
Author Topic: Blank Screen In Xubuntu  (Read 70 times)


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Blank Screen In Xubuntu
« on: June 20, 2007, 05:10:00 PM »

QUOTE(bakagamer @ Jun 20 2007, 01:45 AM) View Post

For some reason, when I start up xUbuntu I get a blank screen and it hangs. It looks like it's booting up fine and the weird moon language scrolls by until it says it's starting GDM, and the screen goes black.  Is there any fix for this?

I don't have a USB keyboard, I can't ssh because the default gateway doesn't point to my router and i'm using a softmodded 1.6 xbox in case any of you need to know.

Alternately, is there any way to compile or otherwise install KDE or Gnome in x-dsl?

The problem with KDE or Gnome is there too big and lag loads. This is why DSL is so small. KDE is bigger then the whole system really.

Do you not know how to use Fluxbox? I think its great and speedy for the xbox as it does not have much memory which KDS/Gnome EATS.

Try DSL and get used to it. Its much better.

Also if your using your xbox to browse the net it will slow down using kde


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Blank Screen In Xubuntu
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2007, 09:29:00 PM »

I figured it wouldn't take that long to boot.  laugh.gif  I was using kde on a pentium-2 with 64 mb of ram with no problem. I know how to use fluxbox fine, it's just I figured that I'd install something flashy, but I guess it's not such a good idea then.