videos of the Xtras in action using Madmab Edition XPORT emus with Gilles' Dynamic Skins.

I couldn't figure out how to embed them here.  Not even sure it's possible.


RessurectionXtras 1.0 Has Been Released!

It was a long time coming and I hope that now that it's been out for a while that it's all bringing back a lot of good memories for folks.

I'm proud to say that as of August 13, 2010 there have been 5,911 unique downloads of 47 Rx 1.0 t0rrenzs.  I figured in my head that would be about 200 people who have made part of the Xtras collection a showcase for their XBox and the centerpiece of nostalgic conversation with their family and friends.  I saw today that there were over 400 unique downloads of the emulators collection alone though, so that's twice the people I'd have thought jumped on board already.

We'd be thrilled to see even more people discover this project in the future, and hope that those of you who have acquired it already are really enjoying the Xtras experience.

Tell your friends, and Remember to pay it forward....

If you like this project, and you feel up to it, then give back.  

Seeding, and making this available to others with ease is the standard way to do it.  Put an XBox together for your kid brother or a friend and let them get others interested in the project.  I made a lot of friends here during this project and I'm really proud of what we all accomplished.  It makes me even more proud to see people pushing onwards now that I'm at the sidelines watching.  Madmab still has some amazing additions to the functionality of the XPORT emulators, and some others are putting together great collections of DOS and Amiga stuff, among other things.  

If anybody sees this after the 1.0 release and wants to help, there is plenty to be done.  

Join the RessurectionXtras IRC chat to see what you can do to help.

We're looking forward to meeting ya,


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I never owned an XBox back when it was relevant.  I got one off my bro for 50 bucks when I read about how cool modding them sounded.  In the beginning, this project wasn't nearly as ambitious as what you see today.  I was just one guy that wanted to create a romlist for a few major systems that worked with the FATX 42 character limit and then have a screenshot for each working game I tested.  I wanted a collection of working games and emulators, with just a little eye-candy, that could be sent to a couple of XBoxes on the fly for my brothers.  

Since then, after meeting some very talented people here, that desire morphed into something much greater... something that one person alone could never accomplish.  An entirely streamlined collection of roms, screenshots, videos, manuals, GameFAQs, VGMaps, game synopsis, commercials, rumbles, cheats and some other very cool things that all work interactively with the games themselves.  

I believe that you will agree with me after trying the Xtras for yourself..... This is the next step in the evolution of emulation.  

My team has built the Xtras upon the shoulders of giants who have spent many years collecting this stuff before us.  

Now that I'm done with the project I love seeing others tirelessly working on things like rumbles and cheat code lists, systems not covered in Rx 1.0, and some things that we never even thought of when I was active here.  

I hope to see you guys port this to more advanced systems down the road which will allow for greater compatibility for systems like N64, Playstation and DOSBox.  

Special thanks to Madmab, Gilles9999, Horscht, Mega_Man_(?), Stupot1 (aka Stupot73), pCeSlAyEr, nate1579, Sotu, BombBloke, Excalibur, cbagy, wimpy, bigby, nytmar3, dynce1987, waal, CarnagebyBob and Dannermax for the great impact their contributions have had so far.  (If I forgot to thank you here, don't be afraid to let me know!!!  I know I'm missing people!!!!!!!!!!!)


Note to everyone about the legal Xtras Downloads which used to be hosted on this thread [edited] (08-18-10):  

All hosted links to files at MegaUpload have been deleted by somebody from another gamer site that, understandably so, didn't appreciate their stuff being included.

Links to all legal files have been uploaded again, but they will not be posted here for everyone to see as they were before.  I know at one point we had been doing these links on this page for over a year, but I just can't bring myself to putting these links public again.  In a 2 month period we saw the MU links taken down by a rabid gamer fan from another site, the spreadsheets blocked for violating terms of service (still unknown why this occurred), and the kick ass torrents we made at a popular underground gaming site taken down because they were apparently not zipped the way that they liked them and a moderator decided to show us how big his stick was.

No.... These links are far more valuable in the hands of trusted members who can use them to quickly get the content and help get it out there to everyone else much quicker.

