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Author Topic: It Seems We Have A Slight Problem  (Read 529 times)

2 Bunny

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It Seems We Have A Slight Problem
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2009, 06:12:00 PM »

QUOTE(obcd @ Dec 10 2009, 02:40 PM) View Post

Yes, this might explain the broken OnLine dash coming up. It's the Online dash xbe that is exploited.
If the exploit doesn't kick in anymore, you are stuck with that dash.


All right, Gotcha.

QUOTE(obcd @ Dec 10 2009, 02:40 PM) View Post

2 or 3 gives you the M$dash and M$online dash.
I just don't know which one does what, as I never power my system with the eject button.

If the xbox clock chip indicates a battery failure when you switch on with the power button, you will get the M$dash clock setting screen. After the clock is set, you can IGR to get to your modded dash.


So for the dualboot, basically, I need the main xbe file from the shadow c to be my xb0xdash.xbe on the real c drive. I also need every other folder that is in the Shadow C (the full ms dash) on the REAL C drive, even if it is not alredy there? What about those duplicate files that are xb0xdash_ffp.xbe or somethign like that? What are those, and do they have any significance?

Oh, and update on the copy games, I got bored of trying to mess around with DVD2xBOX, so I did it the OLD SCHOOL WAY in the NDURE ToolShed, and used the "copy game disc" button from the dashboard there. That worked with Big Bumpin' (that and enter the matrix are the two "trouble games"), but a few files just refused to copy on enter the matrix, and nothing would make it work. It could read the files perfectly fine, just couldn't copy 'em. So, I tried that in DVD2xBOX, this time with ISO Ripper turned off, and at the end it said "certain number of files renamed...", and I think that has something to do with the filesize/length/length of title limit of the FATX file system. So, after some trial and error, that problem is now fixed. Now, just that pesky error 21 on dualboot...

- 2 Bunny

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It Seems We Have A Slight Problem
« Reply #31 on: December 11, 2009, 01:52:00 PM »

QUOTE(obcd @ Dec 11 2009, 04:42 AM) View Post
Take a look at the xbox linux forum. They have a list of all the files/folders that belong to the M$dash. An even better solution is extracting a Slayers rescue iso. It contains the stock M$dash 5960 files and folders of the unmodded dash. You might be able to google for those as well. Carefully verify that all stuff present there exists on your real C drive as well.
Your C drive will contain extra folders like the bios one and the shadowc one which belong to the softmod.

I can't remember the existence of a 'xb0xdash_ffp.xbe' file.

It is already a couple of years ago that I tried to understand the way the softmod was working.
I forgot the details of the "eject button" boot sequence. It was my opinion that the xb0xdash.xbe (with the zero) was launched instead of the xboxdash.xbe (the normal M$dash main xbe).
I just don't understand how they can do that without altering the bios.

And as you know, my opinion isn't important here. I will try to launch the xb0xdash.xbe and see if that brings me to the M$dash. This would prove that at least part of my statement is correct.

That file does launches the M$dash. In your case, you will probably get the error 21 as well.


I know, I already have a working full stock MS Dash on my Shadow C drive. I just can't dualboot it. My question is, what MS dash files and folders do I need on the root of my real c drive. Launching xb0xdash.xbe from the non shadow (the REAL) C Drive presents me with error twentyone which leads me to believe that I need to have some sort of ms dash on my real (non shadow) C drive.

Here is what I've got on the C Drive:

Here is what I have on the shadow C drive (a fully functioning ms dash, both xboxdash.xbe and xboxdash_ffp.xbe load to the same working ms dash):
xbox book.xtf

I'm gonna try putting the xboxdash_ffp.xbe from the shadow c onto the xb0xdash_ffp.xbe on the real drive, and maybe try to add (maybe) some other folders in (but not the fonts folder I believe)(I might not try messing around with files so much, because I just got my hard drive cloned and put back in, and it is very irritating to have to go through with mokeying around with taking it apart).

When it all boils down, here is the question: WHAT PARTS OF THE MS DASH NEED TO BE ON THE REAL C DRIVE IN ORDER FOR IT TO BOOT TO IT WITH THE TRAY OPEN? (Thats caps, not yelling smile.gif) That is the big question here. Based on that post above, it sounds like I need to have everything there, but with experience we know that cannot be true. To update, I tried making xboxdash_ffp.xbe from the shadow drive xb0xdash_ffp.xbe on the real c drive, but still no go, still error twentyone. Can anyone figure this out? I am completely stumped.

