
Author Topic: Best Length For A Db25 Parallel  (Read 107 times)


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Best Length For A Db25 Parallel
« on: May 20, 2004, 09:05:00 AM »

I usually flash by disk.  Now I have a chip that must be flashed by PC and it will be my first time.  I've heard that the parallel must be two way, and that it must be 2ft or less in length.  Is there any truth to that?  I've heard that if the cable is too long, it just won't work.  I'd like to know before I waste money on a cable that ultimately won't end up using.

If you know the best way to flash by pc, or if you know of any potential pitfalls, please leave feedback.  Props to the scene. :D


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Best Length For A Db25 Parallel
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2004, 03:01:00 PM »

its tru bout da cable shit depends on da length i think wat u said 2ft is da rite distance but 2 b safe go shorter!

da prog 2 flash it wif is at xecuter site! TIP: OPEN YOUR EYES *cough cough* download section *cough cough* lol

u have fun  n dont mess up ur X (xbox)



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Best Length For A Db25 Parallel
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2004, 03:05:00 PM »

Well, I can see that Xmaster failed english and can look forward to a long career of selling crack.

Your best bet is to skip the cable all together.  Just plug it directly into the port on your PC.  This eliminates the lenght question, and saves money.


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Best Length For A Db25 Parallel
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2004, 09:31:00 AM »

Sweet!  Thanks to both you cats for the help.  I've stuck with the disk flash for a long time because it works, and I figure, why change up?  But I had a bad flash, and now I'm forced to try this method.  I'm a little apprehensive.  I need to gather a few programs to do it, but I think I have enough knowledge that I should be alright.  Plus, I have a slayers disk.  As long as i get past the flash, I'll be alright.

Thanks again.


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Best Length For A Db25 Parallel
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2004, 09:39:00 AM »

man shut da hell  para[android]  "Well, I can see that Xmaster failed english and can look forward to a long career of selling crack."

its how i chat u got a problem WITH IT? den came 2 canada n suk ma dingle ling!! lol

seriously shut up!  :angry:


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Best Length For A Db25 Parallel
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2004, 11:03:00 AM »

man shut da hell para[android] "Well, I can see that Xmaster failed english and can look forward to a long career of selling crack."

its how i chat u got a problem WITH IT? den came 2 canada n suk ma dingle ling!! lol

seriously shut up!

Thanks for proving my point  :lol:


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Best Length For A Db25 Parallel
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2004, 11:18:00 AM »

XMASTER99: You're free to post however you want but it's important to keep in mind that this is a forum where semi-technical information is being exchanged in an effort to help others.  The purpose is not casual chat or text messaging.  That being said, you're trying to help someone so if he/she can't understand or doesn't like your style of communication they can disregard.  Still you'll find very few posts here written like that because they are very hard to read and understand.  When you do find them, you'll find that they aren't terribly well received either since most people starting threads are already frustrated with an issue that stemmed directly from mis-communication or interpretation.  The clarity of a question and response is directly proportional to how quickly an issue gets resolved or distilled.

DVL: cable length that works varies greatly.  Some people have no issues while others do.  In general, the longer the cable the more issues you may encounter (although a 10' cable has worked for many a person).  The primary issue is lack of flash verification even when the flash itself was fine.  Beyond that point, people get connection issues.  Direct port-to-port is a nice troubleshooting technique and good enough if you don't plan on flashing a lot.