As was mentioned above the 1.0 Xtras is out there now for you to discover....  Of course, site rules maintain that I can't say where they are, but if you were resourceful enough to find this site on your own I don't imagine it'll be too much trouble for you.

Seek and ye shall find...

My apologies about the links to legal files not being put back up here in the future,


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Some of this is out of date now, but it should all still be helpful enough to guide you in the right direction.


(XMV versions are out there, so this program should be irrelevant to leechers now)


IPB Image

All video creation for RessurectionXtras 1.0 is complete!!!!

If you'd like to help make videos for future releases, such as higher quality vids, or videos for newly added games such as hacks and translations, or the systems being worked on that were neglected in Rx 1.0, check out this link for a great collection of EMULATORS WITH VIDEO SUPPORT

Due to site rules, I am unable to post the WMV to XMV converter here.

(XMV versions are out there, so this program should be irrelevant to most people now)


IPB Image

All synopsis entries for the RessurectionXtras 1.0 covered games are complete!!!!

There is still more work to be done on new game adds and systems that are being worked on now that were left out of Rx 1.0.  Having done in the area of 10,000 of these spanning 15 or more systems on my own, I can say that any small relief any of you could give by even doing as little as 10-50 or so of these would be great for the people continuing work on this project.  It happens to be the most boring and tedious work of all, in my opinion, but of it didn't get done it would seem like a huge hole exists in the Xtras without them.

If you would like to read more regarding the synopsis and the synopsis creation process, check out the following link.

The "Game Synopsis" Option

Be sure to join the RessurectionXtras IRC chat if you would like to lend a hand.


We may have missed something.  Help us weed out any problems with the Xtras using the following threads:


NOTE:  After the 1.0 release, I will not have anymore direct involvement in the Xtras process, but the team would love for you to point out any problems you have.


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Click on the following link for instructions on where to put these files after you acquire them.  With the Xtras staged correctly, you can help seed the t0rrent and keep a perfect copy of your XBox on your PC at the same time.  


Also, you can click the following link to download a txt file and word doc that will explain exactly all of the rom sub-folders and where they should be located on your drive for everything to work properly.


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(Special dedication to the people who I started this project with)

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This post has been edited by ressurectionx: Jul 25 2011, 12:10 AM


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Ressurectionxtras And Compatibility Lists
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2008, 08:09:00 AM »

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Ressurectionxtras And Compatibility Lists
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2008, 08:37:00 AM »

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Thanks to waal, we will have some great things coming in the future for the Amiga.  I won't personally be doing any work on computer based emus, but when somebody works as hard as waal has for as many months as he has done, I'm honored to release his stuff to the public under the Rx banner.

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Thanks to Carnage_by_Bob, we have some great things coming in the future for the Intellivision.  His work on this system sounds very promising.

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Mostly Guybird and Madmab working on this now.  About 200 games working as of mid September. smile.gif


But feel free if you're interested wink.gif   Just let me know if you're working on them.

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Ressurectionxtras And Compatibility Lists
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2008, 08:53:00 AM »


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Ressurectionxtras And Compatibility Lists
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2008, 09:33:00 AM »

Nearly all 1.0 releases are out in the wild now.

If you would like to help with any future additions and upgrades, visit the IRC channel.

This post has been edited by ressurectionx: May 1 2010, 12:28 PM


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Ressurectionxtras And Compatibility Lists
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2008, 10:26:00 AM »


This post has been edited by ressurectionx: May 1 2010, 12:32 PM

ThE MaSTeR 3

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Ressurectionxtras And Compatibility Lists
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2008, 03:12:00 AM »

You dont explain how to rename the roms very well. Ok after you download everything what do you do? Do you use the "08-26-08 - SNES (ALL) RessurectionXtras.dat" with snes goodtools? If so what commands do you use in goodtools? Or do you use your dat with romcenter? If so please explain that. I couldnt get romcenter to do anything!

All the other easy steps are clear but the most complicated step (renaming) makes the user assume alot. Can you please give a break down so people can get the preview videos and roms to match easily.

Also somebody upload the STUSPM3 xport skins! Bet nobody can do it...

