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Author Topic: Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit  (Read 330 times)


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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #60 on: July 30, 2006, 03:29:00 PM »

So let me get this straight - if I set my system to dualboot the MSDash, I risk a Live banning?  But only if I use 1.0?  I've been softmodding for friends using 1.0 and telling them that they can boot with Eject to the MSDash which I setup and then put in a game and go on Live - this is no longer the case in 1.1/1.1.1?


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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #61 on: July 30, 2006, 09:47:00 PM »

There is no risk of live banning at this moment. The "potential" risk that is spoken of is a theory of what "might" happen in the future if ms decides to adjust their checking methods for some reason. There is always such a risk present when you mod your xbox and go live. If you want to decrease the "risk" you can coldboot the retail games.


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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #62 on: July 31, 2006, 12:09:00 AM »

Alright.  I just did the 1.1.1 update method to the save (for future reference, you ought to do a batch script to automate this stuff, if you want I can write one) and I will install in the morning.


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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #63 on: August 20, 2006, 09:04:00 PM »

Months ago my friend used Krazie's MA 2.8 to softmod my xbox, should I upgrade to Ndure 1.1?  If so, do I just run the exploit again from MA, like he 1st softmod'd the box?


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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #64 on: October 27, 2006, 11:54:00 PM »

When looking through the update folder for splinter cell I noticed confg2.XML had the .xml extension in uppercase.
None of the other games (077, Mechassault) have this. Both config.xml anf config2.xml files both have their extensions in lowercase in those other games
SHould i change the extension to lowercase or leave it?


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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #65 on: October 28, 2006, 01:10:00 AM »

upper or lowercase is not an issue


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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #66 on: December 05, 2006, 02:22:00 PM »

QUOTE(krayzie @ Jul 30 2006, 09:54 PM) View Post

There is no risk of live banning at this moment. The "potential" risk that is spoken of is a theory of what "might" happen in the future if ms decides to adjust their checking methods for some reason. There is always such a risk present when you mod your xbox and go live. If you want to decrease the "risk" you can coldboot the retail games.

Coldbooting exposes the "real C drive" correct?

If M$ did change their checking methods, couldn't they check for "non standard" files on the C drive and potentially ban you?

Don't get me wrong, I think it's worth risk.  I just want to make sure I understand it as much as possible.  Besides who really looses when M$ bans me?  Ooh!  I have to stop paying $50 a year to a multibillion dollar company?   laugh.gif

Krayzie, your Installer and support is testament to all the hard work you and others have put into pioneering the softmod.  I salute you.


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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #67 on: December 05, 2006, 09:46:00 PM »

Yeah your C is always exposed when you are in a retail state. No workaround about that.


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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #68 on: January 06, 2007, 06:15:00 PM »

Whenever I try to copy my gamesaves over to my HDD from the memory card... there is no option to "copy" the game save. It only says "delete". That's it.

So, I figured what the hell... I'll try running the exploit directly from the memory card. It quickly flashes red/green error 21.

Now I know I wasn't supposed to run it from the memory card... but what is my options if the dash doesn't allow the copying of the game save?

I have a v.1.x xbox with:
K: 1.00.4034.01
D: 1.00.5960.01

I'm trying to use the Krazie's Ndure Autoinstaller Package from xbins.

Does anyone have any input on this one? Thanks for any and all help smile.gif



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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #69 on: January 06, 2007, 10:07:00 PM »

got it! it was a corrupted game save!

It's all done!

Thanks Krayzie for the great install app!!



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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #70 on: January 30, 2007, 07:11:00 AM »

I installed a 200gb drive in a 1.0 xbox. Ihad a chip, I formatted through evox and placed the latest Dash on it.

I locked it, and pulled the chip.

I installed your installer and it works great but the drive only shows 123gb free with XBMC as dash?
What did I do wrong here?



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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #71 on: January 30, 2007, 07:20:00 AM »

Install the Extras and change your NKpatcher to .06 (all on F, no G). Or you can format G and have the rest on G and leave the NKpatcher at .67 (F and G).


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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #72 on: February 05, 2007, 04:19:00 PM »

OK - after some faffing about I worked out the install instructions, thanks in part to this tut:

Now I go to Applications > Krayzie Extras and then I get back to the original installation menu. The only option that jumps out is "Upgrade from 1.0".

So I click that and after some prompts it says: "this will only work if you first COMPLETELY REMOVED the 1.0 save from the hd before transfering the 1.1 save." Then "1.0 not removed. Action: rename"

Am I doing the right thing and what exactly am I meant to be removing?




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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #73 on: February 21, 2007, 09:15:00 AM »

I have few questions for you:

About: Update the installer 1.1  to 1.1.1


Here are the step from the read me file:
1 if you have't unrarred the main rar allready do it now so that you'll get the main folder containing the extras,
rescue disc etc.
2 open the folder with the save (for Splinter Cell you need to open the folder from save 2)
3 unzip the (just the nothing else)
4 browse through the directories in udata untill you can't get any deeper and see a bunch of files (bios.bin, boot.cfg, etc)
5 delete config.xml and config2.xml
6 open the update kit folder and browse to the updatefiles directory from the appropiate game
7 copy the config.xml and config2.xml to the folder from step 4

8 open the Extras folder in the main folder (step 1)
9 delete config.xml
10 copy extras.xml from the updatefiles folder (step 6)
11 rename extras.xml to config.xml
12(optional) for use with action replays you might wanna zip back the udata folder (reverse step 3)

ItÂ’s seem simple until step 8. Why do I need to update the extra folder of the Installer 1.1 if I only use the 1 and 2 for the softmod ? (Via the action replay) DId I  still need to ftp the new (update) extra folder of the installer to the xbox???

Ok, I had no problem in update the That was the easy part for me. The question I have is : it is normal that there is another config.xml not use in the step by step read me file( The first you see when you open the update kit SC )

And ......Thank you for helping us with the sofmod!!!


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Krayzie 1.1.1 Update Kit
« Reply #74 on: February 21, 2007, 09:26:00 AM »

you don't need to update the extras if you are not gonna use it (kinda obviously). The extras are only for "extras"

and yes it's normal
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