
Author Topic: Xdsl Opening Usb Stick  (Read 211 times)


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Xdsl Opening Usb Stick
« on: September 16, 2009, 05:10:00 PM »

Just a quick one really..

I have XDSL on my xbox and installed Monkey web server. Working great (followed THESE instruction) however my site is to big to FTP over so ive got it on a USB stick

How can I copy the files over from teh USB stick to the HTDocs folder.. I dont know how to view the files on the USB stick even.




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Xdsl Opening Usb Stick
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2009, 07:53:00 PM »

to move files around from within dsl:

IPB Image

open the EMELFM AS ROOT, an option which is given off the bat in dsl,

browse to your usb device in the left panel,

in the right panel, browse to where you want to move your files to,

back on the left panel, highlight all files you wish to transfer,

in between both panels is an actions list, push "move" to move your files from point a, to point b.

this of course is provided that your usb device is mounted and able to be found by dsl to begin with.

i do not work with usb memory devices, so i can't personaly tell you where dsl will mount it to, but for hard drive media, they mount in a folder called "mnt".

alternatively, if your xbox has internet connectivity in dsl, which it sounds like it does since you're going to use it as a web server, upload your files from your usb stick from another computer to the internet, then download them to where you want to save them via firefox on your xbox/dsl.  you could even email them to yourself as an attachment via gmail or whatever your email provider is.

2 Bunny

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Xdsl Opening Usb Stick
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2009, 06:32:00 PM »

QUOTE(osmorphyus @ Sep 19 2009, 09:53 PM) View Post
to move files around from within dsl:

IPB Image

open the EMELFM AS ROOT, an option which is given off the bat in dsl,

browse to your usb device in the left panel,

in the right panel, browse to where you want to move your files to,

back on the left panel, highlight all files you wish to transfer,

in between both panels is an actions list, push "move" to move your files from point a, to point b.

this of course is provided that your usb device is mounted and able to be found by dsl to begin with.

i do not work with usb memory devices, so i can't personaly tell you where dsl will mount it to, but for hard drive media, they mount in a folder called "mnt".

alternatively, if your xbox has internet connectivity in dsl, which it sounds like it does since you're going to use it as a web server, upload your files from your usb stick from another computer to the internet, then download them to where you want to save them via firefox on your xbox/dsl.  you could even email them to yourself as an attachment via gmail or whatever your email provider is.

Or, he could just use skydrive. Who eMails stuff to themselves anyway? Thats just stupid.

Anyway, question here: How did you get to that screen with the USB stick on it? I am using the newest version of xBox DSL.

Thanks so much!

- 2 Bunny


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Xdsl Opening Usb Stick
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2009, 05:57:00 PM »

i have been known to email files to myself.  its a great way of saving files without worrying about losing webspace anywhere.  attachments are never deleted from your emails, so i fail to see how the suggestion is stupid.

in fact, dismissing a valid suggestion is stupid.  especiallty since this sounds like a good tip if he cant get his usb stick working.

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Xdsl Opening Usb Stick
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2009, 06:54:00 PM »

QUOTE(worldwhore3 @ Oct 4 2009, 07:57 PM) View Post
i have been known to email files to myself.  its a great way of saving files without worrying about losing webspace anywhere.  attachments are never deleted from your emails, so i fail to see how the suggestion is stupid.

in fact, dismissing a valid suggestion is stupid.  especiallty since this sounds like a good tip if he cant get his usb stick working.

Well, SkyDrive with all those free GigaBytes made that waaaaay obsolete. Plus you've gotta log in, and then people see you reading your email, "is that one from yourself? - do you not have anyone to talk to?", that sort of thing.

Sorry if I offended your way of using email. pop.gif  huh.gif  sad.gif  blink.gif  jester.gif  ohmy.gif  laugh.gif  rolleyes.gif  wink.gif  cool.gif  rolleyes.gif

- 2 Bunny


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Xdsl Opening Usb Stick
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2009, 05:34:00 PM »

having to login to your email is not a problem for anyone with a fully functioning cerebral cortex.

as well, having files stored in your email provides privacy.

as for your childish thought that people may say, "you dont have anyone to talk to, doy doy doy!" i have to say, you come off as incredibly childish.  i cant picture you being more than 16 years old, and if you are, there is a serious issue with your mental development if you think that way.

do what you wanna do, it was a suggestion that makes perfect sense in a world where people think for themselves.  not too many people are concerned with the scenario that you describe taking place.  if anyone is reading my email over my shoulder, they need to be addressed, anyway, as in, 'why the fuck are you reading over my shoulder?  dont you have anyone to talk to, loser?'

so as you can see, your childish scenario can be flipped on yourself.  why dont you use your sky-thingy and upload an avatar and remove that comment from your signature.  you are very far from 'world famous' unless you are known beyond these forums for a high level of stupid posts.

no offense, tho.  lol.  rollseyes.

