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Author Topic: Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure  (Read 128 times)


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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« on: August 01, 2006, 09:16:00 PM »

I have heard people say SID 4 sucks and krazies Ndure is the way to go..... But why?

I have SID 3 right now and I want to upgrade to a newer soft mod. SID 4 seems more profesional (no offense Krazie). I just download SID 4 and it came with a PDF file that had tutorials and pictures and everything. The pack I downloaded came with game saves for all three games. I got krazies from the usal place (xbins) and it has two game saves that are called "SC Save1" and "SC Save2". Are those for Splinter Cell? are those the only saves I need?

SID 4 has a bunch of tutorials and guides on how to install it but I haven't seen anything for Krazies Ndure. I never heard of it until I came to this site. If it is so much better why isn't there more guides and more talk about it on other sites?

This post has been edited by dan_plus_o: Aug 2 2006, 04:23 AM


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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2006, 09:55:00 PM »

Some people like to stress out the time and effort on it to make it look what you call "professional". My main concern is to make a stable, easy in use and functional installer.  I don't care much for the looks. Looks and functionality are two different things. especially if you have witnessed countless threads about people with messed up softmods using a flashy installer. Use what you like best. No one is forcing you to do anything different.

This post has been edited by krayzie: Aug 2 2006, 05:00 AM


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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2006, 11:09:00 PM »

I read that SID 4 has a thing were if you mess up your dashboard that you can get it back just by a few press of the buttons. does your soft mod have anything like that?

So would I just copy the two game saves SC Save1 NTSC and SC Save2 NTSC and then load it up like I would with any other soft mod game save? Then I should be able to follow the on screen instructions, right?


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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2006, 06:16:00 AM »

Yeah, that dash protection your talking of was stolen from Krayzies Ndure. Another reason I don't like SID. If you notice Knave was released shortly after Ndure then as Ndure updated, so did Knave.

Yeah, you will copy both the SC saves to your XBOX then install it just like any other softmod. Just follow the onscreen instructions.

And there are no guides cause it's so easy to use, it doesn't really need a guide. Just follow the instructions in the readme.txt and your good  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

And as Krayzie said looks aren't everything. Just like a dash has a skin on it, that's all it really is, just some fancy skinning and such. Means nothing about how good it works  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

This post has been edited by cerealkillajme: Aug 2 2006, 01:21 PM


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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2006, 10:24:00 AM »

Doesn't that piss you off Krazie?

At the end of a SID 4 post by Nknave, Nknave thanked you for helping him with the exploit. Why would you help him if he is steailing your stuff? Or were you just answering questions about your exploit?

Aparently you can only install the dashboard on the E drive when using SID 4. Is that the same with Krazies Ndure? Or can you install a evox dash to C:\Evoxdash.xbe when using krazies ndure?

This post has been edited by dan_plus_o: Aug 2 2006, 05:28 PM


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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2006, 10:34:00 AM »

No the dash goes on E. This is the best place for it. And all the stuff out there is existing stuff. I have no secrets. All the stuff I used were made by someone else too. I just put them together in an pre set upped way. If someone decides to copy a lot of my options it's his right. I'm actually glad he improved the sid package with more up to date stuff instead of hanging on the the outdated crap in the older sid installers.


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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2006, 03:18:00 PM »

There is one main thing I want. I want it so when the xbox starts it does this:

boot Tray open---- Evox
boot Tray Closed---Evox

I don't go on live. So is there a way to install it so the evox dash always comes on?

On SID 4 you can set it to single boot. Can yours do single boot?

And do I have to intsall Ndure? What is Ndure anyways? Do I need it if I don't play on XboxLive?

If I choose single boot will it not install Ndure??

One more thing. I have SID 3 right now and I can push L trigger + R trigger + Back + Black and the xbox will reset to my default dashboard. Will I still be able to do that with your (krazie's) soft mod?

This post has been edited by dan_plus_o: Aug 2 2006, 10:28 PM


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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2006, 04:28:00 PM »

Ndure = Krayzies Ndure versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.1.1 update kit. They are all softmods, just like SID 2.0, 2.1, Knave 4.0, etc. (There is a thread somewhere that better explains what Ndure really is and it's purpose and reason for creation)

By default Krayzies softmods are single boot anyway. Dual and tri-boot is completly optional. So yes you could use either dash (UnleashX or EvoX) and always boot to it wether you use eject or power it will boot whichever one you pick when setting up the softmod. Also with CASH v1.0 you can change your dash to those 2, XBMC, and Avalaunch and they will all boot just like EvoX or Unleash would (always on).

Not sure if SID can do single boot, I would think it is by default. I only played with them for a few minutes while testing CASH, just wanted to make sure it could wipe them off and install Ndure fine, lol.

