
Author Topic: Softmodding Woes  (Read 44 times)

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Softmodding Woes
« on: November 16, 2004, 09:03:00 PM »

The other night, I bought an Xbox, brought it home, and set up a soft-mod using xboxhdm, had it up and running in 20 minutes.  No problem.  It was a 1.6  

Today, I went to the same store, bought another Xbox, (both of these are brand new, by the way)  and came home, set it up again, and when I hook the HDD back up to the Xbox, it won't boot.  It doesn't frag, and I don't get an error screen.  After the flubber, it comes up with some scrambled lines on the screen and just sits there.  I let it sit for awhile to see if I can hotswap it again, and when I pull the IDE from the back of the HDD, it promptly switches to error 21.  

Is this Xbox different, or did I screw something up?  I've done this lots of times without a problem, and xboxhdm did it's thing the same way it does everytime, so I'm having a hard time believing I did something wrong.

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Softmodding Woes
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2004, 09:25:00 PM »

Still don't know what did it, but I rebuilt the C: partition and it's working fine now, so never mind, I guess.