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Author Topic: Updated: Tutorial On Icewm For Gentoox  (Read 172 times)


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Updated: Tutorial On Icewm For Gentoox
« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2004, 02:17:00 PM »

dry.gif hehe. But tell me where your stuck at. Maybe I can help. First thing to check I guess would be if ICEWM itself installed correctly.If your not sure how to check, open up a console and type this:


nano /home/gentoox/.xinitrc

and change the part where you see startkde or startxfce4 (depending on what you use...hehe) to
this:   exec icewm-session

Then reboot and it should boot straigh to ice. laugh.gif

!!NOTE, IF THIS DOESN'T WORK, THE ONLY WAY TO GO BACK TO KDE OR XFCE IS TO OPEN AN SSH SESSION AND CHANGE THE .XINITRC BACK TO WHAT IT WAS!! in other words, if you can't ssh into your xbox , don't try this. jester.gif

If this doesn't work, I guess something went wrong during the compiling of icewm.I'm not sure what to suggest else then maybe do a fresh install and try "emerge icewm" and look if you see any errors. blink.gif
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