- 2 Bunny

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It Seems We Have A Slight Problem
« Reply #32 on: December 12, 2009, 09:31:00 AM »

QUOTE(obcd @ Dec 12 2009, 05:07 AM) View Post
The filler1.img, filler2.img and shadowc.img should be in the shadowc folder instead of the root of your C partition.

I have no idea where that xb0xdash_ffp.xbe comes from. The name simply doesn't ring a bell to me.

My xboxes have the debug dash on their C as well. So I am unable to tell you what is needed for a functional M$dash.

There is an article here created by ldotsfan where he explains how you can manually do all the ndure script actions with xplorer360. Those are the only differences between a normal M$dash and an exploited dash.

Extract a Slayers iso. Check it's M$dash file and folder structure.

Check your folders on your real C. They should contain files as well.
Just a correct root structure isn't enough.

If you run the M$dash from within your modded dash, the one on your shadowc is running.

If you run the M$dash from an eject button boot, the one on your real C is running.
The shadowc isn't active at that moment. The xbox is running unmodded. It won't play backup disks either.



All righty. Gave that a try. I got rid of the duplicate shadow c and filler .IMG files, and I got rid of the filler2.img and filler3.img from the shadowc folder (I deleted them from the folder so I would have enough space) and copied every file and folder from the Stock MS Dash backup to the real c, but running xb0xdash.xbe or starting the machine and then opening the tray still fail and present me with that stupid error twentyone. Do you think maybe sending a message to idotsfan who seems to be more educated about this might help? I tried some of those pointers in his tutorial, most of which I had already done, nothing worked anyway. Both xb0xdash.xbe and xb0xdash_ffp.xbe do the same thing (they do the same thing when you launch them from the shadow c: They work, but if you put them on the real c and name them with a zero instead of o, you magically get an error twentyone). I wonder if I have the MS dash labeled wrong.

- 2 Bunny


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It Seems We Have A Slight Problem
« Reply #33 on: December 12, 2009, 12:11:00 PM »

the xb0xdash.xbe  is 1,961,984 bytes ??


if you have a E:\NKP11\boot1.bin

or E:\boot1.bin      DELETE IT


2 Bunny

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It Seems We Have A Slight Problem
« Reply #34 on: December 12, 2009, 12:44:00 PM »

QUOTE(xman954 @ Dec 12 2009, 02:11 PM) View Post
the xb0xdash.xbe  is 1,961,984 bytes ??


if you have a E:\NKP11\boot1.bin

or E:\boot1.bin      DELETE IT


No boot1.bin

The xb0xdash.xbe is exactly that size.

Does that help any? I kind of thought, could I maybe do a redirect xbe file to redirect it in a way we know actually works? If not, carry on.

- 2 Bunny

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It Seems We Have A Slight Problem
« Reply #35 on: December 12, 2009, 07:07:00 PM »

QUOTE(obcd @ Dec 12 2009, 06:01 PM) View Post
The only way to find your problem is checking all your files and folders on your real C partition.
You must have overlooked something.
Maybe there is a file that didn't ftp or copy over completely due to the disk being full or another reason.

The correct M$dash C files and folders of the 5960 dash are in the slayers rescue iso. You can extract that iso with the Qwix program. You will need to check every file and folder to see if the one on your real C partition and the one from the Slayers have the same length.
I know it's a terrible job, but it is one we can't do for you.

I know you have a working dash on your shadowc, but I have more trust in the slayers files.

If you see something suspected, report it first before you start experimenting with it.
Rushing things might break the softmod.

Error 21 is what you get when the M$dash can't find a file or folder. The tricky part is finding which one.

You can't redirect anything. The xbox is running unmodded so the XBEs need to be signed ones.


All right! It got fixed. It turned out the backup I had been restoring from was missing a handful of files in the xboxdashdata.185...blahblahblah folder, and it now miraculously works! Even the uaudy in the MS Dash works too - nifty. I found out what happens if you don't have uady installed and you try the <<eggsbox>> thing, it gives you a long list of credits. That developer who thought he'd/she'd hide that thought he/she was cool and undercover, but it turned out to be a back door for exploits! I can't believe I didn't try that at first anyway laugh.gif makes me feel kinda stupid. But thanks for all your help obcd and all those other countless people who have assisted me in my troubles in this thread biggrin.gif you're all so helpful. Good Job.

- 2 Bunny happy.gif

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It Seems We Have A Slight Problem
« Reply #36 on: December 13, 2009, 10:10:00 AM »

QUOTE(obcd @ Dec 13 2009, 05:30 AM) View Post

It wasn't a back door for exploits. It was an "easter egg" to launch the credits screen.
As the audio exploit only worked on older dashes, the easter egg was used as a method to launch such a dash. I have only seen a couple occasions in which it could be used to rescue an otherwise messed up softmod.

