
Author Topic: X-dsl Vs. Xubuntu  (Read 145 times)


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X-dsl Vs. Xubuntu
« on: February 03, 2020, 05:32:00 AM »

Alright, since no one seems to be responding to my other post, I'll ask a more pointed question:

X-DSL or xUbuntu?

My intention is to basically just run Azureus 24/7 on this box with a nice large HDD. It will function as a media server.

I currently have regular Ubuntu installed on my computers and enjoy it, which would lean me towards xUbuntu, but it appears there is little support left for it, which would lead me towards X-DSL or Xebian or something, but I didn't really like the Xebian interface as much.

Any suggestions?


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X-dsl Vs. Xubuntu
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2020, 01:11:00 PM »

realistically speaking, there is minimal support for DSL, as well.  going to the actual DSL homepage forums will show you how old some of the threads are, there.  using the search engine there will return open threads with incomplete results from the year 2000 and up.

i use DSL, but its pretty lousy for torretning so far.  the limitations of 64Mb of ram might affect Azureus since it's a java based torrent application. (from what i have heard it is java based, anyway)

while of course there is the swap file, that increases the load on the processor and may cause the system to become unstable from time to time.  i have had to "kill" firefox sometimes after accidentally trying out the flash plugin on it.  basically, in my opinion, flash and java are useless on the box.


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X-dsl Vs. Xubuntu
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2020, 02:17:00 PM »

Can you suggest another torrent client that would work well? I need something with RSS capabilities, I was thinking KTorrent, but it requires KDE, which i cannot find any reference to working on an XBox distro. Perhaps UTorrent through Wine?


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X-dsl Vs. Xubuntu
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2020, 01:40:00 AM »

utorrent thru wine would be nice, but i cant get it to work.  contradict here claims to get it working, but wine doesnt do much of anything for me except make things look nice then crash.  i tried yahoo messenger thru wine, no luck.  tried older versions of YM, too.  no luck.

i was able to get a 3rd party yahoo clone to work, but it was kinda lame as an app, so wine is really hit or miss.

as far as torrenting goes, i am able to use the bittorrent app from the repository, but it lacks soo many features.  as well, being constricted to download only to the loopback filesystem is a pain in the ass.  if you only want to download cd's and movies, and then move them out of the loopback system onto the rest of your harddrive it's OK, but if you want to be able to torrent directly to your F partition, youre looking for answers you may not easily find.

so no, i really dont know of any good torrent application for linux, and really, this stands for linux overall.  its all pretty slim pickens in the opensource world.  like i said, user contradict claims to have utorrent working so it should be possible, but hell if i know how.

here's a thread called, "azureus walkthru", might help more than i can:

contradict saying he has utorrent working:

EDIT:  this might help, too:

basic search with utorrent here:

hope some of this helps you out.

This post has been edited by worldwhore3: Today, 09:48 AM