
Author Topic: Halo 2 Won't Start After Soft-mod...  (Read 36 times)


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Halo 2 Won't Start After Soft-mod...
« on: January 27, 2007, 07:39:00 PM »

EDIT:  Nevermind, I posted too soon.  Digging further in the forums, I found that all I had to do was clear the cache in the HDD.  However if you're having a problem similar to the one I describe below, try clearing your cache.  smile.gif


Hi guys,
  First of all, I want to say thanks for a great site here -- This was the only place I could find with up-to-date/understandable tutorials for soft-modding an xbox.  So, thanks.  smile.gif
  Now, my problem.  I recently and successfully soft-modded my xbox using the ndure tutorial pinned at the top of this forum -- everything went fine.  I then upgraded to a 120GB Western Digital HDD, using the same tutorial -- still everything fine.  Then, I popped in my Halo 2 disk.  It loads up fine, shows the MS/Bunjie little intro video, and then goes to the blue screen with the halo music, where it says "press start."  Everything freezes when I press start.  I tried it several times with no luck.  It ran fine before the softmod.  I also tried ripping the game to the HDD and running it from there (from within whatever default dash ndure installed, and also with xbox2dvd), and it did the exact same thing.  Is this a compatibility issue with my HDD?  Please help!  Thanks!


PS, I would try this with another game, but Halo 2 is the only one I own.  sad.gif
