
Author Topic: Can I Install Mce Gentoox And Still Keep All My  (Read 26 times)


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Can I Install Mce Gentoox And Still Keep All My
« on: January 08, 2005, 07:58:00 PM »

i want to install the mce gentoox, does the new one i saw advertised let me keep any bios and launch it as an app?

ive looked on the gentoox faq.

i found this tho... it there anyway around this?

"Both parts of the installer will flash a BIOS to a modchip or TSOP without asking so it is suggested that you have a modchip installed that is recognised by raincoat. If the flash fails, then the installation will continue and you must flash your modchip manually. The Xenium and SmartXX modchips cannot be automatically flashed, users will have to flash the BIOS (found on the CD under the BIOS directory) according to the modchip's instructions manual. "