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Author Topic: Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.  (Read 250 times)


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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« on: May 29, 2013, 09:46:00 AM »

This a good guide, slightly better than the one I used when I modded a friend's console.

I still have a major problem which I've listed elsewhere but it all started when I tried to uninstall an evox mod.

I cleared out the C and E drives and put the clean back up C in but instead of returning to the original ms dash it went hung onto evox m8 BFM (which let me at least FTP for a while).

I had problems with FTP (one of the reasons for me wanting to start again was it started showing weird symbols instead of the directories Filezilla claimed were 100% transfered).

I'm wondering if the reason the backup C didn't kick in was something was lost in the transfer but not registered by Filezilla (which is a well respected FTP program which I imagine most us use or have used)?

Could there have been something hidden in one of the other drives Z, F etc (F was formatted)?

The problem eventually turned to error 21/13 and finally error 16 (because I didn't know at the time about the clock death issue) and I haven't the equipment to hotswap.

So I'm pretty much sunk unless anyone else out there knows better?

I ask here because I don't want to repeat the same screw up in the future with another machine.

Hotswap seems to be the only solution for error 16 and the better half will wear the wrong bits for ear rings if I fiddled about with her Mac.


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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2005, 05:18:00 AM »

Tutorial : Completely uninstall a softmod.

So you're scared by the Bungie boys and gals (or other source) and you decided to get rid of you softmod.

This is the place to be!

As you're modded now, you should still have FTP access. If you don't :

http://www.chefelf.c.../networking.php (I won't be answering questions on networking!)

There will be 4 parts:

1) I used an autoinstaller.

2) I used a 'virtual c:', used an exploitable game + gamesave/installer. (or 'What is virtual c? What are you talking about? But I did use a game to mod')

3) I didn't use a game.

4) I don't have FTP access, I hotswapped.


1) I used an autoinstaller.

# Things needed : exploitable game, exploited savegame on HDD

* Colboot using your exploitable game.
* Load the gamesave you used to mod.
* Choose : uninstall, follow the onscreen directions.
* Done.

2) I used a 'virtual c:', used an exploitable game + gamesave/installer.

# Things needed : exploitable game, original MS dash (from backup or Slayers (xbins)), PC + FTP COnnection.

* Colboot using your exploitable game
* Load the gamesave you used to mod
--> You should now have FTP access.
* connect to your xbox through FTP.
* Delete everything on C:
* Delete everything on E: , except E:\Tdata en E:\Udata
* FTP your original MS dash to C:
* Reboot
--> Your xbox boots now to original dash.

3) I didn't use a game, I don't have a virtual c:

# Things needed : original MS dash (from backup or Slayers (xbins)), PC + FTP COnnection.

* connect to your xbox through FTP.
* Delete everything on C:
* Delete everything on E: , except E:\Tdata en E:\Udata
* FTP your original MS dash to C:
* Reboot
--> Your xbox boots now to original dash.

4) I don't have FTP access, I hotswapped.

# Things needed : original MS dash (from backup or Slayers (xbins)), PC, xboxhdm.

* Make a new xboxhdm boot disk, this time just put the original MS Dash in /linux/c , follow this tutorial

on creating a xboxhdm boot disk :
* Hotswap your hdd to PC. If you forgot how to:
* Follow the xboxhdm tut.
* Reboot
--> Your xbox boots now to original dash.

BONUS INSTRUCTIONS : For the ultra-paranoid and Halo2 cheaters fearing to get banned :

Follow the instructions above, but also :

* Delete The folders : E:\TDATA\4d530064 and E:\UDATA\4d530064 (these are the H2 folders)
* Delete The folder : E\udata\xxxxxxxx (where the x'a represent the unique number for the exploitable game you used.
* Delete everything in E:\cache ,  X: , Y: and Z:
* FTP your original MS dash to C:
* Reboot
--> Your xbox boots now to original dash. Not even a single softmod trace will be there.

Thanks, once again, to :

* Daddy J for the hotswapping tutorial.
* Kingroach for the xboxhdm tutorial.
- All other 'softmod' regulars who contributed in either code or answers!


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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2005, 06:07:00 AM »

Also nice. Should save a few of the constantly repeated posts asked lately.


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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2005, 07:49:00 AM »

Excellent Soullar, hope you will post them over @ REF as well.

This post has been edited by DaddyJ: Jul 28 2005, 02:49 PM

Master X

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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2005, 10:39:00 AM »

Can I get the MS dash files from the usual places?


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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2005, 10:51:00 AM »

Not directly, no. But you should stop by there anyways. Check for Slayers in the usual place. You'll get a useful torrent there......

This post has been edited by Horscht: Sep 4 2005, 05:51 PM

Master X

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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2005, 10:55:00 AM »

OH, so if I put put the slayers disk has the normal dash files?


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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2005, 11:04:00 AM »

If you read the tutorial, you'd know.

Master X

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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2005, 11:34:00 AM »

Do I have to burn slayer with a cd-rw?

Master X

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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2005, 12:04:00 PM »

Ok, mission succesfull! My DVD ROM drive reads the disk but what option do I use to put the original MS dash files back?


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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2005, 12:32:00 PM »

You can get the MS dash off Slayer's ISO by extracting the ISO with a tool like Quix, then head into /System/All/C/.

For me uninstalling my exploit has almost become routine. Grab boXplorer, delete everything in X:\, Y:\, Z:\, E:\CACHE\, check C:\, D:\, UDATA, and TDATA for stray files, reboot Xbox, open memory window in MS dash, delete all homebrew related gamesaves...

Since you can delete the EvoX XBE as EvoX is running, don't reboot after you've deleted stuff before double-checking that everything is clean and sane (especially C:\!), or else you could be hotswapping. Actually if your smart and you grabbed your EEPROM and backed it up to your PC! you can coldswap!

This post has been edited by RiceCake: Sep 15 2005, 11:00 PM

Master X

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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2005, 01:56:00 PM »

I see the filese in c but I cant transfer them to my pc, I can only view them.

Master X

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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2005, 01:40:00 PM »

Alright, everything is deleted and I got my original Xbox dash now beerchug.gif

One last question, I have an alladin xt modchip and I was just wondering if I am allowed to go on live with the hard drive with the chip not activated.

Master X

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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2005, 03:08:00 PM »



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Tutorial : Completely Uninstall A Softmod.
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2005, 05:07:00 AM »

Technically, no, your not allowed to go on live when you have done anything to ur box.

Read all the crap about the marriage theory (XBL, hard drives and eeproms) then ull know. This aint your personal help thread here. Just bout removing the softmod.
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