
Author Topic: Modding Help - Need Some Info  (Read 102 times)


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Modding Help - Need Some Info
« on: November 20, 2005, 03:28:00 AM »

Hey guys I have just been looking into modding my XBOX. I have read about quite a few different items that can be purchased for these beautiful machines, such as extra memory so you can run Linux better, and so on.

(Basically I want to run my Xbox as a computer...)


I need a new power supply for my XBOX as it had alcohol kicked into it, what a waste of alcohol, and I know that my XBOX is a version 1.1 and can get a new power supply for about $50 or so.

Now I have a few thoughts about what I would like to do but thought I would ask you guys if you could fill me in a bit.

- I would like to put a 300Gb HDD in it as I need lots of storage.

- If you can actually but a DVD Burner into an Xbox that would be great as I intend on running Linux and would still like to be able to burn things.

- A memory upgrade for the Xbox as Linux will benefit from it.

- Seeing as I don't have it chipped I would like to know what chip is going to be the best for it and being compatible with what I want to do.

- I'm not sure if this will work or not but seeing as I can't get broadband in my area I have been thinking of getting a USB Modem for the Xbox and still be able to Dial Up to the net and run it through Linux. Does anyone know if this would be possible?

- I'm hoping that with any chip that i can have something like Windows Media Centre style setup. So you are still able to read file names of songs when it was connected to a TV. I would like to be able to do this as I intend on using it on my TV to watch my movies and when I take it around I can still do that.

More or less what I'm thinking of doing is getting rid of my PC and just using my Xbox to do everything that I do on my PC, which is more or less just watching Movies, listening to Music, Surfing the Net and Playing the odd game or two.

I have looked at a couple of sites and found a few things that I would like to purchase to make this possible but I need your help guys to fill in the missing details here.

- USB Adapters for XBOX's so you can use a USB Keyboard/Mouse
- Infra Red Mod (So you can turn ON/OFF you Xbox via the remote)
- Memory Upgrade as mentioned above
- An ATA166 Cable - Just for more badnwitdh
- And if possible a DVD Burner that fits in the original position and maintains the Xbox Shape
- And a 300Gb HDD

One last thing is that if anyone on here is able to actually help me out with this, ie. Do the hard side of things like the soldering, I would be more then happy to pay for their services. If not redirect me to someone who will.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.... I really would like some help from you guys.




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Modding Help - Need Some Info
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2005, 07:03:00 AM »

Check out and

There is a forum here on X-S that talks about Linux (it's named *nix). And I would advice against the USB modem for broadband, Xbox is only USB 1.1 and I had so many troubles with a USB modem even on a USB 2.0 computer.

You should get a Ethernet Router that has a built in ADSL modem and at least 4 ports, you can get these very cheap now (everyone is getting wireless).

XBMC is great for showing videos, music and the like but Shallax also does a Linux port of Gentoo with MCE software if you want to use that (look into it at his site).

You can put a 300GB hard drive in but you will need an LBA48 bios if you are to play games. I'm not sure how to use the lot in pure Linux you will have to search on that (gentoox forums has loads of info :D).

You can put a DVD Burner in but you wont be able to play original games, and I think it is slow to (Xbox bus is ATA33). Again shallax forum has a guide on this some where I think.

Since you are posting in the Smartxx forum I am going to say get a Smartxx :D. It can even boot linux right of the bat. for more info.

The X2VGA is good but I think resolutions are limited in Linux I don't have one so I'm not sure. USB adapters are cheap to come by and are aprently easy to make. Plenty of tutorials on this.