I am glad you fixed your issues.



All right! laugh.gif It is pretty epic having a fully functioning xBox. Not that it wasn't functioning before, its just that it didn't feel right having it boot to an error screen if the tray happened to be open.

I kinda also have an xbox media center related question (I realize that this thread has drifted far off the original topic), and that is in the MC360 Skin, how do you make it so that the "emulators" button redirects to your emulators folder, your "games" button redirects to your games folder, and stuff like that. By default it takes you to the list of programs sources. Is this possible, or is it an xbox media center limitation? I have the newest xbox media center (the lates "tech seven" build) and the newest mc360 also, if that information helps any. You guys are just so helpful on softmods and xbox, I thought maybe you'd have some info on the mc.


- 2 Bunny

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It Seems We Have A Slight Problem
« Reply #37 on: December 13, 2009, 02:26:00 PM »

QUOTE(obcd @ Dec 13 2009, 03:09 PM) View Post
I don't know the MC360 skin.
Don't you have the option "add source" that makes you browse your harddisk partitions?  
Once you selected a folder, you give the entry a name, and it is added to that selection.


Yes, but I would like it to go to my "f:/games" partition when I press "games" or my "E:/apps" partition when I press applications. Right now, no matter what button I push, it takes me to the list of sources for programs, like what would happen if you pressed programs in any other xbmc skin.

- 2 Bunny

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It Seems We Have A Slight Problem
« Reply #38 on: December 17, 2009, 02:22:00 PM »

QUOTE(obcd @ Dec 17 2009, 04:41 AM) View Post
Under games, click "add sources" and add the f:\games folders. Under applications, do the same with the e:\application folder.

Next time you select games, the f:\games folder should appear in the list of possible game locations.


First of all, no matter which button you push (emulators, apps, or games) it always takes you to the EXACT SAME PAGE. huh.gif My goal is to make it so that when you press on APPS it takes you straight to your apps folder, no questions, no fiddling in between screens, and when you press on GAMES it takes you straight to your games folder, no questions, no fiddling in between screens, and so on. Is this doable, or is it just a lost cause?

- 2 Bunny

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It Seems We Have A Slight Problem
« Reply #39 on: December 18, 2009, 02:01:00 PM »

QUOTE(obcd @ Dec 18 2009, 03:34 AM) View Post
It's the way it is working with the normal skin.
Since xbmc can't possible know where you keep your games, your video and your audio, you have to define those locations once.

If you select video, you will just see the folders you added under the video selection, the same for audio and programs.
I don't think they split up applications, games and emulators, as those are all just applications...

But, what I think isn't important. You might get a better answer if you ask in the xbmc dashboard forum topic.


All right. That is what I am doing. The xbox media center has not responded yet after I posted it a few days ago, and the other forum, the team blackbolt forum banned me after I posted that as my first post for supposedly having "multiple accounts". What the crap! I scarcely ever even looked at their puny pathetic little forums, let alone register multiple times. If I register multiple times, I just register my name (2 Bunny) with a numeral ((2) for second account, etc.), and since that was not taken, and since I had not ever registered there before, I was banned. But rather than creating a new account so that they could say, "harharhar we were right, now yu really banned!", I just sent an email to the email address it suggested with my question in the email so if for some reason they chose not to reactivate my account, there is the possibility it would get answered there. Like you said in your post before, I don't think what I want to do is possible, but it might be with some modification. For now though, I'll have to hit two buttons.

- 2 Bunny


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It Seems We Have A Slight Problem
« Reply #40 on: December 18, 2009, 05:43:00 PM »

From what I can see it's not possible 2-Bunny. However I nor anyone appreciate the snarky comments you are making. If you expect help and respect maybe you should be a bit kinder with your words.

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It Seems We Have A Slight Problem
« Reply #41 on: December 19, 2009, 12:06:00 PM »

QUOTE(H4L0G33K @ Dec 18 2009, 07:43 PM) View Post
From what I can see it's not possible 2-Bunny.  

All right. I just thought it was kind of pointless to have three buttons that do the same thing, but maybe they function better in the varieties of xboxmc media center for different platforms.

QUOTE(H4L0G33K @ Dec 18 2009, 07:43 PM) View Post
 If you expect help and respect maybe you should be a bit kinder with your words.

Can do. wink.gif  laugh.gif (<-Closest smiley combination I could come to a wink) I just have a hard time people lying about me. If you are going to make a senseless decision (as you or whoever did on the forums on that other site), at least don't lie about it.

- 2 Bunny
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