
Author Topic: Debugging Library  (Read 74 times)


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Debugging Library
« on: December 30, 2006, 02:47:00 AM »

There are two possibilities :
- legal openxdk (free)
- illegal xdk (unless you purchased it, I heard it's $10.000)

about xdk:

Of course xdk has all you dreamed of (a parallel running thread surveying main thread and reporting data through tcp/ip)

about openxdk:

For openxdk, last summer, i've found how to use the internal xbox1 network adapter (see pbKit changelog for link to packet driver source), so it's possible to try to do something similar as the xdk debugging thread, but my few attempts to trap an exception failed. I lack experience on i386 in general when it comes to exceptions trapping and CPU stack restoration.

I think the way is opened though, but some work needs to be done.

I'm more interested in 3D for now, so I don't think I will work on debugging strategies any time soon. My personal way for getting out of trouble when I get an impossible to understand crash is to have the same source compiled on ps2 where the exceptions trapping has been fully mastered. I usually discover the silly mistake I've done on ps2 and come back on xbox1 afterward... I use same wattcp 1.2 tcp/ip stack source (obtained from publicly available bobcat 0.7 msdos source archive, and modified) on pc0, xb1 & ps2. (pc0=pc without hard disk).

I can do that easily because I use cygwin in order to compile binaries for both consoles, quite the same way.
So it depends on which tool you are using to develop. If an alternate platform can be used in parallel with your favorite development tool, that can save your day, if other platform has powerful debugging tools.

The only bad point with ps2 is it doesn't tolerate dword accesses on non dword aligned memory addresses (like atari st). Which means you have to play around with structures until a port works on ps2 side... But it's worth the effort (100M of ps2 owners worldwide, who may play someday online against 20M -15 in USA & 5 in Europe- of xbox1 players with the same legal homebrew online game).