This post has been edited by ThE MaSTeR 3: Sep 3 2008, 10:26 AM


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Ressurectionxtras And Compatibility Lists
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2008, 07:16:00 AM »

[EDIT] There has since been a detailed romcenter instruction manual provided in a link above which has cleared up any questions about how to convert a rom collection to work with the Xtras.   Below is the rest of the conversation for the non-existant people who care.

I do mention several times to use Romcenter actually.  You should have a goodset of roms to run through it though.  It's the same as running roms through any other datfile in Romcenter.  

If you can't figure it out, I'll have to do a short tutorial on Romcenter.  It will take some time and effort to do though, and I'm busy the next few days, but I'll put it up here.  I thought this might happen. I just kinda hoped that everyone who did work on the Box knew how to use Romcenter.


This post has been edited by ressurectionx: Feb 26 2009, 05:27 PM


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Ressurectionxtras And Compatibility Lists
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2008, 10:06:00 AM »

Here is a guide that was posted on (hxxp:// website in the forums section....

Romcenter 3 tutorial
by Wanderer on Sun May 18, 2008 1:30 pm

This tutorial was written in an effort to help Romcenter users understand how version 3 works and how it can make their emulation-life easier. It is not aimed to replace Romcenter's help, it's just an explanation of some basic concepts and a step-by-step map on how to use it. If necessary, it will be updated with any major new concepts added to Romcenter in the future.

1. Rom-management basic concepts for beginners (advanced users may skip this section)

Romcenter (RC) is a rom manager, a program with which you can manage collections of games supported by an emulator. Its purpose is to give you the ability to:

- View all games supported by an emulator plus all the games you have in your collection for it
- Fix missing or bad-named games and roms in your collection (this will be analyzed later on) so they can be playable by the emulator

In emulation area, a "game" is a compressed file (usually in zip format) which contains the data extracted from the roms (computer chips) of the original game hardware. Each file contained in a compressed game is actually the extracted data from a specific rom-chip, that's why such a file is called a "rom". For some emulators, games may actually contain floppy-disk or CD images and not roms.

Companies that have created the games supported by an emulator may use some common roms in all of their games. This type of roms is called a "bios". Some games were originally created by a company but there may exist very similar games created either by the same company or by another one. Usually these are slightly modified versions of the original game that were customized for specific countries or may contain some minor differences. Those games are called "clones" and the original game is called "main". There is always one main game but there may be many clones of it. Usually, many of the roms contained in clone games are also contained in the main game and only a few roms are different in the clone.

2. Romcenter basic concepts

There are two main concepts in Romcenter, "database" or "datafile" and "rom path".

- A Romcenter "database" is where Romcenter stores info about all games and roms supported by a specific version of an emulator. Such info can be either found in a datafile or retrieved directly from an emulator (if it supports it).

MAME is an example of an emulator that when executed with a specific parameter, it displays all the games it supports and their contained roms. Romcenter can automatically retrieve and import that info into its database.

A datafile is a special file that contains info about all games and roms supported by a specific version of an emulator. Logiqx's site is a great datafiles resource. He creates and maintains datafiles for many emulators so there is a good chance you'll find what you need there. Romcenter can import those data too in its database.

- A "rom path" contains the actual game files a user may have. They may be stored anywhere, either in a hard-disk, a flash-drive, CD or DVD but in order for Romcenter to be able to fix any abnormalities it may find in them, they have to reside in a writable medium.

Currently Romcenter supports only zip-compressed game files in a rom path. If you find it useful, a rom path may contain a subfolder for each supported game in which its roms will exist unpacked. In that case Romcenter may work faster but you;ll need a much larger storage space.

3. Start using Romcenter

The first thing to have in mind is to MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR ROMS BEFORE TRYING TO FIX THEM WITH ROMCENTER, especially if you are a beginner or using a test version. There is always a chance you do something wrong or a Romcenter beta has a bug that may ruin something.

After that, you need to create a new database containing info of the games supported by a specific emulator version. You can either import the contents of a datafile to it or extract all the necessary info from the emulator itself. So, in order to start, you either

a. Download a datafile, go to RC menu "File\New - Load games list from a datafile" and select it, or
b. Go to RC menu "File\New - Load games list from an emulator", select an emulator's exe and RC will automatically extract the datafile from it. Currently this is supported only for MAME.