2 Bunny

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Xdsl Opening Usb Stick
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2009, 02:57:00 PM »

QUOTE(worldwhore3 @ Oct 5 2009, 07:34 PM) View Post
having to login to your email is not a problem for anyone with a fully functioning cerebral cortex.

as well, having files stored in your email provides privacy.

as for your childish thought that people may say, "you dont have anyone to talk to, doy doy doy!" i have to say, you come off as incredibly childish.  i cant picture you being more than 16 years old, and if you are, there is a serious issue with your mental development if you think that way.

do what you wanna do, it was a suggestion that makes perfect sense in a world where people think for themselves.  not too many people are concerned with the scenario that you describe taking place.  if anyone is reading my email over my shoulder, they need to be addressed, anyway, as in, 'why the fuck are you reading over my shoulder?  dont you have anyone to talk to, loser?'

so as you can see, your childish scenario can be flipped on yourself.  why dont you use your sky-thingy and upload an avatar and remove that comment from your signature.  you are very far from 'world famous' unless you are known beyond these forums for a high level of stupid posts.

no offense, tho.  lol.  rollseyes.

I will respond to this spam "chunk by chunk" like I always do when someone gets "huffy and puffy and mad" and writes a long paragraph:

QUOTE(worldwhore3 @ Oct 5 2009, 07:34 PM) View Post
having to login to your email is not a problem for anyone with a fully functioning cerebral cortex.

as well, having files stored in your email provides privacy.

So, it is a waste of time, and annoying. So what about that? SkyDrive has all those features and more!

OWNED # 1.

Let us see what else we come up with:

QUOTE(worldwhore3 @ Oct 5 2009, 07:34 PM) View Post

as for your childish thought that people may say, "you dont have anyone to talk to, because you eMail yourself!" i have to say, you come off as incredibly childish. i cant picture you being more than 16 years old, and if you are, there is a serious issue with your mental development if you think that way.

No, you are just angry because I OWNED you. How is that childish? Are you just not ready to "STEP UP TO THE PLATE and ACCEPT RESPONSIBILTY" (that was not yelling by the way, that was just all capitals, half sarcastic, and half very serious; to see what I mean, just picture like a 1980s baseball video with elementary age kids). No, definetly not quite sixteen. I think I will be my same charming self at sixteen though. I have excellent mental development also, by the way.

OWNED # 2:

What else is in store for us today?

QUOTE(worldwhore3 @ Oct 5 2009, 07:34 PM) View Post

do what you wanna do, it was a suggestion that makes perfect sense in a world where people think for themselves. not too many people are concerned with the scenario that you describe taking place. if anyone is reading my email over my shoulder, they need to be addressed, anyway, as in, 'why the fuck are you reading over my shoulder? dont you have anyone to talk to, loser?'

What if you are visiting a friend? Do you not use MySpace or something? I am sure you have posted something strange on your friend's account or something while you were there or played a joke or something. Be less like this guy. "life is boring"


Hmm, let us take a final look:

QUOTE(worldwhore3 @ Oct 5 2009, 07:34 PM) View Post

so as you can see, your childish scenario can be flipped on yourself. why dont you use your sky-thingy and upload an avatar and remove that comment from your signature. you are very far from 'world famous' unless you are known beyond these forums for a high level of stupid posts.

no offense, tho.  lol.  rollseyes.

You mean your "childish scenario", as you said it? Yes, it was flipped on yourself indeed. Yes, I will use Skype, and I already have an avatar. What comment should I remove from my sig- oh right! I could not upload it from an eMail link, because those don't work unless you're logged IN! DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING! DOUBLE OWNED! I am not far from world famous either, just FYI.

Since you just got "double owned", and three times two is six:

OWNED # 6!

Oh wait, one more you say?

no offense, tho.  lol.  rollseyes.

Yeah, same here, LOL! Rolseys? No comprende. laugh.gif  blink.gif  biggrin.gif  dry.gif  smile.gif  mad.gif  pop.gif  ohmy.gif  rolleyes.gif  biggrin.gif

Have a nice day, ask for guidance and counseling any time you want, I am always available.

- 2 Bunny


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Xdsl Opening Usb Stick
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2009, 07:41:00 PM »

very, very, very far from "owned", son.  no, i dont fuck with any of my friends user accounts on myspaces, etc.  something about being a grown ass man, having better shit to do with my time, etc. keeps me from doing anything retarded like that.


why create a new account on your sky-shit if you dont have to?  if you already have web stroage soemwhere, and you want to keep it private, secure and safe so no other people can have it, why would you post your shit on a public upload/download portal?

logic says what?


i guess at your age tho, you really dont think about security, user privacy of files, etc.  maybe this guy has files on his USB stick that only he wants access to.  hm, would it make sense to upload to a public up/down portal?  no?  


you're fucking retarded.


you say owned.


l33t like jeff k?  get the reference?  no?


your ding-ding etc line doesnt make any sense, either.  you're playing around the facts stated and directed.  i told you to use your sky-bullshit and upload an avatar.

oh, what?  having files uploaded into email makes them secure to others by needing sign in first?!  DING DING RIGHT!  FILES ARE SECURE THAT WAY, AS WAS THE POINT FUCKSTICK.  MOVING ON.


lets look at your other posts around here, too.  
"is a razor one of those sharp knife things?"


please find one, and walk it across your wrists.  stay off the internet, stop jacking off to hentai, stop visitng teenage circle jerk forums, just stop.  period.  you're a dolt, son.  where's your father at, anyway?  are your folks aware of the moron they have unleashed onto the internet?

movie for you to see:  idiocracy. i doubt you'll get the jokes, tho.






