
Author Topic: Solution To Accessing Hd Partitions  (Read 63 times)


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Solution To Accessing Hd Partitions
« on: January 15, 2004, 07:30:00 AM »

There have been many posts regarding different ways to access other partitions, but in my opinion, this is the easiest/best solution.
First, from the root account, create two directories.
mkdir /mnt/E
mkdir /mnt/C
Second, add the following lines to /etc/fstab.
/dev/hda50   /mnt/E   fatx   umask=000   0   0
/dev/hda51   /mnt/C   fatx   umask=000   0   0
Above changes to /etc/fstab will allow all users to access the partitions.  If you use "default" for the options instead, then you need to give permission commands.
Finally, you must reboot in order for the new changes to take effect.