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Author Topic: X-dsl V0.21  (Read 183 times)


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X-dsl V0.21
« on: May 19, 2005, 12:54:00 PM »

XDSL v0.21 Offical Release

X-DSL v0.21, a linux distribution based on Damn Small Linux has been released. It weighs in at less than 50MBs with a nearly complete desktop, and many command line tools. The small size of bundled programs make it very suited to the Xbox's limited 64mb memory. It can be run as a livecd or installed to your Xbox's hard drive.

Coming hot on the heels of version 0.2 this is mainly a bugfix release. The changes since v0.2 are as follows

- Now based on Damn Small Linux 1.1
 - Loopback install script restricts size to 2GB, as larger values were causing problems
 - Tidied up the hdinstall/swapfile scripts
 - joyd now implimented using a init script (/etc/init.d/joyd)
 - Fixed bug where the drive containing a swap file was mounted read-only
 - Added virtual keyboard desktop icon

Download here


XDSL comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law

1) Introduction

X-DSL is a small (about 50MBs) but fully functional Linux distribution for the XBOX, based on Damn Small Linux (

2) Licence

X-DSL is more than just a software application, it's a complete Linux distribution comprising of many software packages. All the programs and libraries used by the X-DSL are protected by their respective licenses. They are all free software and most of them are covered by the GNU General Public Licence. X-DSL itself, meaning all the scripts written specially for X-DSL (init files, configuration files, etc) is covered by the GNU General Public Licence version 2, or (at your option) any later version. See GPL.txt for a copy of this licence.

3) Usage

XDSL requires a modded Xbox(see or for help on this). You can then run XDSL from a livecd. Simply burn xdsl.iso to some recordable media using your favourite cd writing software and place it in your Xbox.

When XDSL loads you will be presented a choice of video modes (640x480, 800x600, 480p, 720p). 480p and 720p require your Xbox to be connected with component cables to a HDTV. Once you have choosen a video mode XDSL will boot and you'll automatically be logged into X as the user 'dsl'.

4) Interacting with XDSL

If you have a usb keyboard/mouse and a usb connector for your Xbox they should be automatically detected. Alternatively you can use a Xbox controller to move the mouse pointer. To launch programs right click on the desktop (B on the controller) to bring up the fluxbox menu. If you need to enter any text a virtual keyboard is available from the fluxbox menu under Apps.

5) Installation

If you want to install XDSL to your Xbox hard drive you have 3 options:

Frugal install - The XDSL compressed filesystem is copied to E:\KNOPPIX\KNOPPIX. This takes up the least diskspace (50Mbs). Since the filesystem is heavily compressed it is mounted readonly so this is just like running the livecd, except all the files reside on your hard disk

Loopback install - The XDSL filesystem is installed onto a loopback file (either E:\xdslfs or F:\xdslfs). This requires a loopback file of at least 200MBs (you can choose a size upto 2GB).

Native install - XDSL will be installed onto a linux partion in the extra space on the Xbox HDD for those with hard disks bigger that 8GBs. This will keep the standard Xbox partitions (C,E,X,Y,Z) entact but will wipe all data on the F partition if it exists.

To perform one of these installations open the fluxbox menu and select the appropriate option under Apps, Tools. You will be guided through the install process.

6) myDSL extensions
If you are running from the livecd or a frugal install you can load addition programs using myDSL extensions. XDSL should be fully compatible with extensions made for Damn Small Linux. Extensions are available from or via the myDSL icon on the desktop. They should be copied to E:\ to load them when XDSL boots or E:\optional\ to give you the option of loading them via the fluxbox menu. Since each extension is loaded into the ramdisk it is recommend that you use E:\optional\ if possible to save on memory usage.

7) Backup your settings

When using the frugal install/booting from a livecd it is not possible to write any changes to the XDSL filesystem. To get around this your settings can be saved in a seperate file called backup.tar.gz. Go to Back/Restore in the desktop menu, type in hda50 and hit backup if you wish to make this file on your E drive. Once made your settings will be automatically saved on shutdown and restored on boot. To change what files are saved edit /home/dsl/filetool.lst. None of this is necessary with Native/Loopback install methods since the root filesystem can be written to.

8) Enabling the apt package utility

If you are running from a loopback or native install you'll probably want to re-enable the debian package utility apt to allow you to install a huge range of programs from the debian repository. It is also recommended you restore the GNU Core Utilities. If you choose 'enhanced' when you performed you installation this will have already been done for you. Otherwise you need to load the myDSL extension 'gnu-utils.dsl' and then choose enable apt from Apps, Tools in the desktop menu.

Once this is complete you can then install programs via the command 'apt-get install myprogram'. It's a good idea to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list beforehand to point it to the debian testing repositary (comment out the existing lines with # and uncomment the testing lines). 'apt-get update' updates the list of available programs and 'apt-cache search myprogram' searches for a 'myprogram' in the debian repository.

