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Author Topic: Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash  (Read 360 times)


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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« on: January 01, 2005, 04:46:00 PM »

Purpose of this Tutorial

The general purpose of this tutorial is NOT to setup Shadow C, but more of a reference to how to set it up and have your m$ dash setup.
The other purpose is to show you an easy way to get a m$ dash, without downloading Slayers, using only a LIVE enabled game.

How it started for me

So NKPatcher v8.1 came out, and it had a Shadow C feature, but I didnt want to lose, 80 gigs of space to try it, and then v9 & v10 came out, so I finally downloaded v10 and setup this awesome program. Also went and downloaded Drive Image Utils v1.01, and used the shadow c maker on there. (I've seen the ability to use any file, and just format it, after the fact wink.gif) So ran that, and it threw a 500 meg file on my E under E:\shadowc\shadowc.img, and it was an exact dup of my REAL C's setup.

With this in hand, It was a long night of experimentation and reading, not posting, just reading, how other people had used theres.

It woulda been nice if I'd backed up my Real C
Yeah I'll admit, when I first started, I never backup my real C, hence I dont have a m$ dash, never did, never thought I'd want one. (Still dont want one)

Get to the point

Ok my main point is this, to restore a m$ dash on the shadow C, your AFTERMARKET dash is ususally named something like 'EVOXDASH.XBE' and its files are needed too, but the 'HACKED FILES' are not needed on the shadow C since they are being loaded from the real C.

So if you erase everything , except your AFTERMARKET DASH from your shadow C, and place the original fonts in C:\ fonts, and run a LIVE enabled game, then tell it to update your dash, it will install a nice new m$ dash on your shadow C. Therefor allowing your dual-game 'TOP-SPIN&NCAA' to work. You can also run the DASHUPDATE.XBE from any file-manager, sometimes doesnt work on first run, just try it again, it usually always runs correctly on second attempt.

Typical Setup  **May not be identicle to your setup.
My Real C
 xboxdash.xbe (update.xbe)
 Ernie.xtf  -> c:\fonts\nkp\nkp.xbe
 nkp.xbe -> c:\fonts\dash\ux.xbe

My Virtual C
 xboxdash.xbe (Actual M$ dash)
c:\xboxdashdata.XXXXXXXX & all its contents
c:\xodash & all its contents
c:\Audio *Is not restored using this method, and itsnt required.
 Xbox Book.xtf
 ux.xbe (My main dash and its needed files)

***Note that my main dash isnt required on the real C, because it is loaded after the virtual C. Other than my dash being in c:\fonts\dash, the Virtual C is completely Stock.

***Note , this does not require you to have LIVE or INTERNET hooked to the xbox, all required files are on the game disc themselves.

***For a newer dash, use a newer game, dont expect to get the latest dash with a 2 year old game.

***This DOES NOT restore the c:\audio folder, so you'll have no sounds, unless you did happen to back yours up, then just throw it on c: to have the sounds. It however does restore the c:\xodash\audio folder so you still get your XBL buddy sounds. - thanks Pedro for pointing that out.

***This is no way a guide to setup NKPatcher v10, there is plenty of documentation on how to use it, included with it. Also check Krayzie's Sig for some other tutorials

Hope this helps, Got something to add, add it.


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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2005, 05:00:00 PM »

Been handled , thanks.


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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2005, 06:46:00 PM »

Guess  I should mention, you invoke the DashUpdate.xbe to start installing the m$ dash.


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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2005, 09:19:00 PM »

i wrote this in a nother thread, and the author of waffletools said that i should not have used a shadow c and not left a back door. as a last resort i i can open the xbox hard drive on my computer and change the c drive back to default right? check the post out and seee...


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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2005, 09:39:00 PM »

i would like to be able to see and change my original c drive, how can i do that?

Install PBL as an app, and then you'll have access to your real C


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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2005, 12:16:00 PM »

QUOTE(smithstyle @ Jan 4 2005, 02:31 PM)
I have the waffletools w/ version 9 nkpatcher and i believe this has a shadow c, correct? 

NKPatcher v9 does have shadow yes. Actually v8.1 and up support this.
QUOTE(smithstyle @ Jan 4 2005, 02:31 PM)
If so, does it automatically do the shadow?

I'm not sure if waffletools does, contact wafflezone

QUOTE(smithstyle @ Jan 4 2005, 02:31 PM)
ok last question, in the fonts folder i have bert and ernie, your saying erase those and put the saved fonts folder from my backup w/ xbox book and xbox.xtf in there and run topspin/ncaa and run live?

