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Author Topic: Gentoox - Howto's  (Read 191 times)


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Gentoox - Howto's
« on: August 08, 2003, 10:41:00 AM »

I am more of a debian n00b myself...


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Gentoox - Howto's
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2003, 12:23:00 PM »

Actually some of those suggested sound good. Could I get the How to Install Shockwave Flash Plugin one? email it or post it here? I want to install cs dedicated server but I dont have the origional half life anymore.


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« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2003, 12:34:00 PM »


I've updated my post to link to the flash tutorial for you wink.gif

As for wiring your mouse, just buy an adapter. They look better, and are pretty cheap. I picked up 3 of them for 26 bux with shipping included.

I also have the double resolution until KDE starts up. It doesn't bother me because I don't need to work in that mode, and if I do, you simply log off of GentooX user and you'll be taken back to that black dos looking screen, only perfectly synced this time around.

There's a few half-life server posts here already, maybe I'll make mine on QaukeII instead since I still play that from time to time with friends.



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« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2003, 12:49:00 PM »

I play quake 2.. You mean you can play it on the linux too? Is then there a way to start anti cheat programs so I can join some servers w/ friends who require them? also it doesnt seem to download some stuff auto it just says 0% done. Post a link to buy the adapter? I do have the keyboard adapter I got from the pso thing.


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« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2003, 01:05:00 PM »

Are you friends with a guy that runs that strongbad thing.. My buddy showed me that awhile back hes really into it I modded his system then one day I went over and he had a burninator skin for his dashbord... when it laoded it says burniloading or somthing it was crazy that dinasour is crazy.


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« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2003, 01:53:00 PM »

Woah big big problem. Do how I fixed the slowed and messed up sounds? When I download a movie and watch it sounds lagged and same with the homestar and I tryed some atom films. The sound is just way to slow did you fix that? Doesnt seem to be a way to with mozilla.... Movies and sounds work great in Konqueror though... So ill just use that.


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« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2003, 12:45:00 PM »


Firstly, no, you can't play quake2 in linux, at least I haven't tried, because as far as I know, it *may* support software rendering, although who knows how slowly that might go. I understand your problem with trying to play Q2 on servers from the xbox, but all I can say is linux is prolly not your answer until a real video driver is released. Until then, just install quake2 on your pc, do all the updates and download all the mods, then drag all that crap into your xbox's quake2x folder, and you'll be able to play online on any server as long as it's not running punkbuster. Once xbox linux gets a 3d driver, it may be possible to run quake2 in wine and have punkbuster also running.

No, I don't know the homestar runner dude. I just think Strongbad is pretty cool amongst all the crap flash movies out there. I mean everybody personally knows someone who has made a "funny flash movie" and if you multiply that by the number of people that actually upload thiers, well, you get a big pile of sh!t. So yeah, Strongbad is like godly compared to that stuff, and oh, you get to watch it unlike having to read stuff like Penny Arcade or Warbucket.

My flash's audio is like barely 1 second off sync. It depends on what's going on, sometimes it's not at all, but compared to what you get with mozilla, it's still really good. Try closing all your windows, running only 1 desktop, and lowering your KDE's visual appearance to use less graphics. All of those should help out, because it's the Video which is a real bottleneck right now until real Video Drivers are released. Who knows when that will ever happen, so don't bother asking wink.gif



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Gentoox - Howto's
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2003, 03:12:00 PM »

Hi x999x,

Thanks for your great offer of help!!

After i saw your potential tut's i decided to give Gentoox a try...and i was verrrry impressed!

everything was going great....until i ran "magic wmaker" problem..until i realised i need a keyboard to log back in..uh ohh  ohmy.gif rather than wait for the USB cables to arrive i deleted all the Gentoox associated files in e: and reinstalled..

unfortunately now when installing i have no cursor to select a resolution...and am pretty stuck with where to go from here.  DO you think there are some files i have not deleted that may be affecting it? maybe they are not located in e: or not as obvious as i thought they were.

With reference to your suggestions, i would love to install a printer and other USB peripherals, so any tutorials on how to do so would be great!!

...actually all the tut's would be fanastic, in any order, as i am learning and would like to learn everything...i am surprised there hasnt been more response to your offer of help.. maybe everyone's enjoying their weekend  biggrin.gif

i could go on there an irc channel for gentoox users and for help?

thanks for ur help



p.s. is anyone having problems accessing   ?? no luck at my end



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Gentoox - Howto's
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2003, 12:50:00 AM »


Glad you've decided to  join us smile.gif

Okay, first things first, I've run into your problem before, and it's because windowmaker isn't emerged. Something gets messed up, and you've got to manually emerge windowmaker first in order for "magic wmaker" to work right.

If windowmaker isn't there, you're stuck at the black dos looking screen looking at a login prompt.

Fear not, you can get out of this without a keyboard!

You should still have a cursor, it's a tiny little rectangle. Use that rectangle to move to a letter, then  hold down the Green 'A' button and tap the right direction on the D-pad until the WHOLE letter becomes inversed (selected),  then press the red 'B' button.
This should paste your selection. So what you're going to do is copy the letters individually to spell "root". To enter a return carriage, highlight and copy a long line of blank space so that it touches the right part of the screen. Paste that "blank" space in, and it will work as pressing "enter." Next, you need to spell out "xbox". The thing to point out here is you can't see what you're pasting in, so it takes practice since it's masked. The password is also case sensitive, so make sure to use all lower case.

