
Author Topic: Any Tutorials For Writing Dashboards?  (Read 69 times)


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Any Tutorials For Writing Dashboards?
« on: April 15, 2004, 06:10:00 AM »

Hi guy,

So i don't really understand what is your problem, but if you have one with hard disk initialisation so download the NexGen sources or the MXM sources and look in it. I think it could help you.



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Any Tutorials For Writing Dashboards?
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2004, 08:02:00 AM »

Sorry.  I guess I should have put in a full description of the problem.

What I want to do with my utility is to be able to copy some files around, adjust some config files, and then launch another application.  The way I do this is to open a CFG file that tells my utility what files to copy, where to copy them, which config files to update, how to update them, and, finally, which application to launch.

The CFG file I use needs to be stored in the same location as the utility.  Or at least that's how I have things setup now.  So I use XeImageFileName to get the path to where my utility was launched from and I map that as the D drive.  That part seems to be working, because when I launch my utility from EvoX and have it write to a debug file, the directory matches up where EvoX launched the utility from.  In fact, my utility works fine when it's launched from EvoX, but it hangs when it's lauched as the dashboard (by updating the xbox bios).

From what I can tell, things work fine through the initial setup where I map all the usual default drives (C:, D:, E:, F:, G:, X:, Y:, Z:), but when I try to create a debug log file in the "D" drive (which is actually "E:\test"), the utility hangs.

And thanks for the reply, KaMbiOkIkA.  I'll see if I can download the MXM and/or NexGen source code and look through it.  Hopefully, that will give me the answer.
