
Author Topic: Installing New Hd With Xecutor 3 Ce  (Read 52 times)


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Installing New Hd With Xecutor 3 Ce
« on: February 13, 2006, 12:22:00 PM »

I'm about to replace my stock xbox HD with a Maxtor 300GB.  I have a v1.0 xbox with an xecutor 3 CE chip, flashed with X3 3294.  The tutorials I've read all seem to be written for evo-x users and seem to be out of date.  Heck, the faq on xbox-scene for upgrading your HD is from 2002.

I plan to do the following via X3 Config Live, no dashboards installed since X3 can FTP on its own:

1) FTP everything from the xbox C: and E: drives to my PC
2) unlock the stock HD
3) remove the stock HD and put in the 300GB HD
4) turn on xbox and let x3 config live format the HD (????).  F for 137GB and G for rest.
5) FTP everything back from PC to xbox

I'm wondering what exactly do I do for step 4.  Is the HD automatically detected and formatted by X3 Config Live?  Am I missing anything above?  Do I need to backup EEPROMS or hidden files or settings or anything?

I have no plans on subscribing to xbox live with this box.


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Installing New Hd With Xecutor 3 Ce
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2006, 11:53:00 PM »

4) turn on the xbox, hold white button to get into x3 live congif,  choose option to format hdd manually, go to next step

thats all!