
Author Topic: Xbox Hdm Warning No Dns Servers Found  (Read 479 times)


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Xbox Hdm Warning No Dns Servers Found
« on: March 10, 2012, 08:45:00 AM »

Hello forum,

I have been having a very diffucult time trying to mod my xbox for my nephew please help A.S.A.P.  I am a PC technicion.  I took a look at how to softmod for my nephew the other day and saw I could use ar and a certain game and said to myself that doesn't look to hard.  I ordered the wrong game it was a pltinum hit didn't catch that I had to have a certain bond game and didn't want to order another so I came across a guide that mention I could use something called xboxhdm. first I got all my files together and created the iso.  When I try to uxe xbrowser or  other options I get cd not found or something like that and found out it was because I have a sata dvd drive.  My motherboard has 4 ide and four sata but my drive is a sata drive, so than I saw something that said I could use a usb methed 2.2, I tried that and couldn't configure everything right for some reason.  Upon boot instead of getting a blue boot screen I got something like it was trying to boot linux withe reboot option, halt, and two other options.  Than I ran across something saying xboxhdm quick user guide (,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=897),  that is the link to the search page but to get to what I am refering to you will have click on the pdf link.  This is like a 1.9 version made to work on usb of something like that.  Once I booted up and got inse and made it all the way to the part where it asks what drive do I want to, I forget what it says but there is like four options primary slave so and so, I enter 1 for primary, it gives me Warning : no DNS servers found and a second line that says Qemu: could not open disk image.  the type of xboxhdm I am using allows you to go into a linux os I say this because I want to state I can see all my drives but everytime I connect the xbox drive I can't see it.  I am also conected the xbox drive while it is unlocked so I know that can't be the problem and the reason I know it is unlocked is because I am using the unlock methed where you disconnect the cd drive cable and the power to the drve and power on to get the error 12.  I did dsomething just to see if the computer was recognizing my xbox which was to turn it on and than boot intyo my computers bios and it was there as the primary on the first ide like it should be, I'm really lost now, tryed googing around for answers no success.  HELP PLEASE.  If you can maybe help to resolve where I went wrong with the 2.2 and I could report back if it worked or not because I know it does I just have to be doing something wrong I have a winrar file that has everything dealing wit 2.2 all together the c folder f folder etc, all I have to do is run rp preprigth but its not working, or if you just have a answer to why I can't see pick option 1 for the drive which would probably be easier please help.

This is the tutorial I used for 2.2:

k, here is a quick guide to XBOXHDM2.2. thanx to scullc for creating the tool.

disclaimer: Use this tutorial at your own risk, i take no responsibility for any damage caused to your XBOX or PC.

XBOXHDM2.2 download

Plug the USB you are going to use into your PC and follow these steps to get it bootabale
1.Download RMPrepUSB:
3.I chose syslinux boot option then 'prepare drive' - note I selected 'no' when asked any questions during this part
4.I then choose to install grub4dos using RMPREPUSB.
5. unzip and copy everything from the XBOXHDM2.2 download onto the USB.(overwrite as needed)
6.Place your "eeprom.bin" file in the "eeprom" folder located on the root of the flash drive.(if modding a vergin box, dont worry about this)
7.Populate the /hdm/C folder with the M$ Dashboard files.
8.Populate the /hdm/E folder with any chosen files (games saves etc) that you require installed.
9.Download Ndure 3.1from here: http://www.xboxisozo...ler-for-PC.html. unzip it and run the Ndure-3.1.exe
10.Checkmark the following boxes
  • core files

Under Softmod & NKPatcher options
  • Install Ndure basic
  • Use NKPatcher .06 (if you have an HDD larger than 8GB or are upgrading to a larger HDD)
  • boot XBL dash with eject (optional: mark this to get a dual boot)

Under Kernel selection
  • choose your kernel(found buy booting your XBOX and going to settings and sytstem info. let it scroll to the bottom and you will see K:1.00.XXXX.01 the XXXX being your kernel number)
  • create XBOXHDM installer

11.Hit next and it will create a new folder called Ndure in the same directory the Ndure-3.1.EXE is in.
11.b.optional: if you wish the console to boot directly to XBMC when it is first started, you can get a copy of XBMC from and copy the contents to the Ndure/E/Dash folder. be sure to delete everything currently in that folder first.
12.copy this new folder onto your USB in the HDM folder. there is already a folder called Ndure there, it should ask if you want to merge the 2 folders, choose yes.
10.That's it! (power off your PC and unplug your PCs HDD and DVD drive) Reboot using the USB drive and if all has gone well, you should see the (blue) boot screen. (wait to boot till you have the XBOX ready to hotswap)


At this point remove the top of your XBOX and pull the IDE from the back of the DVD drive. boot up your XBOX and as soon as you see the error 12 pull the IDE from your XBOX HDD. your XBOX HDD should now be unlocked

1. boot your PC with the USB and wait till you see the blue boot screen.
2. plug the XBOX HDD into your PC and then choose option 1. XBOXHDM2.2 & SLAX (if yoou are using this program to upgrade to a larger HDD. you should wait to plug the new XBOX HDD into your computer till after post. in my experience it is best to plug it in when the boot script pauses for the first time for about 3 seconds. this will prevent an error "the drive is frozen" later on when trying to lock the new HDD)
3.After a moment you will come to the GUI. click the black box in the lower left hand corner
4.type "xboxhd2" without the quotes and then "yes"
5.choose option 1.
6.choose option 2 Activate XBOXHDM stage 2, and type "yes" to continue
7.after a moment QEMU will open and tell you to type "xboxhd" or "xbrowser". If upgradeing to a new HDD type "xboxhd" and then choose the option to build a new xbox HDD from scratch.(if doing the upgrade, after it is done creating the partitions and formating them, choose option 8 and then type "xbrowser".) If you are doing a virgin mod type "xbrowser" to enter the Midnight Commander.
8.on the left side of the screen navigate down to the Ndure folder and press enter. then again down to the Ndure script and press enter. it will open an install menu for Ndure
9.choose option 2. replace C with Ndure. wait for it to finish all 3 steps. this could take up to 15 minutes. F10 to exit Midnight Commander.wait for it to check the file structure and then you can power off your computer(DO NOT POWER OFF THE XBOX YET)
11.unplug the HDD from your PC and plug everything back together on your XBOX. when the IDE is plugged back into the XBOX DVD drive and the HDD you can power off and reboot you XBOX.


i also suggest that you get a copy of HeXEn (Heimdall's xbox enineering disc). this has the ability to update your mod and to install a few of the best and most need apps including XBMC and XBPartitioner, also it has the ability to change your default dashboard. you can find it here:
or the torrent here:
