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Author Topic: Any Interest In...  (Read 88 times)


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« on: January 11, 2003, 10:20:00 PM »

Any interest in a tool that will rename files/directories on your PC to FATX length and character specs?

The initial tool was wriitten to reformat a buttload of files so they can be transfered to a xbox for storage so its crude but functional.  I have it functioning now (based on info I gleened from some experiments) but would need to do some more debugging and testing before release.  If there is interest then I will pursue it.


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« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2003, 10:42:00 PM »

Count me in... Keep up the good work beerchug.gif


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« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2003, 01:00:00 AM »

Ok, I didn't know if it was just me who needed a tool like this or maybe someone already had produced one.  I will re-work it into a more usable application for the public.


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« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2003, 03:27:00 AM »

I just don't get It, so am i missing something or what?


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« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2003, 10:21:00 AM »

Hammy...I guess you are.

Not all filenames that are valid under win2k (FAT32/NTFS) are valid under FATX.  If you try to transfer a file that is invalid, it will error.  So what do you do if you have a folder full of 30,000 MP3's you had wanted to transfer to your xbox  for media playing?  You rename each one individually?  Not.  When ripping my CD's I commonly include artist, title and album name in the MP3 filename.  Which makes it too long frequently (>42 characters) as well as possibly including characters that are not valid under FATX.

So I wrote a utility to rename whole folders full of files so they are valid under FATX.  It was quickly cobbled together to accomplish my immediate task.  I was asking if anyone else had use for it and if so I would re-code it for the public.

That clear up your confusion?



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« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2003, 10:34:00 AM »

Now thats another good idea, i dont understand why people are saying the xbox hacking scene is dead? theres so much more that can still be done.


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« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2003, 12:00:00 PM »

Ok, I have had time to work programming and have 3 utilities close to done (working but need additional testing):
1. FATXren.exe
2. XBOXFolderRenamer.exe
3. XBE_Edit.exe

They currently work on my win2k pro systems(3) with my Xbox 1.1 with X2lite/Evox.  I need to get them to some additional people before I feel confident enough to put them up for D/L.

FATXren.exe: Intended to run on files/folders on your PCThis utility goes through all files or folders from a selected root folder (on your PC or shared net resource) and will list all files/folders that do not comply with FATx.  You can then select the ones to rename and it will do so in bulk.

XBOXFolderRenamer.exe: Intended to run on files/folders on your XBOX from your PC
This was a side project that I found I wanted.  It will connect to your XBOX through FTP (yes, there is a connection manager for multiple boxes).  You then select a root folder (presumably your games folder /F/games or apps /F/apps but there is a built in ftp browser).  It will then look for default.xbe in each sub folder and extract the built in XBE name.  It then validates that name for FATx compatibility.  You can then edit the new name.  It will then (in bulk) rename all selected folders.  I wanted this because I have so many folders cryptically named now (and from XBCopy) I lost track of what was what.  So now my xbox has folders named from whats in them.  Nice.

XBE_Edit.exe: Intended to run on files on your PC
Sorta a takeoff from the renamer project.  It opens XBE files and displays header data (regions, ratings, media etc.) and lets you edit it.  Its primary function is to alter the XBE's title field so your games show up better in your Evox dash better as well as for use with the above utility.  For example, I didn't like the "WHITEOUT" in all I changed it in the XBE to "Whiteout".  The dash now looks more friendly as does the folder name after the rename program was done with it.  Yes, I know there are other tools that do this.  It was more of a learning tool than something intended for public but I will release it anyway.  The other tools are far more complete than I made mine but that may be their downfall for non-hacker types that just want something to use that isn't 4 tabs full of stuff they aren't interested in.



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« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2003, 12:06:00 PM »

Ok, I have had time to work programming and have 3 utilities close to done (working but need additional testing):
1. FATXren.exe
2. XBOXFolderRenamer.exe
3. XBE_Edit.exe

They currently work on my win2k pro systems(3) with my Xbox 1.1 with X2lite/Evox.  I need to get them to some additional people before I feel confident enough to put them up for D/L.

FATXren.exe: Intended to run on files/folders on your PC
This utility goes through all files or folders from a selected root folder (on your PC or shared net resource) and will list all files/folders that do not comply with FATx.  You can then select the ones to rename and it will do so in bulk.

XBOXFolderRenamer.exe: Intended to run on files/folders on your XBOX from your PC
This was a side project that I found I wanted.  It will connect to your XBOX through FTP (yes, there is a connection manager for multiple boxes).  You then select a root folder (presumably your games folder /F/games or apps /F/apps but there is a built in ftp browser).  It will then look for default.xbe in each sub folder and extract the built in XBE name.  It then validates that name for FATx compatibility.  You can then edit the new name(s).  It will then (in bulk) rename all selected folders.  I wanted this because I have so many folders cryptically named now (ie: from XBCopy) I lost track of what was what.  So now my xbox has folders named from whats in them.  Nice.

XBE_Edit.exe: Intended to run on files on your PC
Sorta a takeoff from the XBOXFolderRenamer project.  It opens XBE files and displays header data (regions, ratings, media etc.) and lets you edit it.  Its primary function is to alter the XBE's title field so your games show up better in your Evox dash better as well as for use with the above utility.  For example, I didn't like the "WHITEOUT" in all I changed it in the XBE to "Whiteout".  The dash now looks more friendly as does the folder name after the rename program was done with it.  Yes, I know there are other tools that do this.  It was more of a learning tool than something intended for public but I will release it anyway.  The other tools are far more complete than I made mine but that may be their downfall for non-hacker types that just want something to use that isn't 4 tabs full of stuff they aren't interested in.



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« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2003, 03:07:00 PM »

Yes...sorta, but I never found a copy of the I wrote my own.  And as I find out, that xRename app didnt validate all the characters as well.

Check my thread in the Homebrew Software forum:

Mine also undrstands the new rar files.  IE: mynewrarfile.part1.rar.  It makes sure to keep the ".part1.rar".  (yea, yea.why am I putting rars on a xbox?  To move 100gb of stuff to a friends place or to here at work..thats why.  stop asking)


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« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2003, 05:27:00 PM »

What language are your programs on?


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« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2003, 10:34:00 PM »

QUOTE (jsm @ Jan 22 2003, 12:12 AM)
You know it's very easy to only accept a-z A-Z 0-9 and ~}{`_^][@.-)('&%$#!
and delete everything else, I would change one line in my program, I had the wrong approch before...

And about rar files, NOT TRYING TO CONTRADICT YOU, isn't it like rar,r00,r01,r02 ?

As long as RAR file names are alphabetically sequential, pretty much anything goes.

I was thinking of writing a similar app but since there's only 24 hours in a day, I still haven't gotten around to it.  Here's the only features I would want:  Be able to integrate the app into Explorer so right clicking on a folder would rename all contained files, or right clicking a file or set of files would rename just those files.  And also write out a shell script (.BAT, .VBS, and/or .SH, etc) that would return the files to the original names (for transporting files to other PCs).

Best of luck on the project!


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« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2003, 12:49:00 PM »

QUOTE (jsm @ Jan 22 2003, 02:12 AM)
You know it's very easy to only accept a-z A-Z 0-9 and ~}{`_^][@.-)('&%$#!
and delete everything else, I would change one line in my program, I had the wrong approch before...

And about rar files, NOT TRYING TO CONTRADICT YOU, isn't it like rar,r00,r01,r02 ?

Well, accepting only those characters is not the correct way either. There are many other characters valid under FATx (non-english characters for example) that would be cut out by that approach.  Instead, I validate the name using an array of valid characters obtained from my experiments using FTP to try to isolate the bad characters.

No, older (Pre-Rar 3.0) names were indeed something.rar, something.r01..etc.  The new format is something.part1.rar, something.part2.rar etc.  The extentions are no longer used at the counter.  This is the format the the new WinRar produces now.



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« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2003, 12:55:00 PM »

For those glutton for punishment...Here is a link to download the current set of utils (listed in prior message).

You may need the runtimes at:

I would be interested in both success and problems so I can refine them.

The shell integration idea that Nailed put forwared is a good idea.  Don't know if I will go that far but the idea of a un-rename batch/WSH file is a practical idea and I may add that in the next version.  Good comments Nailed.


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« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2003, 02:25:00 AM »



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« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2003, 06:17:00 AM »

hey, this sounds like a good program, r u eventually going to make all three of the appz u r making into one file?

Why don't you and jsm just join up in a project? i have used Xrename and i use it at least once a week and haven't had a single error yet (btw is there going to be a new release anytime soon jsm?) i also like the idea of not having to loose your roms country and stuff. Maybe it would be better if you two join.
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