Only delete those if your sure its your shadow drive, dont delete them on your real C

QUOTE(smithstyle @ Jan 4 2005, 02:31 PM)
OK this is really the last question.  If i have shadow c and ftp into the xbox, i am looking at shadow c


QUOTE(smithstyle @ Jan 4 2005, 02:31 PM)
If i understand correctly i have to run pblmeetoo to see the original c, correct?



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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2005, 12:42:00 PM »

please excuse me if I am starting to sound like a noob myself, but I want to be sure If I am following this all properly....

question 1:
If I set up my xbox with a dualboot xbe and the first boot option (nkpatcher10), and ftp to it, I would be looking at the shadowed C:, and if the second boot option (tray open, pblmeetoo), I would be looking at my true C: then, correct?

question 2:
could you setup the xbox with dualboot xbe and first boot option (tray closed) would be nkpatcher with the shadowed c:, and the second boot option (tray open) with nkpatcher with the shadow option disabled, showing you your true C:?

question 3:
can you set up nkpatcher to work without using the shadow option at all (kinda goes with question 2)?

I want to get away from pblmeetoo all together (since nkpatcher10 now supports lba48), and I am thinking about using the shadow option, but I dont want to have all of this installed, cluttering everything up (nkpatcher, pblmeetoo, bioses, ect). I can handle having dualboot and two nkpatchers installed (one with shadow, other shadow disabled), but to have pblmeetoo, nkpatcher, f0nts, bioses, shadowed drive, ect. all installed,  that is just all the more stuff to go wrong and more difficult to troubleshoot down the road.


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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2005, 01:27:00 PM »

QUOTE(smithstyle @ Jan 4 2005, 03:12 PM)
ok, tried to setup pbl as an app, just placed the folder in the apps folder on the e drive like other apps, and tried to execute and just got black screen, does this take awhile? Am i doing something wrong? Readme says to edit the config file, how do i do that?

PBL boots a BFM bios, which boots (usually) c:\evoxdash.xbe first, mkae sure this is where your dash is located.

There is a boot.cfg file that comes with it, you can edit it with a normal text editor.

I recommend using PBL Meetoo with the m8plus bios.



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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2005, 01:29:00 PM »

QUOTE(BlackWar @ Jan 4 2005, 03:13 PM)
question 1:
If I set up my xbox with a dualboot xbe and the first boot option (nkpatcher10), and ftp to it, I would be looking at the shadowed C:, and if the second boot option (tray open, pblmeetoo), I would be looking at my true C: then, correct?

QUOTE(BlackWar @ Jan 4 2005, 03:13 PM)
question 2:
could you setup the xbox with dualboot xbe and first boot option (tray closed) would be nkpatcher with the shadowed c:, and the second boot option (tray open) with nkpatcher with the shadow option disabled, showing you your true C:?

QUOTE(BlackWar @ Jan 4 2005, 03:13 PM)
question 3:
can you set up nkpatcher to work without using the shadow option at all (kinda goes with question 2)?



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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2005, 08:30:00 PM »

Great tutorial anwsered alot of questions i had..


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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2005, 03:37:00 AM »

QUOTE(DaddyJ @ Jan 2 2005, 01:17 AM)
So if you erase everything , except your AFTERMARKET DASH from your shadow C, and place the original fonts in C:\ fonts, and run a LIVE enabled game, then tell it to update your dash, it will install a nice new m$ dash.

I've about read this, admittedly cool, solution in a few places - but I believe I'm correct in saying that this solution doesn't restore the C:\audio folder - so you'll have a silent Dashboard (no Star Trek style background  hum or Woosh sounds) - not a huge issue, but something to note.

Also with Dashboard auto-signin to XBL, arn't you suppost to get 'your buddies now online' chimes while on the Dashboard?  I don't know if this is affected or important to anyone.


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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2005, 04:14:00 AM »

Hmm, I never really paid attension, I will gather a little more research on that and post my findings, but I believe, from memory, that you are correct pedro.

But, thats what you get for not making a backup wink.gif


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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2005, 01:14:00 PM »

QUOTE(DaddyJ @ Jan 31 2005, 09:17 PM)
Which xboxdash? the update.xbe or the m$ dash?


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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2005, 01:15:00 PM »

The m$ dash requires the original fonts, and also the xodatadash.blah blah folder.



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Quickly Setting Up The M$ Dash
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2005, 01:17:00 PM »

QUOTE(DaddyJ @ Jan 31 2005, 09:21 PM)
The m$ dash requires the original fonts, and also the xodatadash.blah blah folder.
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