
Author Topic: Noob Question About Flashing !  (Read 115 times)


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Noob Question About Flashing !
« on: December 27, 2005, 01:24:00 PM »

Here the deal ... I have a xbox modded with 128mb of ram BUT I need to run Stepmania on it but no version (even the cvs built with the *Possible Ram fix*) works ! I read that you can just run a Bios that does not support the 128mb and it's working so !

Also ... I have a multiple bank modchip (smartxx V2) and I would like to know if it's possible to run the new bios (that doesn't support the 128mb so it doesn't recognized it) without having to reinstall a new EvolutionX and everything and just to make the new bios run the EvolutionX I already have (I really don't know if I can !!!)

1. What Bios are my options ???
2. Can I flash my Smartxx with this new bios and have this bios to run all the stuff already install on my xbox ?