
Author Topic: Why Doesn't Microsoft Release Xdk Or Open Developement Up To Hobbi  (Read 247 times)


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In addition to XNA Studio, Microsoft today announced further enhancements for extending Xbox Live services with the Xbox Live Server Platform. Using this platform, developers can create their own back-end servers to run alongside Xbox Live.

Why doesn't microsoft release the XDK and similar tools for xbox 1? Are there games still being developed for xbox 1? It doesn't look like it:

I understand Microsoft will have to put effort(money) into making and suite of tools for hobbiest developers like they did for xbox 360. Well, I don't care about that.. just give us the XDK and access to similar things like putting custom live servers. We don't need any noobie give me aways... and Microsoft will save money in the process.

So why not? If no more companies are invested into xbox 1... It can only help raise xbox sales and xbox awareness.


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Why Doesn't Microsoft Release Xdk Or Open Developement Up To Hobbi
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2008, 09:41:00 AM »

You can sort of see there point though, it's a bit greedy, but lots and lots of companies and organizations have signed contracts and cheques to get hold of the XDK, they can't just pull the carpet out from underneath them and give it away for free. Plus, it's not free to give things away, they'd then have to support it or damage their reputation, there's nothing for microsoft to gain ...


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Why Doesn't Microsoft Release Xdk Or Open Developement Up To Hobbi
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2009, 02:28:00 AM »

i don't know how this topic is still going on, but it's simple...

Microsoft doesn't give two shits about people like us developers using the XDK.
It's their method of writing the games, xip files, xbe, xbx, sounds, boot screens, gamesaves, EVERYTHING.
Most noobs on here would give up trying to figure out the program in the first place,
since it's so complex and there are so many different parts of the program.
It was intened for MS Developers, NOT HOMEBREWERS.
Besides, the program takes up like 3 gigs and is USELESS to homebrewers.
DO NOT ask me where to get this software.


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Why Doesn't Microsoft Release Xdk Or Open Developement Up To Hobbi
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2009, 01:45:00 PM »

It was intened for MS Developers, NOT HOMEBREWERS.
Besides, the program takes up like 3 gigs and is USELESS to homebrewers.
DO NOT ask me where to get this software.

Not true, it was intended for Game developer companies, not MS Developers.

The program is not useless for HOMEBREWERS.
A lot of homebrew xbox software was created with the SDK
The openxdk was a good alternative, but is even more difficult to use in my opinion.

If you are a NOOB, start learning some basic C and C++ programming.
Don't think you can create a game with just a couple of mouse clicks.




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Why Doesn't Microsoft Release Xdk Or Open Developement Up To Hobbi
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2009, 01:11:00 PM »

It's a pretty silly question in fairness..


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Why Doesn't Microsoft Release Xdk Or Open Developement Up To Hobbi
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2009, 02:06:00 AM »

QUOTE(obcd @ Jul 31 2008, 03:49 AM) View Post

Microsoft is only in the game for the Money.
They don't see any money in releasing the xdk.
In their eyes, the xbox1 made it's profits (or maybe didn't) and is history.
Microsoft never really cared what the customer wants.
A nice example is Vista. Was there someone waiting for that OS?
They don't sell XP cheaper nowadays because Vista is around, they force people to use Vista.
The XNA is different. You have to pay a fee to run your homebrew software. ($$ for Microsoft)
It is a code interpreter, so there is little risk that the protection scheme will be broken with it.
By releasing the XNA, less people become iterested in hacking the xbox360, so that it will last longer protected.

That's my opinion of it, but my influence on microsoft is minimal.


Well, about the money part, so is Sony & Nintendo. Neither Sony, MS or Nintendo has released any SDK's for free.

Since MS owns the XDK, they don't have to release it for free if they don't want to.



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Why Doesn't Microsoft Release Xdk Or Open Developement Up To Hobbi
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2009, 02:44:00 AM »

I agree Sony is even worse. Why do they have to design their own memory stick's if everyone else is using SD sticks. Isn't there enough confusion on the market already? And maybe if you are old enough you will remember the existence of VHS and betamax VCR's.
Nintendo is a bit a strange duck in the water. If they bring out a new console, they don"t ask 500$ for it at the beginning. I don't think they are aiming at the same gamer public. And there is an open source solution for programming Nintendo consoles which looks pretty mature.

And I never said they had to release the sdk for free, I just gave my vision on the reason why they will never do it.

The thing that p*sses me off is the fact that big companies only listen to other big companies, and that an individual with a problem is simply left in the cold. Even if you have a price request, they sometimes are too lazy to answer if you don't claim you will need 5000+ pieces.

Borland doesn't has to bring out their 16 bit c compiler for free as well, but they did bring it out for free.

I am afraid this threat is useless. The only reason why MS would read this Forum is to see if they can't find any piracy related issues. They won't read it to find out that some people might still be interested in xbox1 programming.




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Why Doesn't Microsoft Release Xdk Or Open Developement Up To Hobbi
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2009, 11:10:00 PM »

As much as I like jumping on the M$ hate bandwagon, they probably can't in this case.  They don't actually own everything in the XDK; they were simply relicencing a bunch of stuff.


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Why Doesn't Microsoft Release Xdk Or Open Developement Up To Hobbi
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2009, 02:44:00 AM »

they were simply relicencing a bunch of stuff.

What stuff do you mean? I can only think off the nvidia 3d graphic acceleration stuff.
All the rest of the xbox hardware has drivers for linux, and is simple pc hardware.
There even are 3d linux drivers for the nvidia chipset, but I don't think they are open source.