
Author Topic: Help With X3 Install!  (Read 57 times)


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Help With X3 Install!
« on: January 22, 2005, 05:16:00 PM »

hello, this is my first post but I've been enjoying the site and its tutorials for a month or so in attempt to resurect my xbox.   It seems that  I have been cursed with the anti-Midas touch, everything I've tried to do on my xbox seems to have been instantly turned to shit and then teleported to the seventh circle of hell.  

I bought an X3 about 2 months ago, and haven't seen my xbox do anything but frag since.  It was my first mod attempt, but I had a friend that had offered to help, and was wanting to do it myself, so I looked around on this site and read others' tutorials.  I chose the pin header install on my v1.0 xbox (yea a real pain in the ass, but I didn't know until after I found out how easy the wire install is on the v1.0) because it was less soldering than the wire install, and the Xapter is overpriced.  Took me 3 hours to get all of the freaking solder out of the LPC, but I somehow made it through day 1 only to destroy it on day 2.

The d0....Thats what screwed me over in the first place, I had never before soldered and was using a 25 watt chisel tip iron, which didn't exactly make my job any easier.  I got the other two wires soldered in without any problems, but kept having to go back to the d0 because I couldn't get it to stick to the board and the one time I did, it broke off when I checked to see if it was a good solder.  I was really frusterated, but terror struck me when I noticed some broken traces.  I had broke two and lifted the d0.  Panic hit me, a friend came over the next day who had done a few installs.  He soldered the wire to the top d0, but when it still fragged we knew I would have to fix the traces and pad.  
    Well, I buy a pen and fool around with it until I have continuity between the beginning and end points of the traces and from the top d0 to the bottom, and it still frags.  All the conections are good, we've checked them with an OHMs meter several times-the top d0 to the bottom, and the fried traces.  My switches are set correctly, and all of the pins are pushed in evenly, but it just won't stop fragging.  

Time and time again we though we had the solution, only to have it fail us.  
Neither of us can think of what it is that is causing the endless fragging, or how to fix it, so I have come here, to seek the wisdom of sages.  Many thanks to anyone that tries to help, but I'm beginning to think its hopeless.   I'm about one screw up away from sending the thing to hell.   :flame:   and selling all of my xbox games, controllers, everything, because I don't have the money to buy a new one, and don't feel like starting over from scratch when I feel like I'm so close to having this thing bit in the ass.  Again, thanks for your time and any advice you may have.  *prays to modding gods*