
Author Topic: Nkpatcher Settings?  (Read 30 times)


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Nkpatcher Settings?
« on: February 03, 2020, 12:57:00 AM »

Hello everyone,

Recently, I had installed Ndure 3.1 on my X-box to great success! I used Kingroach's PC installer and used XboxHDM to hot swap my drive to get it installed, everything went well, I had everything set up the way I wanted. Recently though, I purchased a set of component cables for my TV that only does 480i. For whatever reason, I found that the forced 480p was enabled in NKPatcher and I quickly made a config.bin with it commented out and it now works great. My only dilemma at this point is I don't think the config file I placed in the folder is identical that I was using originally.

I originally dual booted the MS dash with the eject button, and XBMC with the power button. But now that I am overriding the original config with the file I placed on the HD, it always boots to XBMC, and I can only boot the MS dash by using the file manager.

My main question is, how can I figure out exactly what settings I had on originally and make a duplicate config.bin with them, only with forced 480p disabled? Or, does anyone have a config.bin that is a "retail" setup that already allows the dual boot, and disabled 480p? I tried looking through the files myself, but I'm not exactly sure what to change as some things say typically disabled but I see that they are currently enabled on the file downloaded from kingroach's site.

All help is greatly appreciated!


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Nkpatcher Settings?
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2008, 08:51:00 AM »

download this file:

this is the nkpatcher used in Ndure 3.1

in the runtimeconfig file, make sure you have these line, if not just change them:

%define KINGROACH_VERSION  ; NDURE 3.X <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
;;; tray boot enable (must enable to use dual/tri or patch back)
%define TRAY_BOOT
;;; tri-boot enable < dual is default, with tray_boot enabled
;%define TRI_BOOT
;;; close the tray when NOT tri-booting (faster booting then tri-boot)
;;;   default Dashboard path (and tray boot closed) 2=C 1=E 6=F 7=G
%define DASHBOARD_PATH    '\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\dash\default.xbe'
%define DB_PATH2     '\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\ndts\default.xbe'
%define DB_PATH3     '\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\app\default.xbe'
;;;   tray OPEN dash, when key IS patched back (must be a MS signed xbe)
;;;                        MUST BE PARTITION 1 or 2
;;; use this to patch back the MS key then boot PB_OPEN_PATH
%define PB_OPEN_PATH   '\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2\xb0xdash.xbe'
;;;   Dashboard path's for tray OPEN dash when using dual/tri-boot
;;;                      and NOT using PATCH_BACK_MS_KEY
;;;   tray OPEN dash, when key IS NOT patched back (must be a habibi signed xbe
;;;             and MUST be partition 1 or 2 when NOT using OPEN_DASH_WITH_NKP)
%define OPEN_PATH          '\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2\xodash\x2onlinedash.xbe'
;;; use this to enable all of NKP (disable to boot some other HACK)
;%define    OPEN_DASH_WITH_NKP    


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Nkpatcher Settings?
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2020, 12:39:00 PM »

you can also remove/rename your NKP11_config.bin
and use a video.bin file with just a "0"  (1 byte ascii or hex as only the first two LSB are used)