
Author Topic: Return To Normal  (Read 61 times)


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« on: September 09, 2005, 08:23:00 PM »

FTP in and backup the usual stuff(eeprom, hdd key, etc.) Then delete anything you don't need/want. If you want completely stock(to install a newer softmod), you can d/l and use the C: and E: directories from Slayer's disc.

If you don't have an exploitable game, after you clear everything out(BEFORE REBOOTING), load the new softmod's files(tuts are everywhere for this). Reboot and you can ftp back in and add any programs, music, blah you want.

There are of course more steps, but this is the general idea.

Let me know if you need more info.

EDIT: Just saw you do want stock, so I'd use slayer's c and e to revert back and then you can add your softmod of choice with any dashes you want to use.

Hope this helps,



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« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2005, 08:23:00 AM »

The most important file is EEPROM.bin you can use evox to make a backup or ConfigMagic. Make sure you save that, plus anything that you want to keep(music, games, etc.)

The C and E are also important but slayer's disc has retail versions of those. You can get it from the usual places, or doing a search on google should bring up some results. You can burn it to a disc, and that way you always have those files, plus a collection of emus, apps, and BIOS, so it's a good thing to have on hand.

Basically, that's it. The EEPROM can help if you need to setup a HDD on your PC, including locking/unlocking(especially for a softmod - the HDD HAS to be locked.) Or want to upgrade to a bigger HDD.

I think that's it so far, just post back if you need more help!



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« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2005, 09:07:00 AM »

So, you want to return the xbox to retail state and softmod it yourself?  Ok, here is what you will need to do:

1.  First, check in the MS Dash's Memory option to see if there are any of these saves - Linux Installer, Run Linux for 007 Agent Under Fire, Run Linux for Mechassault, Run Linux for Splinter Cell.

2.  If you find a save, buy an exploitable version of that game (check my sig to tell how it's exploitable) and load up the gamesave before you FTP in.  The newer installers use hidden virtual C and EEPROMS that won't be "seen" if you FTP'ed from EvoX.

3.  Then, do what dsltech_dude said and delete your entire C and E drives.  Replace with a retail, clean C and E from a SlaYer's disc and also remember to FTP the gamesave installer for your game.

4.  Load up your xbox with the exploitable game and softmod it.


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« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2005, 11:47:00 AM »

Alright, let's start over with this topic.  First, backup your important stuff by loading EvoX and going to System Util, Backup.  Then, FTP into your xbox and find C:/Backup.  Transfer that folder to your computer.  You can find SlaYer's 2.6 and all softmod installers <<HERE>>.  Burn SlaYer's to a CD-RW or DVD and pop it in your xbox.  Use it to format your hard drive as retail, then without shutting off your xbox, reinstall the MS Dash and also FTP into your xbox.  Transfer Krayzie's Ndure Installer (usual place) to E:/UDATA.  You can now turn off your xbox.  Load up the game and then load the "Run Linux" save.  Follow the steps to softmod your xbox.  That's what you have to do.


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« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2005, 04:51:00 PM »

"Limited or no..." shouldn't be a problem. Yep, you need the ethernet cable plugged into your xbox and to a router(or PC), with slayer's running, you should see IP in the corner, use this address and the default user/pass of xbox. Then you should see all the drives on the xbox, just be sure to do the deleting and adding before a reboot or the xbox will be stock and you'll have to use a mem. card to transfer the gamesave.

@textbook - seems like I'm forgetting something, anything extra he needs to know?



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« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2005, 07:35:00 PM »

Is the file supposed to be 158 Mb? That's way to big to fit on a disc isn't it?

The dash that I have is MXM not EvoX. Does that make a big difference and is there a way to change it?


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« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2005, 09:03:00 AM »

Yeah, SlaYer's is big, it will take forever.  See if you can have a friend (with faster internet) download it for you.  CD-RW can hold 700mb, so 158mb is nothing to it.  It will fit with lots of room to spare.  As for the dash, don't worry about it.  Just do a backup using SlaYer's instead of the regular EvoX dash.  Do you know how to FTP?  <<HERE>> is a list of the configurations.  Basically, I would go with a direct connection using a crossover cable.  That's how mine is connected, and it always works great.  Once you have it networked correctly and it's FTPing fine, then SlaYer's and Krayzie's Ndure are the only things you will need.


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« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2005, 10:56:00 AM »

slayers is about 360 Mb unrar'ed. Be glad its on max compression or you would be waiting even longer though tongue.gif


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« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2005, 05:16:00 PM »

Thanks for the FTP guide Textbook. I guess I was thinking 80mb/700 min instead of the other way around. blink.gif

All your guys' help has been great so far. I'm sure I'll be back for more questions. laugh.gif