9) FTP install
If you don't wish burn XDSL onto a cd and have the ability to ftp to you Xbox, it is possible to simply copy across the required files. Extract all the files from the iso and copy them to the following locations:


These are case sensitive. Then create a file E:\linuxboot.cfg with the following content

title XDSL
kernel KNOPPIX\linux24
initrd KNOPPIX\minirt24.gz
append root=/dev/ram0 init=/etc/init rw video=xbox:640x480 frugal quiet kbd-reset

Finally if you are not using the Cromwell BIOS copy default.xbe somewhere where you can run it from your Xbox.
Then run Cromwell/default.xbe to boot XDSL. If you then want to peform a loopback/native install simply select your desired option in the Apps, Tools menu.

11) Developers
Richard Osborne (friedgold), Mathew Saxton (keo keo)

12) Acknowledgements
None of this would be possible without the work of John Andrews and Robert Shingledecker for creating the Damn Small Linux distribution and the XBOX-linux team for getting Linux onto the XBOX. Additional thanks goes to greenfellow, chadkeck, cbagger01, big_xbox_n00bie, Mailynn, daveh and XanTium.

Sourceforge download
X-DSL Howto


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X-dsl V0.21
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2005, 05:48:00 PM »

Thanks  beerchug.gif cant wait to test it out...


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X-dsl V0.21
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2005, 05:54:00 PM »

Nice, just downloaded and installed it (loopback style).

Questions though:

1.  How to stop beaver from poping up everytime I boot
2.  How to boot as Super User.  The is the only way I can write to the other drives is by launching all apps I want to use from terminal as SU.
3.  Why does the audio no longer work in MPlayer?  I used to be able to view movies and DVDs with sound, but now I can't...
4.  GAIM still doesn't boot...
5.  Is XMule finally in a usable window size?
6.  I am also not getting any audio in flash applications; I used "Get Flash Plugin" and videos play, but without audio.
7.  After I install a file from the My DSL thing, is there a way to get rid of it, and the icon?

Thanx and good release!  I kinda figured something was odd about the previous swapfiles...

You 'Da man Friedgold, you and your team.   smile.gif


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X-dsl V0.21
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2005, 07:45:00 PM »

QUOTE(devguy @ May 20 2005, 02:05 AM)
Nice, just downloaded and installed it (loopback style).

Questions though:

1.  How to stop beaver from poping up everytime I boot
2.  How to boot as Super User.  The is the only way I can write to the other drives is by launching all apps I want to use from terminal as SU.
3.  Why does the audio no longer work in MPlayer?  I used to be able to view movies and DVDs with sound, but now I can't...
4.  GAIM still doesn't boot...
5.  Is XMule finally in a usable window size?
6.  I am also not getting any audio in flash applications; I used "Get Flash Plugin" and videos play, but without audio.
7.  After I install a file from the My DSL thing, is there a way to get rid of it, and the icon?

Thanx and good release!  I kinda figured something was odd about the previous swapfiles...

You 'Da man Friedgold, you and your team.   :)

First of all If you are using loopback install it's probably best to use apt-get to install new programs rather than using myDSL extensions. This is because with apt you get things like dependecy handling, options to uninstall programs, etc. There is no automated way to remove installed myDSL extensions. You can remove any icons by looking in /home/dsl/.xtdesktop and removing the associated icon and .lnk.

I've had gaim working (both installed via the myDSL extension and via apt-get). Remember that gaim DSL extension depends on gtk2 DSL extension.

Since XMule isn't distributed with X-DSL we have no control over the font size (this is set by whoever made the extension). I'm sure there's a config file you can edit. Try looking in the XMule menus or looking in /home/dsl (press H in emelFM to display hidden files)

We haven't made any changes to the sound setup so I'm surprise your having problems with mplayer/flash which you weren't before. It may be some change introduced between Damn Small Linux 1.01 and Damn Small Linux 1.1 is causing problems so I'll try to investigate this problem. Also we still haven't fixed digital audio output (it's on our todo list :P).

To boot into X as super user (although I would recommend against it) you could edit /home/dsl/.bash_profile and change startx to sudo startx. Or when you install X-DSL you can disable autologin and then when you boot it will let you login as root (this will require a usb keyboard to type in the login details).

Not too sure what you mean by beaver coming up every time you boot, it doesn't on mine (do you mean the virtual keyboard???). You can change the programs that load when you start X by editing /home/dsl/.xinitrc


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X-dsl V0.21
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2005, 12:44:00 AM »


I just wooke up and saw this!

A perfect birthday present for me, i look forward to trying this tonight smile.gif



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X-dsl V0.21
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2005, 05:42:00 AM »

I'm kinda fuzzy on the whole linux thing but basically all I want Linux for is to occasionally browse the web forums and run an Instant Messaging client. I've tried downloading and installing AIM from AOL's own FTP but Xebian told me it was corrupt. (just to get the obvious out of the way I did use the preinstalled FTP client to force the download to Binary format). Tried installing Gaim but it said something about library dependencies. Tried to figure out how to install these libraries but I've decided Xebian wasn't for me.