Once you've logged in, just copy and paste the letters to spell "reboot" then enter the line of blank space to "enter."

So if you ever log off of user Gentoox in KDE, you can also do this to safely exit the dos screen without corrupting your HD.

If you don't feel like going through all this, just reinstall Gentoox, and make sure to delete your old files first.


I'll be posting new tutorials soon, my next will be running Photoshop 7 on the xbox smile.gif


USB Adapters are getting pretty cheap now, I picked up 3 for 26 bux which included shipping smile.gif GentooX is prolly the best x-linux for people without a keyboard, but it really does get a whole lot better when you've got one wink.gif


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Gentoox - Howto's
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2003, 04:32:00 AM »

im about to do this gentoox install but was wondering if i could hook up a cable modem and go on the internet that way??? i hope so....... thatd be cool

also i go to download it and there are like 3 versions which one should i get


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Gentoox - Howto's
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2003, 08:04:00 AM »

Hi x999x,

thanks for your reply...I've got Gentoox up 'n running once agaim..wahay!

i will try the wmaker suggestion once my usb adapters arrives my desperation to buy them, i bought 2 for £21...not realising someone on ebay would do 2 for £10 inc delivery =(  it doesnt feel so bad as i am excited about getting it up n running asap...

but the copy/paste did work wonders once i was stuck after logging off..oops

thanks again for your help..looking forward to photoshop tutorial




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Gentoox - Howto's
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2003, 09:43:00 AM »

QUOTE (ltb8 @ Aug 11 2003, 01:32 PM)
im about to do this gentoox install but was wondering if i could hook up a cable modem and go on the internet that way??? i hope so....... thatd be cool

also i go to download it and there are like 3 versions which one should i get

Yep, you can go online, browse the web, use instant messengers and all that goodness. It's the main reason people install linux, for web browsing etc.

You should be able to run your ethernet cable right into the xbox as long as your evox is set to accept dynamic IPs.

I actually use a dialup on my xbox tongue.gif I use the modem in my pc and just share it through a hub to my xbox. Haha, I actually synced, and emerged quite a few programs on this dialup tongue.gif

You want GentooX Home Edition V2. It's the easiest to use, although Stardust is supposed to be the same thing except it downloads and installs dynamically, while Home Edition V2 is a simple drag and drop from your PC.



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Gentoox - Howto's
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2003, 09:56:00 AM »

QUOTE (ricosuave_9 @ Aug 11 2003, 05:04 PM)
Hi x999x,

thanks for your reply...I've got Gentoox up 'n running once agaim..wahay!

i will try the wmaker suggestion once my usb adapters arrives my desperation to buy them, i bought 2 for £21...not realising someone on ebay would do 2 for £10 inc delivery =(  it doesnt feel so bad as i am excited about getting it up n running asap...

but the copy/paste did work wonders once i was stuck after logging off..oops

thanks again for your help..looking forward to photoshop tutorial



That's understandable m8 wink.gif I guess I should point out although I saved some money, I did have to wait about a month to get my cables... So it was worth it on one hand, but on the other, I would have rather paid an extra 10 just to get it asap like you are doing.

I'm glad you've got your GentooX back up and running, the Copy/Paste thing is pretty tricky, and I haven't seen anyone else beside us run into that problem. Hehe, I guess we're the only ones fearless enough to try gentoox, or the only ones foolish enough depending on who you ask tongue.gif

I just reinstalled gentoo lastnight and had it sync and emerge wine while I was sleeping. I'm having a serious problem getting dreamweaver to work. First I got it to work, but it couldn't find a folder because I didn't set the working directory. So... I installed a new version of wine, and ran into a whole different problem. Once I solved that, I ran into the original problem I had the first time. Thinking it was a problem with wine, I  compiled yet another version  blink.gif  This time, I can't even make it up to the original problem, so, I reinstall the original wine I had in the first place, only now, I can't even make it as far as I did the first time! Phew... Okay, I back to where I started, so I'll give it another go after work, if it still won't work, I guess I'll have to settle for Dreamweaver 4 rather than MX... 4 *should* work without a hitch. The whole reason MX is such a pain is because the installer takes the serial number from the HD and makes a Key out of it in a file which MX has to check in order to proceed and find it's dependancies on that drive. A simple drag and drop has not worked, at least on my version of MX. There are several different installer versions, and perhaps my Studio MX installer is the problem :



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Gentoox - Howto's
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2003, 12:22:00 AM »

in thr res select part of gentoox's startup sequence, i am not getting a cursor, i tried for like an hour just randomely moving the d pad, there most definitely isnt anything there that i can move... help would be appretiated


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Gentoox - Howto's
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2003, 07:45:00 PM »


I'm not sure what your problem could be, you might want to try running Gentoox v1 instead. There are problems that arise in v2 on certain xboxes for some reason. There could be other reasons, just do a search on these boards. Shallax was here a while ago asking if anyone had any controller problems, and that he would patch it to get yours to work if you sent him the info he needed.

Anyhow, have a look on the new Gentoox homepage as well, there's bound to be more info, especially if you post your problem in that forum there.

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