In both cases, a database will be created which will contain all games that are supported by the version of the datafile/emulator you selected. You will be able to see all supported games under the "datafile" branch of the tree at the left side of Romcenter's main window.

After the creation of the database is finished, all you have to do is go to RC menu "File\Add rom path" (or press CTRL+O or drag-drop the path from windows explorer in the tree area at the left panel in RC) and select the path in which all your game files exist. It may take a few minutes to analyze all games in the rom path. When the process finishes, the rom path will appear under the "rom files" branch of the tree. You may select it and see the status of the contained games and roms.

4. Game and rom colors

Depending on the status of a game or rom, its color may be either red, yellow or green.

- Green means that everything is OK with the game/rom. The game file contains all the roms it's supposed to contain (depending on the mode you have chosen in menu "File\Preferences\Romsets").

- Yellow indicates that something is wrong. This color in a game under the "datafile" branch, usually means that something is missing but the game may still be playable. This color in a game under the "rom files" branch means that there is a problem fixable by Romcenter (usually a bad rom name or a missing rom that exists in another game). An explanation of rom problems is shown in the "info" column in the area right of the tree, when a specific path or game is selected.

- Red means that either the whole game file is missing or that some of the game roms exist but some others are missing. When you see that, you can be sure the game is not playable.

- Gray is used when a specific file or rom does not exist in the database. Gray files are not valid games supported by the selected emulator version. They may be files containing special info about the roms or any other info but they are not part of the game. They may even be roms that are supported by older or newer versions of the selected emulator. If you wish, you can delete them and be sure the game will not be affected.

5. Romset modes

Depending on the mode you choose in "File\Preferences\Romsets", roms bioses and samples are stored differently inside games.

- Merged: all necessary bioses/roms of a game and its clones are stored in a single zip file. This will result in game files containing all roms needed for a main game and all its clones. In terms of disk space efficiency, it's the second best because there may be copies of the same bios in many roms which is a small waste of space. It has the advantage of having all necessary roms of a game and its clones in a single file, so in order to play a main game or one of its clones, all you need is this single game file. The disadvantage of it: if for instance you want to have a small collection of main games only, having all clone roms of a game in the game file is simply a waste of space.

- Split: common roms between a main and its clones are stored only in the main game and not in each clone file. Also, bioses are stored in separate files (if "split bios" mode is selected) and not inside the main or clone files. This mode consumes the least disk space of all modes because each rom exists in one file only (bios, main or clone game file) but it means that in order to play a game (a clone for instance), you will need the clone game file, the main game file and maybe a bios file. This may seem a little complex but Romcenter's new UI is a great assistant in such tasks and it makes things easy.

- Unmerged: For each game (main or clone), a separate file exists which contains all necessary roms (bios, main game roms and if it's a clone, the specific clone game roms only). This is the least efficient mode in terms of disk-space because bios roms and main game roms exist in all clone files but it gives the advantage of having all necessary roms in each game file so in order to play a game, all you need is a single file.

Specifically for samples, you may have them in a separate folder if you wish. In order to manage them, open that folder in Romcenter as a normal rom path, select "split" in "File\Preferences\Romsets\Samples merge mode" and then select the rom path that contains the samples from the list.

6. Fixing games

Having in mind all the information described above, if yellow files exist in a rom path, just select it from the tree and press the "fix" button. For Romcenter, "fixing" means renaming roms to their correct names, creating dummy roms where needed and in general all options you can see in menu "File\Preferences - Fix". Romcenter will do everything that can be done with your roms in order for them to be playable. It just can't create missing roms that are not "bad dumps". You have to provide those yourself.

You have the ability to add more than one rom paths if you wish. If you select one rompath and press "fix", Romcenter will search all open rompaths for missing roms but it will update game files only in the selected rom path. If you wish to fix all rompaths, select the "rom files" tree branch and then press "fix". In that case, all open paths will be updated. Have in mind though that you may end up having the same game file in more than one rom path.

Board master


Maybe this will help you ResX from having to get into too much detail.  smile.gif

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