Does the new xdsl have an AIM like client preinstalled? I assume it's got a Mozilla based browser of some sort. With its small footprint I'm hoping this is the case.

This post has been edited by shloader: May 20 2005, 12:53 PM


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X-dsl V0.21
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2005, 05:29:00 AM »

MSN, Yahoo & ICQ would be a great addition to xDSL.

Please could you please try and make this available in a later release and i will be a happy happy bunny.



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X-dsl V0.21
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2005, 08:23:00 AM »

How can i start x-dsl after an loopback installation ?



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X-dsl V0.21
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2005, 08:39:00 AM »

QUOTE(dragon67 @ May 20 2005, 03:58 PM)
How can i start x-dsl after an loopback installation ?


If you installed X-DSL from the Live CD it should have asked if you want to copy across xromwell which is the linux bootloader. If the directory E:\apps exists its copied to E:\apps\cromwell\default.xbe. Otherwise it's copied to E:\KNOPPIX\default.xbe. Simply run this and choose the fatx menu option.

If you said you didn't want xromwell to be copied across copy the default.xbe from the CD to somewhere on your Xbox HD where you can launch it.


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X-dsl V0.21
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2005, 11:43:00 AM »

QUOTE(Tazmanian_Devil @ May 20 2005, 01:40 PM)
MSN, Yahoo & ICQ would be a great addition to xDSL.

Please could you please try and make this available in a later release and i will be a happy happy bunny.


That should be coming in future versions , look out for it.



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X-dsl V0.21
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2005, 12:26:00 PM »

QUOTE(friedgold @ May 20 2005, 03:20 AM)
I've had gaim working (both installed via the myDSL extension and via apt-get). Remember that gaim DSL extension depends on gtk2 DSL extension.

Odd, just randomly, it is working now...  ???

Since XMule isn't distributed with X-DSL we have no control over the font size (this is set by whoever made the extension). I'm sure there's a config file you can edit. Try looking in the XMule menus or looking in /home/dsl (press H in emelFM to display hidden files)

I wasn't clear sorry...  I meant that when you start the program, the size of it is much greater than 640x480.  I can't move the mouse high enough to click the square in the top right corner to make it the correct size.  If you try it, you will understand what I mean; the font size is fine.

Also we still haven't fixed digital audio output (it's on our todo list :P).

Sounds good!!

To boot into X as super user (although I would recommend against it) you could edit /home/dsl/.bash_profile and change startx to sudo startx. Or when you install X-DSL you can disable autologin and then when you boot it will let you login as root (this will require a usb keyboard to type in the login details).

Why would you recommend against it?  Is there a way to give user write privelges to the F:/ and E:/ drives like how the version before .2 was?

Not too sure what you mean by beaver coming up every time you boot, it doesn't on mine (do you mean the virtual keyboard???). You can change the programs that load when you start X by editing /home/dsl/.xinitrc

Lol, I meant to say that dillo always started on boot.  Anyways, browsing in beaver under /home/dsl, I see any files like bash_profile or xinitrc.  I do see filetool.lst though....

Thanks a bunch for your answers Friedgold.

This post has been edited by devguy: May 20 2005, 07:36 PM


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X-dsl V0.21
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2005, 12:44:00 PM »

Quote from: friedgold,May 20 2005, 03:20 AM
We haven't made any changes to the sound setup so I'm surprise your having problems with mplayer/flash which you weren't before. It may be some change introduced between Damn Small Linux 1.01 and Damn Small Linux 1.1 is causing problems so I'll try to investigate this problem. Also we still haven't fixed digital audio output (it's on our todo list :P).

sorry for the double post, but I couldn't edit...  :(  

Odd, now the audio is working on MPlayer!  Both GAIM and MPlayer started functioning correctly just randomly, without changing anything!!  WTF?  

I will tell you if anything else weird happens.

BTW, GAIM also has the problem with the window being too big, like with Xmule...


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X-dsl V0.21
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2005, 06:39:00 PM »

QUOTE(devguy @ May 20 2005, 08:01 PM)
Lol, I meant to say that dillo always started on boot.  Anyways, browsing in beaver under /home/dsl, I see any files like bash_profile or xinitrc.  I do see filetool.lst though....

.bash_profile and .xinitrc are hidden files (anything that starts with a . is hidden in linux). Try using emelFM and hitting the H button next to the left of the directory path in order to show hidden files.


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X-dsl V0.21
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2005, 08:10:00 PM »

Why would you recommend against it? Is there a way to give user write privelges to the F:/ and E:/ drives like how the version before .2 was?

With linux if you do somthing there is no ARE YOU SURE.. With root it will just excute the command. While if your not root it might ask you for root permissions (you'll have a seond chance to type in the command and not screw up your system.).


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X-dsl V0.21
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2005, 08:53:00 PM »

and it still doesent support my controler.
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