
Author Topic: Anyone Fancy Making A 2.6.9 Xbox Kernel?  (Read 160 times)


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Anyone Fancy Making A 2.6.9 Xbox Kernel?
« on: October 22, 2009, 07:04:00 AM »

go here

This works on xdsl and should work on all the other distros to.

I install xdsl then gnu threw mydsl  upgrades. Enabled apt-get there too. Then follow the instructions on the page using dpkg. Switch repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list and add these

# deb http://archive.debia...archive/debian/ woody main contrib non-free  
# deb http://mirrors.usc.e...butions/debian/ oldstable main contrib non-free  
# deb http://archive.debia.../debian-non-US/ oldstable/non-US main contrib non-free  
# deb-src http://archive.debia.../debian-non-US/ oldstable/non-US main contrib non-free  
deb sarge main contrib non-free  
deb sarge main contrib non-free restricted  
deb-src sarge main contrib non-free restricted  
deb http://download.virt...tualbox/debian/ sarge non-free  
deb http://archive.debia...ebian-security/ sarge/updates main contrib non-free  
deb-src http://archive.debia...ebian-security/ sarge/updates main contrib non-free  
# deb etch-backports main contrib non-free
# deb etch main contrib non-free
# deb etch main contrib non-free
# deb etch main
# deb-src etch main
# deb etch main contrib non-free
# deb-src etch main contrib non-free
# deb etch main
# deb-src etch main
# deb-src etch/updates main contrib non-free
# deb etch/updates main contrib non-free
# deb stable main
# deb stable main contrib non-free
# deb-src stable main contrib non-free
# deb stable main contrib non-free restricted
# deb stable main contrib non-free restricted

note you can only use one version  of repositories at a time. You can pull about anything once installed from  sarge but you are limited  on what  will  work for etch or lenny. Any package on etch or lenny that messes with xfree86 will break the system. It does for me anyway. If you have any problems installing the kernel then add the sarge repositories and apt-get -f  install or apt-get -f upgrade. You shoould be able to get an apt-get -f dist-upgrade out of sarge when it is all said and done. I have not been able  to boot from the 2.6  on a loopback install. I can boot easy from a native install. The 2.6 dont run bad it is kind of quick but I had problems  with the colors. However once the kernel is  installed you  can still boot from the 2.4  kernel and it  now has the ability to build and run the 2.6  kernel required packages. The desktop still breaks with the 2.4 as  it does with the 2.6 when etch or lenny upgrades  mess with xfree86. I just use etch and lenny repositories mainly for python and perl. The sarge are more than enough anyway. I have installed sabnzbd,konqueror,virtualbox,synaptic,smb4k,kde network,samba, as well as a bunch of  others on the 2.4 kernel which will run on loopback or native. It  runs super fast too. Konquer is a big plus with fonts and aspect ratio of the screen when surfing the web. It has closer to an actual pc image instead of having that huge bar working left to right on the screen to see the whole picture.  It also has a built in file manager with a nautilus or thunar feel and look. And with smb4k and the kde-network you can incorporate them right into  konqueror and have an easy to setup and maintain samba sharing system which is gui based so you dont have to break out the text editor anymore. This setup is alot like what you get out of current xUnbuntu pc builds but much smaller and faster which serves the xbox just fine.


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Anyone Fancy Making A 2.6.9 Xbox Kernel?
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2009, 11:40:00 PM »

you can or start each repository line with a # sign. That will comment it out.


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Anyone Fancy Making A 2.6.9 Xbox Kernel?
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2009, 01:43:00 PM »

The 2.4 kernel is a dinosaur it is to linux what windows98 is to windows. Alot of newer apps will not install without breaking the system because of changes in the linux kernel. The biggest changes seem to be regarding xfree86 between sarge and etch. Our 2.4 comes with woody repositories and most of the apps available in woody are dinosaurs. The sarge are newer so the apps there are not as old but still older. Etch is newer than sarge and stay more current but not as current as lenny. Any one application you want to install on your system will depend on other packages to be installed on your system to run. If you are stuck with the older repositories then there is lesser of a chance that some of the needed packages are available. If this happens then the desired app will not install. Alot of stuff is not available for the 2.4 kernel and alot of apps require a 2.6 kernel to run. By upgrading into the 2.6 kernel new doors open as far as upgrading or updating the system. You can give the 2.4 kernel the abilities of the 2.6 kernel if you upgrade the system as explained. By using this method you can continue to run the 2.4 and install the 2.6 packages on it. But I still don't know how to get around upgrading fully to etch anything in etch that requires you to upgrade a xfree86 package will crash the system. This should be possible but I have not figured out how. I have read about people installing a 2.6.22 kernel and I would think this would require those packages. looking at the kernel sources in sarge they cap at 2.6.18 which is as far as I have got this far. The etch repos have up to 2.6.24

This problem could be related to xdsl. It might not affect the other distros. I would not know I am only really interested in xdsl right now. The problem on upgrading the 2.4 on xdsl for me is an app called atmelwlandriver-tools which seem to be uninstallable. This app snags the xfree86 upgrade. When xfree86 is upgraded on etch it moves /usr/x11  "I think it could be somewhere else" I am working off memory. To another location. It will flash a warning saying it cant complete the upgrade because it cant remove this package and it will ask you to do it manually. And if you do the upgrade still wont go thru because atmelwlandriver-tools depends on /usr/x11 being there.  If you try to uninstall atmelwlandriver-tools it takes most of the core utilities that make up your system with it leaving a broken system either way. This app is just suppose to revolve around wireless interfaces and you would not think it would cause so much fuss but it does. Researching the app I found out that its support was dropped a long time ago. And all documentation I could find said it should be easy to uninstall without damage but that has not seemed possible for me thus far.


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Anyone Fancy Making A 2.6.9 Xbox Kernel?
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2009, 10:17:00 PM »

I got java installed and I think it is current. However the one app I tried I could not manage to get to work. I figured or assumed anyway it was because it took to much power to run. The app docs specified more ram to operate smoothly if I remember correctly. I think it was 256 and I can only swing 128. I had hoped swap would make the difference but it did not seem to help. The only app I tried was mediareader. Which is basically a spin off of xbox media companion for cross-platform purposes. I do have java as an option when I run konquer. It is available in the app section there. I dont know what kind of functionality it has. I just know I couldnt get mediareader to run.