
Author Topic: Help Installing Any Linux Distro...  (Read 52 times)


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Help Installing Any Linux Distro...
« on: March 16, 2009, 10:38:00 PM »

ok. i have tried installing XDSL and xebian, and thought i should ask before burning any more dvds. so i could get xdsl loopback installed and running, but i couldn't seem to get openbox installed. i tried downloading the .deb, but xdsl didn't know how to install it. so then i tried xebian, and i can't even get it to boot. it stalls for 5 minutes at syslogd then repeats something about the NVIDIA chip.
i have a v1.0 xbox with a duox2 gs chip running the x2 biios and boot linux with xromwell.xbe
all i want is basic desktop computer applications with the openbox wm (and pypanel + conky)
can anyone help me?