
Author Topic: Weird Prob X2.6  (Read 87 times)


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Weird Prob X2.6
« on: February 13, 2006, 10:22:00 AM »

I have here an xbox that just wont accept being modded.

Manufacture date  12/8/2003

Xbox Version 1.4 or 1.5 - Multimeter is goosed so cant check for sure

Modchip Xecuter 2.6CE - header pin install

Bioses tried Xecuter2 5035 & Evox M8

I installed the chip in this box,  flashed the bios with X2_5035old via HTTP from flashbios 3.01, rebooted it and it loaded to M$ dash as i expected.
Next up was to install a dashboard so i put AID3.0 in the drive, at the M$ logo screen xbox rebooted. Tried to boot again then rebooted at the logo screen.
I took the disc out put an original game in, booted & played no probs.
I tried AID3.0 again, same problem. Also tried AID2.11 & Xboxmaker 1.4 & X-disk1.35 all with the same result - constant reboot at the logo screen.
Tried a different X2.6CE,with same results.

Bios problem i thought, so i reflashed chip with EvoxM8, same old story im afraid.
DVD problem then i thought. tried my Samsung out of my own Xbox, same results!

Even tried my 120gb HDD that has dashboard already installed, Same results.

As the xbox mobo could be a 1.5 i even tried grounding pin 2 but even that gave the same results!

This has got me completely baffled, never encountered anything like this in all the xboxes ive modded.
Exhausted all the avenues i could think of.

Just seems that the 1st sniff of unsigned code the xbox sees it reboots itself  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/uhh.gif)

Any advice more than welcome



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Weird Prob X2.6
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2006, 11:59:00 PM »

wierd one this!

you tried most things I would try already!

perhaps you can try an older x2 bios like 4983?

does is still happen with a different modchip?

when you inserted your 120gb hdd are you saying it wont even boot evox off hdd?


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Weird Prob X2.6
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2006, 01:39:00 AM »

Tried 2 completley different brand spanking new Xecuter  2.6CEs in the box, both were flashed with latest Xecuter 5035 bios & then EvoxM8.

My own personal 120gb HDD has Avalaunch as default dash and when i put that into the xbox it gave the same result.

Like i said in my 1st post, xbox boots fine with chip enabled but as soon as it reads ANY unsigned code it reboots.

Baffling or what

Soldering is perfect too.
Cheers for the reply



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Weird Prob X2.6
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2006, 03:20:00 AM »

have you got an x3 lying arounf you could try? or a different brand altogther (smartxx, xenium) would be interesting to know if it still does this with a different type of modchip


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Weird Prob X2.6
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2006, 08:32:00 AM »

The xbox is that of a friend, i 1st tried to mod it a few months ago with an X3.

All went well, i flashed his bios, loaded up his HDD with appz & dashes etc & he went away happy.
Next day he rang me to say the box was hanging at the Xecuter rox my box screen & he brought it back.
I thought he had password protected it so i reflashed with an older bios to remove password(if any) but it still did the same. He was adamant he hadnt entered a password. Tried an X2.6 in it back then & it hung at the same boot screen.

Yesterday he brought it back as i thought that grounding pin 2 could be the problem & i might be able to chip it afterall. I have been over my soldering so many times i see the LPC pins everytime i close my eyes (IMG:style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)

I do have an aladdin XT knocking about somewhere but i think it is faulty & im not sure of its history or any bios flashed to it.