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Xdsl Opening Usb Stick
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2009, 09:44:00 AM »

QUOTE(worldwhore3 @ Oct 7 2009, 09:41 PM) View Post
very, very, very far from "owned", son.  no, i dont fuck with any of my friends user accounts on myspaces, etc.  something about being a grown ass man, having better shit to do with my time, etc. keeps me from doing anything retarded like that.


why create a new account on your sky-shit if you dont have to?  if you already have web stroage soemwhere, and you want to keep it private, secure and safe so no other people can have it, why would you post your shit on a public upload/download portal?

logic says what?


i guess at your age tho, you really dont think about security, user privacy of files, etc.  maybe this guy has files on his USB stick that only he wants access to.  hm, would it make sense to upload to a public up/down portal?  no?  


you're fucking retarded.


you say owned.


l33t like jeff k?  get the reference?  no?


your ding-ding etc line doesnt make any sense, either.  you're playing around the facts stated and directed.  i told you to use your sky-bullshit and upload an avatar.

oh, what?  having files uploaded into email makes them secure to others by needing sign in first?!  DING DING RIGHT!  FILES ARE SECURE THAT WAY, AS WAS THE POINT I AM A RETARD.  MOVING ON.


lets look at your other posts around here, too.  
"is a razor one of those sharp knife things?"


please find one, and walk it across your wrists.  stay off the internet, stop jacking off to hentai, stop visitng teenage circle jerk forums, just stop.  period.  you're a dolt, son.  where's your father at, anyway?  are your folks aware of the moron they have unleashed onto the internet?

movie for you to see:  idiocracy. i doubt you'll get the jokes, tho.

Just FYI, SkyDrive has public AND private AND partially shared files. I am sorry I made a fool of you. I will apologize for you if you would like. pop.gif
Please do reply with any other moral problems. I am the all knowing "psychic". Well, not really psychic, just good at providing advice for troubled people.

Also, move back on topic. In case you all forgot, I wanted to know how he got to that "emelfelm" screen.

- 2 Bunny


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Xdsl Opening Usb Stick
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2009, 10:28:00 PM »

if you can't figure out emelfm, you've got a *lot* to learn about computing...  ask google about it.

whats that?  owned?  awww, shucks.  yup.  owned by emelfm.

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Xdsl Opening Usb Stick
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2009, 02:34:00 PM »

[quote name='worldwhore3' date='Oct 13 2009, 12:28 AM' post='4542936']  if you can't figure out emelfm, you've got a *lot* to learn about  computing... ask google about it.[/quote]  


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« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2009, 02:03:00 PM »

looks like you got owned by the quote tag, too.  you're clever.  you're a real "genius", kid.  "world famous", too.  have fun with those razor blades.

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Xdsl Opening Usb Stick
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2009, 08:13:00 PM »

QUOTE(worldwhore3 @ Oct 16 2009, 04:03 PM) View Post
looks like you got owned by the quote tag, too.  you're clever.  you're a real "genius", kid.  "world famous", too.  have fun with those razor blades.

I can't help but be a genius, or world famous.

What "razor blades" blink.gif ?

- 2 Bunny


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Xdsl Opening Usb Stick
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2009, 02:33:00 AM »

the razor blades you asked questions about in another thread.  you're a goon.  you have so many unintelligent posts around here that it's sad.

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Xdsl Opening Usb Stick
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2009, 02:06:00 PM »

QUOTE(worldwhore3 @ Oct 17 2009, 04:33 AM) View Post
the razor blades you asked questions about in another thread. i'm a goon.  you have so many unintelligent posts around here that it's sad.

I have actually many intelligent posts. What is sad?

Anyway, back on topic:

QUOTE(osmorphyus @ Sep 19 2009, 09:53 PM) View Post
to move files around from within dsl:

IPB Image

open the EMELFM AS ROOT, an option which is given off the bat in dsl,

browse to your usb device in the left panel,

in the right panel, browse to where you want to move your files to,

back on the left panel, highlight all files you wish to transfer,

in between both panels is an actions list, push "move" to move your files from point a, to point b.


 All right, I finally found "emelfelm", but I don't know how to get to my flash drive from within it. Does the 4GB or whatever limit that applies to the xBox Media Center apply to Linux as well? I tried today with a like quater gigabyte drive that it won't normally recognize, and I couldn't find it. Any Idea where to even look? The file browser is all messed up in Linux.
 - 2 Bunny