If you want to use Krayzies Ndure (any version) you will need to remove SID before installing it. CASH can be used to remove all SID's except Knave 4.0-4.5, those you have to take off yourself. Also if you wish to use CASH you need to use Krayzies Ndure softmods before you can do much with changing dashs and installing apps.

No you don't need Ndure for playing on Live, but it is the safest softmod for playing on Live though.

Yes you can do that with Krayzies softmods (IGR=In Game Reset). You can probably do that with your xbox now anyway, just go into the settings and set IGR to ON.  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

This post has been edited by cerealkillajme: Aug 2 2006, 11:30 PM


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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2006, 05:04:00 PM »

I have one question to ask that has been bothering me...

I installed SID 3 and then I used an AID disc and Installed this thing called "Nkpatcher + Ms Dash"

Will cash be able to clean that Nkpatcher thingy aswell?? Or should I convert back to stock using the SID 3 menu?

This post has been edited by dan_plus_o: Aug 3 2006, 12:05 AM


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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2006, 05:34:00 PM »

Yes, it can wipe NKPatcher off as well. Just not Ndure or Knave. Those are the only 2 that I know of. I found that in testing when you try to wipe the HDD with either of those 2 softmods it will result in error 22 with Knave and will result in a backup dash with Ndure. It's a protection feature that both softmods use to save ppl's xbox's when they screw up dash installs or delete the wrong files. It gives users a chance to FTP in and fix things or use a disc to fix things. You can still wipe the Ndure softmod off with CASH, but it's a bit different than wiping other softmods off.

That took me a bit of time to work around wiping Ndure off, but if I do another CASH version I should be able to wipe both Ndure and Knave off. I didn't use UnleashX coding as it seemed harder and I saw no real reason to go with it over the EvoX coding, but near completion I realized there were a few things I could not do using EvoX's coding.

This post has been edited by cerealkillajme: Aug 3 2006, 12:38 AM


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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2006, 05:43:00 PM »

I will be able to get Cash in a week. I am at my telus DSL download limit and I don't want to go way over the limit. I am 60% over right now  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)

Also should I do the Krazies Ndure Minimum Installation or Basic Installation?

This post has been edited by dan_plus_o: Aug 3 2006, 12:43 AM


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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2006, 05:49:00 PM »

Basic install. That's what I'd go with. Both work fine with CASH, but I use basic always.


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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2006, 10:02:00 PM »

Lets put it this way, Krayzie did a kickass job building a perfected installer around these forums where Ndure softmods originated. The installer enjoys a fine tuning through the latest-of-the-latest in softmod tools like NKpatcher U02 and has been the longstanding "scene-standard" in installers ever since. While the end user interface may not be as pretty as some, the underlying softmod is excellent.

When somebody asks me for help with SID, AID, Knaves, or more recently, "Shademand's Ready Made Xbox SoftMod" I just have to shake my head. Most of these "1 click super-freindly" installers are crippled ripoffs of old versions of some perfectly viable installer. SOME are as good as Krayzies or Kingroaches, found in this forum, but most fall short.

I always build softmods by hand, and I've never used an installer, but recently I had to do a friends Xbox as quickly as possible and poking around the hard drive afterwards I was really impressed with how quickly everything came together and how simple the end design was. The simpler, the better!

Aight, there we go, my official "kiss Krayzie's ass post". (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

This post has been edited by RiceCake: Aug 3 2006, 05:07 AM


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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2006, 12:45:00 AM »

I knew someone who totally butchered the SID4 install despite the tutorial and had tons of problems.  He then uninstalled it and using the readme and such carried out a perfect Krayzie Ndure install.  Jus tbecaus eone has a fancy readme doesn't mean much.

I swear by Krayzie's stuff, and at teh moment his Ndure stuff since it is the latest and greatest.

Agent Orange

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Sid 4 V.s. Krazies Ndure
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2006, 01:33:00 AM »

QUOTE(dan_plus_o @ Aug 2 2006, 10:25 PM) *

There is one main thing I want. I want it so when the xbox starts it does this:

boot Tray open---- Evox
boot Tray Closed---Evox

I don't go on live. So is there a way to install it so the evox dash always comes on?

On SID 4 you can set it to single boot. Can yours do single boot?

And do I have to intsall Ndure? What is Ndure anyways? Do I need it if I don't play on XboxLive?

If I choose single boot will it not install Ndure??

One more thing. I have SID 3 right now and I can push L trigger + R trigger + Back + Black and the xbox will reset to my default dashboard. Will I still be able to do that with your (krazie's) soft mod?

NDURE is a softmod method. It is what the majority of these installers are actually installing.

Krayzie's default is a single boot, and multiboots are available as options if you prefer. It also has IGR (In Game Reset), which is actually a function of NKpatcher, if I'm not mistaken.
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